
$888,000+ 1 of 13 [Rolls Royce Cullinhan Mansory Billionaire] that just sits parked on the street every night in Kensington, London

$888,000+ 1 of 13 [Rolls Royce Cullinhan Mansory Billionaire] that just sits parked on the street every night in Kensington, London

by SenorKerry


  1. What a ridiculous truck, sorry it is.

    This ultra luxury SUV war needs to end quickly. A lot of manufacturers are just picking one of their popular models and turning them into SUV’s and it’s just so boring.

  2. Acceptable_Ad3173

    I am not a fan of mansorry they make the worst mods for cars I hate it when I see mansory on an urus I like cars without the excessive body kits it’s never needed

  3. jojowasher

    Man, that SL looks like it could fit in the back of the Rolls!

  4. That monstrosity is lowering the real estate value of the whole street.

  5. Capri280

    This doesn’t look as bad as most Mansory bodykits

  6. phatelectribe

    Can we ban 1 of X, when it’s literally just a body kit by a third party upgrader?

  7. Gingy-Breadman

    Your Kensington looks much nicer than mine

  8. No-Student-9678

    Probably the best Mansory thing ever made.

    Low bar though.

  9. Cultural-Bite3042

    I hope the SL is also owned by the same person!

  10. Wow. A gigantic tacky SUV for awful people with way more money than taste. Give me the SL any day.

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