Electric Cars

Living With An Electric Car Changed My Mind

How Driving A 2018 Nissan Leaf Long Term Changed My View Of EVs
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Living with an electric car for six months changed my mind about how I feel about them. I have range anxiety. When you’re driving a Nissan Leaf, it has the equivalent energy in the battery pack of less than two gallons of gasoline. That not only tells you how energy dense gasoline is, but also how wildly efficient electric cars are, as the Leaf gets 150 miles on the equivalent of 1.2 gallons of gas.

And while the benefits of electric cars are clear, for example instant torque, quiet ride, low CG, and much more emissions friendly, they do come with lower range and longer recharging times versus filling a gasoline tank. So after living with a 151 mile range Nissan Leaf for 6 months, how do I now feel about EVs? Quite different, actually. Check out the video for full details!

Engineering Explained is a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program.

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