
2024 Lamborghini Urus. Official car of?

2024 Lamborghini Urus. Official car of?

by Chewbacca319


  1. Anteater_Reasonable

    Having less horsepower than a 20-year-old Chevrolet Cavalier

  2. Shelling out the price of a whole house in most of Europe only to be mistaken on the street for a Dodge Hornet

  3. Time-Bite-6839

    Buick Envista? Dodge Hornet? Lamborghini Urus? Who the hell knows anymore? IT’S ALL THE SAME! SOMEONE END THIS MADNESS!

  4. Abraxas_1408

    Someone who can afford to buy it, drive it 3 or 4 times in a sixth month period, then get bored of it and get another car.

  5. Am I the only one who thinks those look like a BRZ/FRS/GT86 in SUV form?

  6. Lopsided-Ad7019

    Dodge Hornet that costs as much as a house.

  7. chonkin-donuts

    Ahh double headlights my favorite 😡🤬🤢🤮😭

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