
A very unique [Tesla Cybertruck] in Potomac, MD

A very unique [Tesla Cybertruck] in Potomac, MD

by Foreverdead3


  1. HeWhoShlNotBNmd

    It looks like those blocks you used to play with as a kid. Look mom, I made a microwave.

  2. iberianC

    Its an abomination, i mean, the cybertruck in general is ugly but this should be a crime.

  3. marponsa

    when i thought the cybertruck couldnt get any uglier

  4. TheTeslaMaster

    Harlequin Cybertruck? There’s no recovering from this automotive abomination…

  5. giggity_giggity

    Actually an improvement. Don’t get me wrong it doesn’t look good. But looking like an IKEA play room set is actually better than stock.

  6. TrackingTenCross1

    Dude, I saw that on River Road down near Wilson but I couldn’t snag a picture in time! It’s… an acquired taste, but it certainly is an attention-getter. Have a good one!

  7. Incontinento

    Is it unique because it’s not on the back of a tow truck?

  8. x_Carlos_Danger_x

    Megablocks 😄 not even LEGO lmao

  9. Xtreemjedi

    It looks like when a 5yo builds a truck from Legos with whatever colors they have.

  10. unique0130

    One more reason to despise the Dutch.

  11. AndreasWonder

    Saw this at the fourway stop sign on Glen and Piney and almost died laughing. There’s another one in the neighborhood that’s bright red.

  12. Frigidspinner

    it looks like a wrecked car where replacement panels have been added, which is ironic because once a cybetruck is damaged you have to replace the whole thing

  13. dresina80

    I’m sick of seeing these already… freakin thing looks like what they start putting together when trying to form an idea… like ZERO design was put into this thing. .

  14. Looks appropriate for the clown car that it is

  15. UglyFast

    I didn’t think these could get any uglier. I guess you do learn something every day.

  16. Prestigious_Emu_5043

    Get my flag off your damn truck

  17. mickstranahan

    Unique means one-of-a-kind.

    Something can’t be very one-of-a-kind.

  18. Eason1013

    Looks like the VW Beetle that had a different color for each panel.

  19. Jagacin

    Somebody built their cyber truck out of those big plastic bricks you get as a toddler.

  20. xela552

    Damm they took an ugly car and made it way uglier

  21. mark_david777

    It looks like a TV test pattern (remember those?). Seems fitting, as this eyesore should be pulled off the air.

  22. Have to say I prefer it to the bare metal.

  23. this shows very well how ugly that thing really is

  24. madbasic

    Unnecessary wrap job given that we already knew whoever bought this was clown

  25. sovietchuuya

    And someway, somehow… they made it uglier.

  26. OmahaMike402

    Imagine stepping on that in the dark

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