
Spotted in Columbia Mo Best Buy Parking lot

Spotted in Columbia Mo Best Buy Parking lot

by PandaCasserole


  1. JamesJakes000

    Hell yeah I love i! What does it says in the undercarriage?

  2. MikeyW1969

    Looks like it was a Falcon at some point in its life.

  3. The_Elicitor

    A bike rack trailer hitch combo? Pretty interesting addition

  4. HarryWWII

    Anyone else notice the light on top of the rear diff? Clearly this guy spends time under there lol

  5. froparis

    That is an awesome r/battlecars right there

  6. HippyKiller925

    Isn’t that just a unibody pickup at that point?

  7. MordoksVapePen1

    That’s almost some Mad Max shit right there…

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