
You are driving through the streets of Pyongyang, North Korea when you see flashing red in your review mirror and ultimately this, what do you do?

You are driving through the streets of Pyongyang, North Korea when you see flashing red in your review mirror and ultimately this, what do you do?

by HiTork


  1. Levi_Biker

    Pull over, and take your government mandated cocaine. Wait for the police officer to watch.

  2. Boggnar-the-crusher


  3. THellings18

    Nothing because I’m Kim Jong Un himself I can do whatever the fuck I want

  4. 19Dollar4TNight

    bow down to our glorious leader! He shall do no wrong, only I!

  5. SpliffBooth

    I see myself tossing all the kitschy propaganda shit I pilfered out the window as fast as I can.

  6. these things must have a million miles on them

  7. slump-donkus

    Gun it because the intermittent electrical problems will probably kick in mid chase

  8. CaptainPrower

    Hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to the re-education camp I go.

  9. IndefiniteVoid813

    Bold of you to assume I own a car in NK

  10. iused2haveausername

    Tell them the 50’s want their flashing lights back.

  11. pavehawkfavehawk

    Keep driving because it means my escort caught up to me.

  12. EvitaPuppy

    ‘They tried to make me go to. Rehab.
    But I said no, no, no’

  13. canuckinuck

    See if you can make it to the one mandated tourist hotel in Pyongyang. They’ll never find you there.

  14. version13

    It’s OK – they know you because there are only a couple dozen cars on the road in Pyongyang,

  15. Rockfish00

    If I am driving through the streets of Pyongyang then I am either a party member or the daughter of a party member and not subject to the laws that suppress the people. Being pulled over is not a thing that happens unless you betray the party and if you have a car then there is a very low chance that you will betray the party because having a car is itself a luxury.

  16. -BlueDream-

    Reach into my wallet to get my bribe dollars. If I’m driving in HK I’m privileged AF cuz nobody owns a car unless they were elites.

  17. racingwinner

    jesus. they just rattlecanned the markings on the door, didn’t they?

  18. Sea_Page5878

    If you’re driving in North Korea you’re likely a member of the class that doesn’t get sent to camps. Either you’re about to be executed or you get to play the ‘do you know who I am’ card and have the officers sent to the camps or executed.

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