When was the last time you did something completely new do you remember the feeling the first step out of your comfort zone in every new change there is a new us A New Perspective but for that you have to have faith you have to have hope you have to be

Brave no one can hear you you are alone we will not allow any further change we are getting closer and closer there is no place for you to hide we will find you this is your end don’t let them intimidate you fear is all they’re looking for no matter what take a step

Forward even if they find me I will not give up hope I know that despite everything that has happened our future can be bright thanks again for letting us use the facilities sure I mean I couldn’t say no to you God knows how many time you’ve saved this company

Anytime and um these are my friends friends Caleb and Remo well that’s new you have friends I’m kidding of course I’m happy for you hey guys nice to meet you hi nice to meet you well um I guess I leave you be it’s weekend so I already

Asked the Securities to turn off the camera so you can have your game night in privacy wow you can do that my father is the owner of this company so they kind of have to listen to me if there’s anything call me first I owe you one don’t even mention

It I can’t believe we get to use your company’s Mega computer look at this place how do you power up this whole entire system surely it takes a lot of energy well from what I’ve seen of you so far I imagine your energy is enough to keep all those computers

Running I’m not sure well if you never try you’ll never know I hope I don’t have to try because I am really tired it’s all good go ahead and get some rest in the Next Room the transformation process is really complicated I have to connect several systems together to get enough power and

I don’t know how long that will take okay are you sure we can’t help you don’t worry you guys have done enough already there’s an air mattress over there in the corner have an air mattress here you have no idea how many nights I spent here building this place all

Right okay well I guess just wake us up if you need anything good night good night good night good night Rema good night can’t sleep no you nope I just can’t stop thinking about what if what if what well what if we don’t do the right thing you

Mean giving the cosmic gem to Gaia yeah I mean we can use it ourselves to do good things right you mean keep the gem and then what I don’t know I mean are we sure maybe the Cyber Ms are right Rema they hired an assassin to Killers that’s crazy I know

But maybe we should just stop okay I’ve been thinking about this a lot it does scare me too you know but if this noing you that Gia talked about will be a positive change I am well ready to support it taking a step forward is better than doing nothing

Right also there will be more and more new Innovations they will need gaia’s inspiration and supervision I guess I think I think I’m just I’m a little bit scared no it’s okay to be afraid being afraid of something new is part of our nature just like Innovation and the urge to move

Forward now you get some sleep we need our strength okay D are you there yeah I can hear you good can you transfer two files that are safed on your main Drive I don’t know what you’re talking about I’ve got two security protocols stored in your memory way back

Code monstera I hit them from you it’s a file that secures a return okay let me check uh there it is voila thank you key are you okay yeah why do you ask oh it’s just look even from here I can detect stress in your voice oh don’t worry I’m fine I mean

There’s there’s just a lot of pressure what what pressure you’re great at what you do thanks Ste it’s just the stakes are so high if we don’t succeed what will happen then if we fail there’s a chance we can never be together again ever oh but even if that

Happens we had a wonderful time together you’re my best friend my closest companion nothing can take that away from us see that’s beautiful I mean it now um tell me if I have any other hidden files stored on my drive take it easy that was it I promise good luck my friend thanks

D oh you’re awake we couldn’t sleep I understand that have some coffee then I’ll be ready soon Caleb Rema key it’s time hurry up did you hear that how long do you need I’m doing my best we’re almost there hurry up it’s not easy to bring a real object into the virtual

World how can we help give me a second there Rema get the Gem okay right away here okay Caleb take this and plug it into that case when I give you a sign this is going to work right we’ll never know if we don’t try Caleb now wow it

Worked ke you’re you’re a genius come on step in I’ll go first Rema give me the gem okay what happened I don’t know somebody must have cut the power off Lara what are you doing here I thought I could join your little game night did you turn off the

Power what is this what’s going on hand me the gym or I shoot you Lara I don’t have that much time I thought you were my friend there are more important things in this world now Rema that was your name right be a good girl and give me the gem

Wait you’re one of them I trusted you do you think the new world will be more modern and shiny no my friend we will make everything the way it was before no computers no cars do you think we will allow such a big change in the world but you own a

Digital company we all have to make our sacrifices one day I will even destroy my father’s Legacy imagine a w without all this wait what will you do with a gem we will use its power to undo what Humanity has done so far wouldn’t that be

Great now give me the gem Rema don’t listen to her I’m I’m sorry Caleb I don’t have a choice we always have a choice Rema remember what I told you you’ll never know if you don’t try enough talking key I don’t want to hurt you give me the gem

How are you going to stop and you change when you don’t even know what it is I know enough do you or is it just your fear talking my fear I’m Not Afraid of Anything Rema if you still have a little hope now is the time power up the computers Rema

Now you’re doing great you’re not going to make it my men they are on their way don’t listen to her there the bridge is open again come on hurry up King wait you don’t know what you’re doing you’re wrong I’ve never been so sure GA are you here we brought the

Gem my hero you have done it you risked a lot and achieved even more I can’t tell you how grateful I am with the power of the gem I can now be free be prepared a new change will come and it will bring positive shifts with

It Rema do you still have doubts well how can we be sure we have to try taking a step forward takes courage and Hope I have hoped that the no and you will be a step towards a brighter future I’m going to make sure of it

Myself you have done a great job go back to your world you will hear from me and the big change goodbye my Champions after I regained my strength I rushed into the project and used all my knowledge to move it forward with my inspiration and the dedication of the

People working on the project the Noya new was born I witnessed all the work people put in to develop the project it was inspiring how I have missed being around this kind of creativity now the great day has come the whole world can see the change we have

Made I invited my heroes to the event because no one knew what their role was for this Noya new no one but them we aim to make individual Mobility more human more intelligent and more responsible and in order to achieve that the no Club will be more than just one

Car it will become a completely new generation of products the future of course will be electric circular and digital that was even cooler than I thought I know wait so it’s sustainable digital and electric it’s like it’s like a love child of all of our superpowers a

How romantic oh I can’t wait to share this with Ivy by the way there’s a virtual party afterwards oh did you get the invitation too well yes guia said everyone who worked on the NAA class is invited this is going to be so fun plus we’ll be able to dance with our cars

Again I love virtual parties do you want to stay this pink all the time hey it’s a fashion Choice key oh my favorite talking tree IV this is deep hi I love your Crystal dashboard thank you I love the pink hey guys this party is insane I met my interior designer can

You believe it guys now that you’re all here I wanted to make a toast I want you guys to know how lucky I am to be able to experience this with you it has been a great journey I can only agree yeah well here’s to change to the Noy and you here

Here Cheers Cheers knowledge Innovation and courage these things are the essence of change the ingredients needed to understand the new Noya cluster opens up a new chapter for the world a step towards a more sustainable future towards a brighter more electric and more digital tomorrow whatever comes our way I’m ready to support

Change and if something gets in our way we have Champions ready to help

Narrowly evading the threats that pursued them on the road, the new superheroes seek refuge in Key’s office, where they have access to mega-computers. Now that the gem is in their possession, a bridge must be built between the real and digital worlds. It all seems simple enough, but what if the superheroes begin to doubt each other? What if they question their quest, leading to a cyber mess at the climax of the final battle? Will they be able to bring the gem to Gaia?

00:35 Cyber Mess threats Gaia
04:20 Reema shares her doubts with Caleb
05:56 Key gets a moment to share her feelings with Dee
07:53 Gaia sends a direct message! Danger is near
08:46 Key creats a bridg between the real and the virtual world
09:11 Cyber mess is here!
11:11 Reema pushes her electric power to its limits
11:52 Reema, Caleb and Key brings the Gem to Gaia
13:48 The BMW Vision Neue Klasse is born!
14:43 It’s party time.
15:00 The BMW i Vision Dee meets the BMW i Vision Circular and BMW super iX for the first time!

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