
We Drive Solar review: Worth a try! | Renault

“When I wake up in the morning I have this amazing vision of the future. We are 5 years ahead, we’ve all switched for solars and electric cars in the world” explains Robin Berg, founder of We Drive Solar. A shared vision powered by Renault, leader of Electric Vehicle in Europe.

=== What is We Drive Solar? ===

We DRIVE SOLAR is one of the first car-sharing startups powered by solar energy. “We want to equip all roofs with photovoltaic systems and integrate the batteries of the electric cars as energy storage systems, so as to reach 60% of energy self-sufficiency in our city district” explains the founder Robin Berg. And the concept is very simple: “For your daily commutes, you use a quarter of your battery. After driving, you have a battery in front of your house and the energy left can power up your home for nearly two weeks”.

=== What is the link between We Drive Solar and Renault? ===

What first inspired us about Robin Berg’s journey was his powerful inner drive to make electric cars accessible for everyone. Today, 30 Renault ZOE are used daily as car-sharing vehicles in Utrecht, the fourth-largest city in the Netherlands. “We are a small company but Renault doesn’t care. They were looking for people with a vision and told us ‘you have the perfect charging station and we can develop the car’. Today, without Renault as a partner, it would never happen on a larger scale” explains Robin Berg.

=== Discover other projects powered by Renault ===

Do you know that 1 out of 4 electric vehicle in Europe is a Renault? As a leader, Renault is helping talented entrepreneurs to make their project for a better future.

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