
Saw this cool homemade camper in Moab. Plastered with anti-EMF conspiracy theory pamphlets.

Saw this cool homemade camper in Moab. Plastered with anti-EMF conspiracy theory pamphlets.

by sneakymarco


  1. MeatballStroganoff

    This has r/Infowarriorrides all over it haha

  2. GrandPriapus

    Hey ladies, looking for a job-share opportunity? Work from home? High profile with “Bennie’s”? Well look no further!

  3. DiceMadeOfCheese

    >Bring foul language back into politics.

    I don’t know if I’d vote for him but I would like him included in the debates.

    Actually this guy should moderate the debates, that’d be fun.

  4. KiscoKid1

    How long before this guy sets himself on fire in front of a courthouse?

  5. wolftick

    If you’re anti-EMF then wood is a terrible choice of building material.

  6. BurnTheOrange

    Wtf are those pipe contraptions on the fenders? They look like they’re connected to something.

    And the sliding driver’s window with wooden framing: *chef’s kiss*

  7. worthlessmike0

    I’m assuming there isn’t a shower in there.

  8. I’ll let him slide as a Vietnam vet, those guys along with ww2 vets saw some messed up things, that’s gotta have an effect on your mental health. His fascination with emf is how he copes.

  9. topazchip

    Seems like a normal “outskirts of civilization on the border of a big desert” kind of rig to me.

  10. pongothebest

    What are the copper pipes coming out of the front guard do? What’s that for? How does it all work?

  11. liquidtelevizion

    didn’t want to be a total creep, but I did a quick google of Gary, and I mean…[hell yeah, Gary, live your best life.](

    “Gary spends his winters living in his 86-square-foot ‘Micro Habitat’—a converted 1972 Nomad trailer. […] Outside, the temperature is 15 degrees below freezing. But inside, Gary is warmed by the winter sun through a large window – cozy enough to play banjo in the nude, he says.”

    As I said, *hell yeah, Gary. Live your best life.*

  12. Bender: Behold my handcrafted purity! The modern world can bite my splintery, wooden ass!

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