Electric Vehicles

Tesla Allegedly Mastered Dry Electrode Process, Will Ship Improved 4680 Cells This Year

Tesla Allegedly Mastered Dry Electrode Process, Will Ship Improved 4680 Cells This Year

by topcat5


  1. Right_Addition_5264

    Did they improve overall quality yet?

  2. internalaudit168

    I guess now that solid state batteries are confirmed to be not of the SciFi variety, we will see other cell improvements from Tesla and a few other manufacturers.

    Going to be exciting times once batteries last longer. Just no reason not to go BEV except for long distance traveling along unproven charging infrastructure.

  3. Avantreesucks

    Given that Musk\Tesla love to lie, that “allegedly” is doing a helluva lot of work there. I’ll start to get excited when someone, anyone else makes the same claim.

  4. vasilenko93

    Next generation Tesla cars would be lit. The reduction wiring, 48v low voltage architecture, steer by wheel, sold state batteries. The benefits stack and stack.

  5. I’ll say the same thing every time Toyota says something about solid state batteries — I’ll believe it when I see it. We see so many press releases from everyone that are just full of shit, or at least promising very hopeful timelines to market. Wake me up when I can actually buy it.

  6. Speculawyer

    I don’t trust anything coming out of Tesla anymore. Way too many lies and broken promises.

  7. farticustheelder

    This is likely BS with more than a bit of wishful thinking tossed in.

    CATL’s Qilin cell beat the proposed 4680 specs in all metrics 2 years ago and CATL never stops improving its batteries. The ‘New and Improved!’ 4680 is already obsolete.

    Tesla needs to stop promising and start delivering.

  8. kimi_rules

    A couple years behind the competitors, but good progress nonetheless.

    Can’t say the same for the other legacy brands though, some really are far behind.

  9. Worldly-Light-5803

    Nothing that Tesla or Pedo Guy says can be trusted, seems like just another stock pump leading into the 2Q investor call.

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