Plug-in Hybrids

Plug-in Hybrids: The New Big Emissions Scandal?

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We’re pretty sure by now you’re familiar with the Dieselgate scandal – in which certain Diesel-engined cars from multiple automakers were fitted with cheat devices designed to circumvent emissions regulations around the world.

Well now, there’s a new scandal: the amount of emissions that plug-in hybrids emit in the real world – versus what they supposedly emit on paper.

Unlike the Dieselgate debacle however, there seems to be another cause for certain plug-in hybrids emitting far higher emissions than the companies that make them claim.

Watch the video above to find out more, support us with the provided links, and let us know what you think below — but remember to keep your comments civil… and let us know if there’s someone you’d like us to interview for this series.

Presenter: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield
Produced: Transport Evolved

Please watch: “2023 Kia Niro EV: Why You’ll Want To Drive This”


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