
Cybertruck Delivery Event

Cybertruck Delivery Event

Oh Is Look This Go Oh Welcome welcome to the Cyber truck delivery event so so uh I’m going to do it from the back of the truck [Applause] Here so so once once in a while once in once in a once in a long while a product comes along that is uh rare that is once in once every 5 to 10 years something really special a really unusual product comes along and we’ll remember those special moments when indeed [Applause] um special moments um so but but these things are rare the it’s very rare that our product comes along that is uh seemingly impossible uh that that people said was impossible that experts said was impossible and this is one of those times we have a we have a a car here

That xut said was impossible that xut said would never be made that uh it it it really is the most I think it’s I think it’s our best product I think it’s the most most unique thing on the road and finally the future will look like the [Applause]

Future so what what we’re aiming for here is something that has that’s more truck than truck okay thanks bro that’s literally my brother [Laughter] there so um and and so what we have here is is something that is a better truck than a truck while also being a better sports

Car than a sports car in the same package so first of all Let’s uh you know they talk about how you know trucks are tough that’s one of the defining characteristics of a truck so how tough is this truck let’s find out so we actually had to come up with a

Special ultra strong uh Tesla designed steel alloy so this alloy did this this this metal did not exist before uh we needed something that you could actually manufacture but uh that that would be have basically no corrosion um that didn’t need Paint uh but you can still make it in volume

And part of the reason that it has this angular shape is you can’t actually stamp these body panels the body panels would break the stamping machine so uh oh and I should say also the because of the steel exoskeleton it actually has more torsional rigidity than a sports car it has more torsional

Stiffness than a McLaren P1 so it’s that’s very that’s a big deal um now you may remember an incident four years ago didn’t quite go as planned and um France maybe we should try it [Applause] again uh yeah [Applause] Miss yeah yeah great I mean I think you could we could probably have a pro picture or lava still work um so anyway it’s the there the glass is tough basically that’s what we’re saying um so uh you don’t have to worry about like rocks hitting the glass and cracking the glass

This GL this glass is is basically Rock proof um it’s also makes the car very quiet so it’s the the the thing that you’ll appreciate when you drive the car is that is how smooth and quiet it is it it does it feels it doesn’t feel like

Like a normal truck it’s it’s smooth as silk and and and Silent uh when when you drive it um and um yeah so in tough in terms of toughness and then things like roll over because the center of gravity uh is so low it doesn’t roll

Over and if you’re ever in an argument with another car you will win yeah [Applause] so in in movies you sometimes see the hero or heroine uh hiding behind the car door uh while being shot with bullets that doesn’t actually work unless you’re driving a cyber

Truck so uh if El Capone showed up with a Tommy Gun and emptied the entire magazine into the car door you would still be alive so uh you know and so people say like well you know why’ you make it bulletproof I’m like why not you want to how tough is your truck

Because the the the other trucks the bullets go through both sides so uh you shoot a bullet goes through both sides of the car um and uh you know you never know I mean sometimes you get these like late civilization Vibes you you never know when the

Apocalypse could come come along at any moment and um at here Tesla we have the finest in Apocalypse uh technology uh I was on The Joe Rogan show and uh Joe bet me a dollar that his armor piercing steel head Arrow would go through the car it uh he now he owes me

A dollar now what about utility so strength is great but is this is this a you know perhaps just a show truck uh just a you know a showpiece or can it do actual work how does it work as a real everyday truck well here we have the future Towing the future

So uh if basically if you can fit uh any Cargo in in the in the trunk or in the bed you you can basically move it around so it’s got uh over a ton of uh payload cap ility but you could really put more than that in it uh you can tow over

11,000 lb um and it’s got a super tough composite bed no liner needed the bed is 6ot long 4ot wide and you can fit um 4×8 F 4×8 pieces of plywood in with the with the uh with the back down so um for those who are really into the truck world there’s there’s

Something uh in the truck world called a a truck pull this is really the the key test of how much power does your truck actually have so you have to pull this a 40,000 lb sled and uh when we went to the track we said well well what’s the

Best that that you’ve seen they said well it’s it be the fourth F350 Diesel was like well let’s let’s put our truck up against that the the guy who runs the the truck pool said that’s there no way there’s no way it’s like well let’s try it let’s see what Happens Standing around the [Applause] Volan we actually had to slightly turn the car at the end so it didn’t hit the wall so this uh you have here a car that is uh you know um bull bullet tough uh you know like that phrase TM um and uh can outpull an F350 Diesel

Uh has a massive towing capacity massive bed uh one it’s basically an incredibly useful truck it’s not just some Grand standing showpiece like me um uh it’s actually it’s actually very useful now what about performance so this I should say it’s it has an Adaptive air suspension so no

Matter what the load is uh you it will you can always have the it can set the the right height at any at low height anything it’ll automatically adjust the damping according to uh how much load it’s carrying and the road conditions uh has a 17inch ground clearance now that’s

A true 17 in that with typically with a truck you’ll you’ll get the differential hanging down low uh the rear differential and that’s what you’ll highight on a rock uh but this is this has a completely flat bed so so you could you could uh drive over basically

Anything we actually did took the cber truck on a Baja rally drive so this is insane off-road capability it has locking differentials rear talk vectoring uh and the crazy thing is they’ll do this all in Comfort um it has steer by wire which is if it’s one of the things where most

People don’t know that means but um it’s what it’s how modern jets are designed the steer by wire which gives you variable gain so if you turn the wheel a small the steering the steering yolk a small amount in the parking lot it will

Turn the wheels a lot but if you if you turn it on on a highway it turns the wheels a small amount so it it dynamically adjusts how how much the wheels turn according to uh what your speed is um and this actually makes it very easy to drive it actually and it

Has a turning Circle less than a Model S so this thing can p practically turn it you know rotate on a you know dime basically um it has incredible low- speed maneuverability and then uh there’s a lot of advanced details Under the Skin uh it’s the first time that a car is

Moving to a 48volt low voltage architecture from 12 volts which has been around for 100 years um we have ethernet coms uh distributed controllers allows for 70% less wire in the car um and it’s uh it’s really the the internals are as advanced as the externals it’s it’s a a whole new Step

Changeing technology so let’s take it to the racetrack and see how how does the Cyber truck perform against the Porsche 911 and and I I should say this is this is an actual Porsche we literally just got it from the dealer 2023 Porsche 911 woo but wait there’s [Applause] more so the [Applause]

It can it can tow a Porsche 911 across a quarter mile faster than the pors 911 can grow by itself I should say tougher than bullets uh tow pretty much anything uh faster than 911 while towing a 911 so uh and deliveries bring begin now thank [Applause] you So he own going to come up so we’re just these are the actual owners we’re heading over production cyber trucks to their actual owners thank you for buying cyber Truck oh hi hi sure absolutely uh just open the I think there we go you got me the best driver thank You thank You Well as you can see we’ve got quite a few to deliver here so hi thank you I haven’t slept in 3 days oh wow okay welcome hope you enjoy your Car right All right hey hey good to see you here good yeah enjoy your truck thank you so much yeah just uh [Applause] Yeah Well this is a delivery event you know thank you that’s me great is this is the button for open it and that’s It I mean it’s going to be amazing to see all these cars driving around incredible than you man I appreciate you most welcome so I just press this but button here all right appreciate you welcome I mean this this is really going to change the look of the roads I mean

One of in a parking lot one of them does not look like the other so hey see I love your hey how’s it going fun hey yeah welcome thank you rightow Is that it two more Welcome drive all right thank you everyone uh uh thanks for coming to the Cyber truck L event um and uh you witness to what oh one more okay sorry okay uh go ahead and drive it out actually looks like maybe I it’s all right you want to drive it uh yeah sure okay all right all right thanks everyone for coming to this uh delivery event and uh appreciate your support um and uh this is really going to like said change the look of the roads and finally

The future will look like the future and it’s really going to be something special thank You W

Pre-Show: 0:00-9:30
Hype: 9:30-11:35
Intro: 11:35-14:47
Chapter 1 | Toughness: 14:47-19:47
Chapter 2 | Utility: 19:47-23:15
Chapter 3 | Performance: 23:15-27:26
Deliveries: 27:26-37:12

Learn more: https://www.tesla.com/cybertruck

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