Electric Cars

BMW i3 22 kWh 500 km challenge

BMW i3 22 kWh 500 km challenge

This video was brought to you by Marcus be elmech a planner Stone B Camp power and B component yo what’s up we’re now home and we getting ready for a one wait a 500 km challenge so you see a BMV I3 this is 2016 model so it’s 7 years old

And it’s from elmech yeah thumbs up to them for Lending with the car so it’s a new test because with these old cars with small batteries it doesn’t makes sense to do 1,000 km challenge it’s totally irrelevant anyway but 500 km might be relevant that’s we’re going to

Test uh so they will follow the same rule as the 1,000 K challenges except for that we have to set some criterias I’m not sure which one yet but at least I say it should be 5 years old and maybe have less than 50 KW battery and maybe

Initially cost less than 500k nuke or or 50k Euros Maybe we’ll see but okay so uh it’s a bit dirty sorry for that it might be even dirtier once be finished so yeah you guys know the I3 highly impractical doors yeah I have to buckle up otherwise it would just dong at

Me yeah okay so you see we start with 100% battery and wait no no how is this again um the BC the board computer okay um I have to reset some stuff here where do I see ad look look at that yeah this car has some driving

174,000 km it has some degradation also you see here this is electrified app and initially it had 60 amp hour it reports now at 50.9 yeah I I could also go in here and check the butt copper Max I’ll probably test that in the uh degradation test but already based on this number

Here it could seem like we have roughly 15% degradation so instead of having the the 19 KW hour initially we have maybe around 15 kilow hour now 15 or 16 I’m not sure but yeah so um um the one yeah the keep so the 500 km challenge will be

Slightly different we will start from yes him we will drive now down to the German sorry the the Swedish border to V and then turn around and then drive all the way North to uh uh RDA and then head back and then we will finish 1,000 right

Before yeser him so that’s a 500 I mean 500 so that’s a quite simple route so other than that uh it will be more or less the same as the regular 1,000 km challenge so we will of course check when we start it’s 422 right now so

Let’s do all the preparation and then off we go all right we on the Move now we started at 4:30 but uh uh this is weird it’s fogging huh what I I thought Korean cars would fog not uh German cars okay whatever but you see that we already

Down dude we’ve been driving for 5 minutes and we already down to 92% so I don’t know how fast I should be driving because if you drive too fast the battery runs out faster and you will have to charge every uh uh uh 50 km yeah maybe I should slow down a bit

Yeah maybe actually but so uh you know I can’t just hammer it like a regular 1,000 km challenge with newer cars but what the heck is going on with the fogging hair what is it outto okay it wasn’t on outto oh that’s weird okay now a small mistake

Yeah I thought when you press out to that out to ref fogging would also uh be enabled but okay I was wrong there so hopefully it clears up now so yeah well okay I need to slow down a little bit for bow we will of course apply regular

Uh uh regular deductions just like 1,000 K Challenge also so yeah next toop is unknown for now but fortunately in Norway route we have plenty of Chargers All right we are now down to uh 11.6% left and we have 8 K of range left and already when the car warned me about low battery at uh 19 km range left I felt like um the cabin Comfort uh meaning heat was slightly reduced so yeah I

Don’t want to drive too fast we just hit the 100 Z so I’m actually going at 100 on the speed though H this is the name of the game when we have these old classic cars is that you can’t drive too fast um but we’re going to stop now at Shell o exit

Is coming up soon but hopefully I can make it there hopefully the car doesn’t die before zero kilm oh but yeah when it comes to the moisture I figured out what the problem was I had it quite moist in the garage because I tried to uh melt all the snow and also uh

Evaporate evaporate everything that’s why I had 18° Cel in the garage and 66% relative humidity that’s why so we had quite a big uh chunk of uh moisture in the car but the car is doing a good job of clearing it out now so yeah okay

There’s I see shell over there uh I have 5 km range left I’m not sure if I dare to hammer it but there there the rolling into the uh fast charger now all right we’re charging now getting huh 26 kW wait why are we getting 26 Kow you see

There why are we not getting 45 KW uh only 75 um huh what let’s move 26 huh what the hell heck is wrong here all right I moved let’s see now start wrapping up update a bit slow this app or I’m not sure yeah probably this app

Okay we’re back to 26 kW battery is not crazy cold or hot or anything uh at 24° we should yeah okay okay we need to duct a couple of minutes it was probably fault the charger yeah uh always blame charger ABB you see over there that’s the one we use yeah

So now it’s better now it’s way better so we just deduct around 2 minutes because of this I think in the future I might want to use high power chargers instead and you see uh BMV uh they have something called auxiliary climate yeah uh because that’s how it was from the

Fossil world uh but in order to get heat you have to activate this if you just fire up the car uh you will not get any heating power uh but the auxiliary climate might not work at low St of charge I when I tried it initially with

5% it’s said now to low St of charge even though we are connected to high power charger so let’s see now then activate and see oh oh it seems to be working oh yeah oh yeah the heat is on W look at this we at 70% and we

Already down to 24 kilow it started throttling already around 50% so it seems like these old degraded I3 batteries at least the first generation here they don’t charge that fast I was expecting 45 kilowatt until 70 75% but that’s not going to happen so uh it feel I mean I feel like

Even the eolf battery is charging faster now because eolf could maintain 40 something kilowatt until 70% so wow okay but uh we are almost done now yeah uh at this point we don’t want to camp here too long so the next stop is going to be suly uh well this

Map is clumsy man this tiny screen but yeah next stop is going to be 47 km away you can see so far uh the consumption and such yeah I also measure that we have spot on distance yeah there is no uh measurement error distance Here Oh yeah we’re Jing now we arrived with four kilomet left this is the name of the game but then see what are we getting now uh okay okay we get yeah you see yeah that’s good 125 amp 44 Kow something but the temperature in the battery didn’t drop

That much H wow this is so weird because over here it’s + 3.5 de C when we started from Yer him it was – 8 or something so this is the the the advertised heat uh wave that is coming it’s weird because it’s uh 15th of

December what is it 15 or no it’s 16th of December now and it’s supposed to be cold right but wow okay so you see that over here the stuff has started to melt so this is good because this car is equipped with heat pump so in these

Temperatures the heat pump will be very efficient but yeah the consumption was a bit high now because we had headwind we have wind from the south now so but now soon we will turn around and then head north yeah I use this cam power and recharge because uh actually I just

Remember that I could have used super charger over there or even M charger but they a little bit dark I prefer it here so yeah and also it’s fairly quick um I don’t need to fill up that many kilowatt hours so in that regard uh it doesn’t

Matter that de these ones are a bit expensive compared to supercharger because the mind is with supercharger is that it’s somewhat slow sometimes to connect with the app and and then if it bugs then have to move whatever so we we just go for this one for now yeah

Look here we are now at 60% and we are down to 35 KW so it throttles earlier than Eagles H interesting I wonder if it’s always like this or if this I3 battery has degraded in charging speed also over time We are now at the turn around point this is the schw soon and now we getting yeah okay see it yeah I I activated the auxiliary heater but we are still getting 43 Kow oh yeah this time I arriv with 20% that’s fine I was hammering it but now at least we

Shouldn’t have too crazy headwind what actually do we have okay whatever so yeah rinse and repeat um yeah but this time I noticed that the battery temperature dropped uh to 28° okay okay whatever um we’re just taking uh just checking it that it doesn’t go crazy high but it seems to be

Able to maintain the this temperature it doesn’t go Sky High so that’s good good and food for today is salad homemade salad yeah remember to ABC always bring salad and remember that this is the the only thing I eat yeah even if I’m home I’m only eating salad 24/7 yeah

M we are getting close to I and we have 8 kilm of range left oh and we are 7 km away oh um okay I have to slow down a bit uh I was hammering it uh earlier but that seems to punish me now okay so now I know roughly the ballpark

How fast I should drive um yeah okay let’s hope we can make it there what the heck is going to happen if we run out of juice uh no I can always drive slow wait wait wait wait wait maybe I can use let see Eco Pro or Ecco Pro

Plus yeah oh now we have 10 km of range yeah I forgot to tell you this car has no Auto ster it doesn’t even have adaptive cruise control wait does it have blinker it has blinker at least okay that’s good it has the blinker package but yeah just you know this car

Is roughly as old as classic ionic but you can imagine you know how awesome classic ionic was back then people didn’t know because classic AIC was cheaper than this I3 and the classic AIC even had a bigger battery it was more efficient it Chargers faster it has

Ventilated seats and auto steer is and adaptive cruise control what did you get in the I3 back then oh the BMV badge we are now at i r getting 44 kilow wait H what it was at 125 am initially now it dropped okay so um now we wait over here

Is 2.5 de C that means it’s going to get colder as we move up now but um right now I can’t fire up the heater yet because the St charge is too low so wait a couple of minutes and then you fire up but uh there another thing is that this

Car is limited to 125 amp well actually what the he oh cooling is running now so now we just wait average driving stop is around 15 minutes long 15 to 20 minutes long but it’s just that you have to charge you have to charge for 15 minutes

And then you drive for half an hour uh okay we’ve been charging for 17 minutes at 69% we’re taking well into the batter at 25 kilow so it’s time to leave [Applause] Okay yet another Jing stop we are actually back at Shell o where we started with the first stop so um yeah you know huh we have some AC over here maybe I should do this challenge with the classic soy but it cannot be the 52 KW hour soy it must be the 40

Yeah but the problem is that in Norway um there will be less and less AC spots these are just DC uh so that’s going to be a good challenge man but okay rinse and repeats this time I’m going to go to the gas station and maybe buy some buns they were quite good

Good smelling buttons over here oh yeah I went for Shell bowet oh look at this oh man six so them okay okay okay let me see let’s try some huh you guys guys Ready m m M it’s a nice Bun Yeah we’re charging same story but but on on the other hand it seems to be somewhat random hey did you hear that I think that’s thermal expansion of the battery pack I heard it before it’s not unique with Tesla I also heard this in other non Teslas the dunk it’s

Probably because the battery is heating up now but okay so we came here with 7% nothing new uh but yeah I was going to show you that sometimes I get 122 23 amps sometimes I get only 110 amps so uh is that because of charger is is the car

Being moody uh I don’t know but yeah so it’s now we are past the halfway mark and it’s 8 yeah it’s almost 9 in the morning oh man but it’s foggy so it’s great that this challenge is not too long now we have headwind but I think I

Missed Park I did a a a bad BMV typical BM parking was I’m I’m used to that being supposed to back up into the charger well apparently here you’re supposed to oh let me adjust you’re supposed to park like this or actually no no no this car has a charge port on

The right side with the wrong side should have been left side with the right side so then I have to park with an face this side yeah so that’s clumsy I could have used one of these but I feel like uh I’m taking up a high power

Charger for no reason yeah these are 300 Kow but then I realized that this charger which seems to be a 50 Kow charger it’s actually not it’s 180 Kow charger so all Right we are now at NE and this is strange because before we arrived here the Windows start fogging and then I noticed that it’s minus 7° over here the temperature has been all over the place we had plus 4.5 de at some point and then minus 7 over here

Yeah okay so yeah um same story here but now I’m at the Supercharger so I plugged in oh I realized I used the wrong stall yeah it is an indication that you use the wrong toall because um I can show you um at least if you can see the the stall

Number I should have used that stall you see yeah 12b and another problem is that there is no privacy because when you’re sitting there you’re looking straight into the other guys in the Tesla you see I’ve been telling you that the charge port needs to be on the left

Side because the left side is a right Side we are now at c k in Lon uh there are so many charges here we have M cem power over there we have supercharg we have whatever uh Tesla is also planning on establishing supercharger here but uh yeah I just use the c k because I’m lazy

Uh and also be are just putting in small amounts every time around 10 12 kilow hour but yeah so the consumption has been better now you see that see the see the flag we are going that direction we get nice Tailwind right now oh yeah so

Um let me see if can I go to m oh yeah it has the ey Drive holy crap man nav go to not yeah see the next wow this screen is Tiny can I zoom in no no other way other way yeah we are going here that’s the

End point so from here to R is 45 km so if we charge around 75% then we should be able to make it it’s just that every time we reach around 75% it charges dog slow takes around 20 Kow uh well okay whatever I’m going to show you now so uh I didn’t

Bring a fridge with me I didn’t bring up cooler box because if you want to cool down this uh uh Coca-Cola all I need to do is just place it here and that’s a natural cooler box right there Huh we are now at the super charger or actually it’s not only super charger but we are now at the RS hugd where we have super charger and a bunch of other chargers but you see um whenever you see Brothers with the charge port on the wrong side you to Cluster with them

Because two wrongs make it right okay anyway uh first I was like oh yeah since I’m here and it’s Saturday not Sunday I could get some fresh donuts except for that the fresh donut shop is closed oh no okay well okay no fresh donuts then

Yeah uh then I just sit around here it’s cold over here it’s minus 6 or some o um so not much else to do I can show you maybe on the map here well actually can we see it on the map the map is kind

Of clumsy I always do this yeah um yeah I activated auxiliary um now let’s see if you go to nov okay here can I can I show you I have to zoom in a bit well that’s out oh the other way around there you see

That uh the next Charger is going to be Uno X here at quter is called funny name yeah that’s only 25 km away if you want to go the the other way and the next one possible would be the same one we came from 45 km away that’s almost too far

Away since we have headwind on the way back now so um I think the best deal is just to drive 25 km charge at UNO X and then charge one more time and then we done yeah so uh so far so good huh okay the car did not rapid gate at least I

Couldn’t see it uh so that’s good it was performing very uh consistently and I just noticed I haven’t seen oh the car shows you state of health 84% o that means 16% degradation is that how you count it H we are now at ex qu rout uh charging up for the first time for me at least on hypercharger but you see what’s cool about this hypercharger is that the Uno X they equip them with tapping you can pay with card you don’t need to have be

A member you don’t need to have an app or anything you can just press credit card and then you also the price here 4.5 new per kilowatt hour that’s cheaper than uh c k and recharge and made and so it’s a very nice price and this is not

Some kind of membership price just tap it here uh also oh are you deuts yeah deuts well okay you have to do well they forgot to translate this part oh okay yeah uh you need to fix this if this is in deuts then this also needs to

Be in deuts well can you change language here seems to be only the vision here you need to fix that okay other than that though yeah okay up production I don’t know what you mean okay whatever so yeah um we need to charge one more time and then we’re Done uh we now at Esa and you can you know you can even see the the local you can see the wind now we have we’re going we’re going that direction we had some massive headwind the consumption was 280 wat hour per kilm so I have two choices I can stay here until

80% and then I can have to go uh around 45 km or I can hammer it and drive only 20 km to uh the next Charger I think that’s what I’m going to do we’re going to we’re going to charge fast and then hammer it that’s also safer otherwise I might

Run out of juice I have to drive dog slow and that’s not an option so yeah uh that means uh not this one but one more charging stop over here we have C power yeah I’m even too lazy to go out now because it’s uh freaking cold

Outside we’re almost at Minon now uh the wind sock well this one is not that erected but we have some significant wind and look at the consumption 299 wat hour per kilm what the heck man this this Beaver no no I mean this this this hamster has a drag coefficient of 29 oh

okay but we’re going to pull out over here yes and charge one more time then right last charger stop well the battery somehow magically cools down every time now you see okay anyway um I figured out that we are roughly 35 km away from home and we need to drive

Another uh 30 something km for 999 so yeah that’s great this is the first time I do it 500 km challenge we 9 on the line roughly 5 km away from my home then me go straight there if it’s just 5 km I don’t care too much about uh the DU

Thing extra time for getting 5 km range it might take a minute right so all right and then over here you see you see how it is so K they want to taunt you no they won they wanton they only put uh well I was about to say they

Only put un healthy food here but there there are some healthy options except for that all of this contains lots of carbs uh wait do we have any vegan option here che cheese is not vegan so okay but man it’s wind it’s not that cold anymore but it’s just windy which makes it

Cold let’s finish this and then I can go straight home I want to charge now for the last time I don’t know how many times I Tred I lost count but I just want to unplug soon and then go straight into my heated garage yeah there is it the final run oh what

What the heck okay there you go yeah there some SMS fast on the wind screen yes hammer it hammer it for the last few kilometers now all right let’s do the countdown 99 wait no 4992 4993 4994 4995 4996 4997 4998 4999 500 the first 500 kilm challenge consumption

243 time uh 1240 we have to deduct four hours and 20 and 4 hours and 32 minutes so it’s 8 hours and 8 minutes which becomes 8 hours and 10 minutes oh how was it with the um with the hamster well it did it well but actually

I was a bit disappointed that the charging speed was not that great even the Eagles was better so there are follow-up videos I want to make for example I hammered it and I charged and hammer it was it a good idea so if I have time now I will try to redo it

Already and then drive slower and then charge to maybe 75 80% and we will see if that’s faster yeah and also if I have time and opportunity I will borrow the eolf again from elmech and test if the eolf can actually beat the beaver and also the the classic

Ionic I already returned it to muchus I’m not sure if he took off the sticker but he hasn’t sold it yet so it’s not too late we can get the ionic back just one last challenge we need to show how awesome the ionic is this Beaver sorry

This hamster did it in over 8 hours I believe the classic ioni can do it in 6 hours maybe even faster but we need to prove it we need to prove how awesome the classic ionic is but I didn’t make the challenge only to prove how awesome

My own is it’s just a new challenge that we work in these classic cars so maybe you guys have some ideas what other classic cars should we fit into the 500 K Challenge yeah anyway I think that’s going to be it for now I hope you guys

Enjoy this video as always thank you for watching and talk to you later

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