
Mobilize Last Mile Delivery #Mobilize #BeyondAutomotive | Renault Group

Discover the Mobilize solutions for last mile delivery services suited to city center. How can the boom in last-mile delivery services be reconciled with the imperative need for eco-friendly solutions and traffic restrictions, especially in major cities? Mobilize is reinventing logistics and transport solutions to move them towards carbon neutrality. Mobilize services designed for artisans and logistics providers are focused on their specific needs.

Mobilize, the brand of Renault Group dedicated to new mobility, offers a wide range of services around the vehicle thanks to an integrated technological platform: financing, insurance, payments, energy, maintenance and refurbishing. Built around open ecosystems, Mobilize encourages a sustainable energy transition, in line with Renault Group’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality in Europe and its ambition to develop value from the circular economy.

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