
FC RX-7 with covered wheels, the official car of…?

FC RX-7 with covered wheels, the official car of…?

by HiTork


  1. chonkin-donuts

    Who made this?, so he can recieve a pipe bomb in the mail

  2. Yaboy51frl

    Looks like a Mitsubishi 3000GT that got melted

  3. Weak_Cartographer735

    The official car of “I had to replace the apex seals and thought to myself ‘I wish more of my car was impossible to work on.'”

  4. flibbidygibbit

    “I’m going to set a land speed record!”

  5. RunninOnMT

    6000 point turns.

    Also, better hope it doesn’t get sideways!

  6. JustSomeWeirdGuy2000

    Back to the Future II prop car.

  7. Sharion_inuyatt

    This is actually very cool, I would drive this car

  8. Imadethosehitmanguns

    The guy who thinks “shaving” door handles and wiper blades doesn’t go far enough 

  9. r/regularcarreviews, the official sub of “I didn’t look at the pictures”

  10. WeraldizUK

    The year is 2032. Petrol is now £4 per litre. This is my ride.

  11. pumperdemon

    Official car of Adam & Eve
    Ladies night out… or men’s night if on Manhatten island I guess

  12. Unlucky-Carpenter-69

    Pursuing bank robbers equipped with state-of-the-art technology through the Tokyo Expressway in 2053.

    You could honestly see something like this as a hero car in a mid-late 80s action anime

  13. jackmccoy86

    It looks like a real life Hot Wheels Coupe Clip.

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