
who drives this family values plated M4

who drives this family values plated M4

by FelonyFeline1988


  1. FelonyFeline1988

    He doesn’t like AWD CRVs I think

  2. A_Hint_of_Lemon

    A man who clearly cheats on his wife with a woman half her age.

  3. CraboTheBusmaster

    Someone who doesn’t stop when his GF tells him it’s painful

  4. Shocked he’s not driving a Chrysler vehicle. Ram, Challenger or 300 especially

  5. Medellin-71

    Gitty-Up-N-Go……has to be premium gas for the Beamer.

  6. thomasvista

    I can’t believe the DMV appproved that plate.

    But it’s Florida. The bumpkins in Tallahasee approved a vanity plate with the name of a gang….used to see that car a lot on my way to work in South Florida.

  7. RoookSkywokkah

    Not sure I’d want gas from that place, but whatever…

  8. selfawarestardust

    Regular BMW driver, I’d guess.

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