Electric Vehicles

BYD announces its new EV sedan: Yang Wang U7, with the world’s first mass-produced electromagnetic suspension

BYD announces its new EV sedan: Yang Wang U7, with the world’s first mass-produced electromagnetic suspension

by AfternoonFlat7991


  1. AfternoonFlat7991

    [Page content google translated](https://news-mydrivers-com.translate.goog/1/976/976443.htm?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)

    * Yangwang U7 is BYD’s latest luxury sedan with 4 electric motors
    * theoretical max power 1306 hp
    * suspension is based on linear motor
    * suspension can absorb energy to charge the car battery
    * [a promotions video](https://twitter.com/TaylorOgan/status/1783350198502388174) of the suspension system on twitter

    Latest joke in China’s EV community is if you are stuck on the road with a depleted battery, the desperate move to charge the car battery is making love in the car

  2. Car-face

    So it’s basically [Bose’s suspension from a couple of decades ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8sVDenpPOE) (sorry for potato quality, it was posted to Youtube in 2008), but commercialised. I’m surprised it’s taken this long to get to a viable point, but I’m guessing it’s adding quite a bit of weight and complexity to provide something that a lot of people probably won’t appreciate.

    FWIW, Bose’s implementation (or at least the algorithms and IP) [was sold to ClearMotion](https://www.extremetech.com/cars/259042-bose-sells-off-revolutionary-electromagnetic-suspension), [who are supplying it to Nio.](https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/clearmotion-supply-smooth-suspension-tech-nios-et9-ev-2023-12-23/)

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