Electric Vehicles

Tesla owner who’s driven 144,000 miles over six years reveals the staggering amount he’s saved on gas

Tesla owner who’s driven 144,000 miles over six years reveals the staggering amount he’s saved on gas

by AccomplishedCheck895


  1. Sudden-Ad-1217

    He saved $20k. You’re welcome. Bebebebop

  2. providencetoday

    Finally a link on here not from petroleum propaganda industry

  3. Wazzzup3232

    I’ve been averaging $200 a month in savings vs my gas car even with switching jobs and getting a shorter commute

  4. SterTheDer

    I have gone from $125/month to
    $20 every 6 weeks + $20/month electricity

    I bought my PHEV for $3,650 and even after the +$2/month insurance increase and the $+65/year registration fee my ROI is >10%.
    Best decision i’ve made in a while.

  5. sierra120

    Waiting for someone to comment

    >but the $12k in battery replacement will instantly negate the gas savings.

  6. RentalGore

    I just did the math having two EVs in our family for a year replacing two ICE vehicles. From June 2022-July 2023 we spent $3769.50 on gas for around 21,000 miles driven between two cars.

    From July 2023-August 2024 we spent a total of $796.87. This includes road trip charging at electrify America.

    We also put in solar in January this year estimating a 10 year payback. If we combine the savings of the EVs and electricity we are saving $7657.16 per year. So the payback is closer to 6 years before taking into account the tax credit.

  7. I initially calculated that switching to my Model 3 for my previous car, a Honda Civic, would save me about $15,000 in fuel cost over 10 years.

    My work installed free chargers, so that’s going way up now.

  8. audioman1999

    I was saving at least $2,500 in fuel cost because my previous place of employment provided free charging.

  9. ThrowUpityUpNaway

    >He compared it to a gas car with similar specifications and claimed he’d **roughly** saved around $20,000 by driving his EV.

    Take this with a grain of salt the size of an iceberg.

    He’d have to go back 6 yrs and track gas prices and miles driven, in concurrence, in order to get an accurate number.

    I agree that it’s cheaper.

  10. KatiRollKing

    I drive 29,000 miles here/year in South Florida, my Model Y saves me $400/month in “gas” and $200/month in tolls plus no oil changes etc.

  11. SonicSarge

    How much value did that car lose? These calculations are irrelevant if you don’t count all the costs.

    Funny stat. It will take me around 50 years to drive that much.

  12. 144,000 miles at 30 miles per gallon is 4800 gallons. At $3 per gallon that’s $14,400. While that’s a significant amount, you still need to account for money spent on electricity for the Tesla (he claims he spent $4,255).

    So $20,000 saved is cherry picking it quite a bit. Or he’s just making up a number.

    If I went from driving a 7 mpg medium duty truck to an electric car, for 144,000 miles, and got free electricity, and gas was $4 per gallon I’d save $82,275 in gas.

    In reality, I went from a 37mpg car to an electric car, and gas is $3 per gallon. Over 144,000 miles that’s $11,675. Electric car get 4 miles per kW. It costs me $0.09 per kW. So that’s $3,240. Actual total saved is only $8,435 (which was already lost on new car depreciation).

  13. Tsunami_Destroyer

    As more and more people get EVs these savings will dissappear since the cost of electricity will need to go up to handle demand unfortunately. This is my opinion but I really hope I’m wrong.

  14. chookalana

    My mid-2018 Model 3 with 131,000 miles has saved just over $9,000 in gas.

  15. timelessblur

    damn 20k and not using some crazy free method of getting power.

    This is by far one of the best example of cost savings I have seen as it using numbers that are much more real and closer to reality. Other than the high average miles per year pretty close to the norm.

    A good article about saving money with an EV out there finally.

  16. truthputer

    If I was him I would simply find a better job that didn’t force me to spend most of my life on the road.

  17. What-tha-fck_Elon

    We are saving $500 a month on gas since ditching ICE. That pays for the lease on the Jeep PHEV & offsets my loan on the Mach E.

  18. Sixtyoneandfortynine

    I haven’t done his kind of specific quantitative analysis, but it definitely sounds about right!

    I *can* say with certainty that our electric bills since adding an EV to the load are still lower than they were years ago before we switched to LED lighting and replaced some older, less efficient appliances.

    I think that is a good illustration that *should* help make the point (and quash a little FUD), and I‘m certain a lot of people have had similar experiences. (I suppose it’s also a good argument in favor of LED bulbs: switch and you‘ll save enough power to charge an EV for FREE!)

  19. Environmental-Ebb613

    I’ve driven my leaf for about the same miles and time, unfortunately had to drop €7k on the new battery

  20. PlasticBreakfast6918

    I save about $4k a year for both of my Tesla’s compared to my previous cars (hybrid fusion, platinum sequoia).

  21. Affectionate-Deer898

    Charging at home at .078 cents. The model 3 is now 4 years old. 174000 km. Saved 5k per year. So 20k basically pays for itself. I mean. Literally does.

  22. Wait, I’m at $24k at 86k miles in a BMW but I created a savings account and didn’t change my budget, so I count gas / oil changes/ brakes / my electric bill went down and insurance… I figure 4 more years or so my next EV is free

  23. BrokenMoralCompas

    Saved no- re directed from oil and gas to food and hospitality more likley

  24. rubenthecuban3

    People don’t say that many of us have to pay higher registration taxes for EVs.

  25. AbbreviationsMore752

    BS articles. Save some gas buy pricey cars. Lol
    Buy a Corolla is you wanna save money.

  26. whiskeyvacation

    I have saved well over CAD$14,000 in 55 months and 112,000 KM driven. Battery still has over 90% capacity.

  27. Secure-Evening8197

    This only works if electricity is cheaper than gas. In Massachusetts, electricity currently costs $0.35/kWh (combined supply/delivery) and gas is around $2.80/gallon.

  28. notmyrealnam3

    I’ve got to save 25 to get to “zero” for my VW ID4 vs a comparable ICE mini SUV

  29. thisismycoolname1

    Unless you live in MA (second highest rates in the US)

  30. NvrSirEndWill

    So nobody cares about the extra $27,000 the car costs?

  31. not_achef

    I bought a Tesla and saved $0 on gas, because my previous two cars were BEVs

  32. spacebarstool

    I charge for free at work. “Feee gas” is a nice perk.

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