
The year is 4700 bc, horses haven’t been domesticated, which are you choosing?

1: full moccasins; harder to make and more care intensive, but able to handle better speeds, and offers the most protection.

2: flip flops; super easy to make and repair, but they are ugly, don’t stay on well, and don’t work to well, but it beats barefoot.

3: heeled sandals; a new fad coming from the early settlements In Greece, very fashionable and gives you more hight, the downsides are it’s the most care intensive, and clunky when you need to run. Not good for hunting or gathering.

4: good ol barefoot; no maintenance and very comfortable at high speed, but you have no protection

by cdawg1102


  1. Hungoverontums29

    4 I don’t even use protection for my dick

  2. salazarraze

    Moccasins obviously. With no digital entertainment, I’ll have plenty of time for the upkeep.

  3. Cooldude67679

    I’ll take the Bering Strait crosstrek’s on slide 2. Reliable, easy to fix, and cheap to afford and fix. They’ll take you anywhere you need to go as long as you properly maintain them.

  4. Levi_Biker

    Definitely 3. I’m a City- I mean, Village-Slicker. Also, Pathways are where it’s at!

  5. JackTrippin

    2 are my beaters and 3 are for when I have court side seats at the Pankration championship

  6. mr_mirrorless

    4. All these newfangled “shoes” are just a fad and wont last long. Ill stick to my feet

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