
Regular Car Reviews – 2017 Polaris Slingshot: Regular Car Reviews

Regular Car Reviews – 2017 Polaris Slingshot: Regular Car Reviews

by regularcarsvideobot


  1. dumb is the best descriptor for those things

  2. Tacoless_meat

    To me they have always been like a hand-job from a girl with no grip, endurance and poor coordination. Interesting in concept but mediocre in execution; it accomplishes something, but you’re never sure what, and not quite sure if it was enjoyable.

  3. DocPhilMcGraw

    I’m fairly certain Polaris has 75% of Slingshot sales just from Miami alone. Every other vehicle is one of these, and they’re all blasting rap music well past the level at which you can even recognize what’s being played anymore.

  4. lePKfrank

    You’re thinking lamborghini, you gotta think Ferrari.

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