Electric Motorcycles

Ecobodaa! Kenya’s First Electric Motorcycle

Ecobodaa is an electric two wheeler start-up in Kenya with a mission to revolutionise the motorcycle industry in Kenya.
With annual earnings estimated at 357 billion Kenyan shillings (3.3 billion USD) the boda boda industry doesn’t seem to be slowing down even during the COVID-19 pandemic.
CEO and Co-founder Kimosop Chepkoit wants to put out a product that reduces boda boda emissions (The transport sector in Kenya accounts for about 40% of CO2 emissions) and helps riders build their nest egg and have some savings which can be difficult given the high costs brought by petrol and maintenance for an Internal Combustion Engine motorcycle.
Ecobodaa has adopted the “pay-go” model which sees riders leasing bikes and contributing monthly payments done in installments that go towards them eventually owning the bike once payments are completed.
An exciting product that can reshape the canvas of Kenyan roads once early adoption is fully actualized.

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