Electric Vehicles

“What Happened To Aptera?!” (Fully Charged Show)

“What Happened To Aptera?!” (Fully Charged Show)

by Qwahzi


  1. tachykinin

    It was a grift from Day One and continues to be, but the (three) wheels are starting to come off.

  2. RobDickinson

    They are going to build a real car soon, soon they say, SOON!!!

  3. WutangchickeN

    My favorite part is that they recently raised prices on their non-existent cars by ~30%

  4. Sham. The YT comments are as delusional as magats….

  5. Nomad_Industries

    Chris Anthony and Steve Fambro have been fundraising on the promise of a hyper-efficient two-seat spermtrike off-and-on for about 20 years or so. Every once in awhile they show off a new prototype to keep ‘investors’ amused.

    Me? Personally? I’d sooner bet on a three-legged rocking horse.

  6. To be honest. the odds of me actually getting one of these cars was always nil, but I did think it was a cool enough that I actually wanted one. Many years have gone by, and even the Cyber Truck made it to market while this vaporware is still “coming soon”. The most impressive part of this grift is that it’s still going on. At this rate, Elmo will release a truly working FSD before Aptera ever makes it to production.

  7. ZeroWashu

    This video is interesting only for two reason. As in, how barren the facility is and second how they just scatter parts on the floor as if displaying the parts implies progress. This has always been the case in most paid placement videos and tours – usually videos playing of their imaginary assembly line and more are shown but they spared us that silliness this time.

    Note this, they recently received body panels in an unfinished state from CPC who is/was supposed to assemble all bodies prior to Aptera working on them. This was supposed to be true for the initial “Production Intent” vehicles but I am suspecting they can no longer afford to pay CPC for the high quality work. [Production equipment and tooling costs](https://i.imgur.com/JvcSQzT.png) which are likely required to be paid to CPC are very high and I bet CPC is not doing the work on the cheap.

    Hence Aptera will now need to finish the parts by removing flashing and more, create a jig to hold the pieces in proper alignment for bonding. All tasks that CPC did.

    The unit with the black SMC CF cover has been on site since April and all they seem to have done is limited wiring and slot in a Chery supplied HVAC system; don’t look closely at their wiring. Last September Chris (CEO) claimed they would have PI builds by December, then February, then April, then June, then August, and now September this year!!!

    What you never see is a work area that shows how progress is being made, components staged for the build, and more. Remember this body with the black hatch has been there since April as they did not coordinate ordering the custom made frame and chassis parts from local suppliers to be on hand when it arrived…

    Honestly this video just confirms how uncoordinated they are and lack of actual progress. After all this first PI build will be a slow speed vehicle because apparently making anything more is difficult.

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