
Maserati hearse anyone?

Found in the Belgian wild yesterday…

by dablegianguy


  1. When you’re too poor to die in a real Ferrari.

  2. 4f150stuff

    That’s wild! Are you sure it’s a hearse and not just a wagon conversion?

  3. OneHundredEighty180

    I thought if someone was in a hurry to get to the grave that they’d just use one of Colin Chapman’s death machines. Or a Corsair. Or a Gremlin.

  4. SpecialRX

    I was chatting with a funeral director recently (UK) – they buy BMWs in the uk, ship them to Spain (iirc) to get them stretched, then ship back to England.

  5. Riverrat423

    With a Maserati hearse you have a good chance to be late for your own funeral.

  6. MrFourhundredtwenty

    East Belgium, what do you expect?

  7. The-Ever-Loving-Fuck

    She’s built like a steakhouse but she handles like a bistro

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