BMW M2 Cup – Red Bull Ring, Sunday.

BMW M2 Cup – Red Bull Ring, Sunday.

Foreign Foreign Good morning everybody Welcome to the Red Bull Ring for what I’m sad to say is the final race day for the BMW M2 cup 2023 Leighton Fury sealing the drivers championship title yesterday with a Podium finish but the rookie title race is still up for grabs at second place in

The championship is still up for grabs as well we’re looking forward to a great race here at coming up let’s go down to the grid though and catch up with Marina Reit what an exciting season 2023 here with a BMW M2 cup and uh yeah we’ve got a

Champion that’s for sure and we’re thrilled for this last race and uh before we get talking to an expert and to our drivers uh let’s have a look at yesterday’s race and the highlights welcome to Spielberg the Red Bull Ring it is the final showdown foreign To take the championship Here Comes Leighton furry and no words can describe this feeling right now it’s the relief the pressure off your shoulders is immense and I’d just like to thank the other project run for it and and everyone that’s been involved in this this whole season

So we’ve seen so much fighting in this championship and I’m sure we’re going to see some of that today and with me now is one of my favorite commentators a colleague I’ve been working with for ages even though of course you can’t tell we’re getting older Dave but Dave

Richardson I’m so excited you’re here and tell me from your point of view how exciting is a BMW M2 Cup this season oh it’s been absolutely brilliant and of course the culmination of all these drivers and all the teams work yesterday for Leighton Fury uh what a result

However we’ve still got another race to come today and we know that it’s up for grabs in terms of P2 and P3 in the championship so it’s going to be just as exciting and I know there there can be done oh that is really close but that’s

What Motorsport is all about isn’t it thank you very much trouble got little adrenaline kick there but hey no worries Fredo’s still there so speaking of calculation I mean I know you can do your math that’s what you’re there for we’re not going to do that

Right now but as you said there’s still um second and third uh to grab in the championship but I think by at harston if he managed to get top three he’ll be a runner-up yes I think you’re absolutely right and I was talking a lot about yesterday you know and you know

There was a sense of disappointment because mathematically he was still in the championship yesterday but then you see him drop him further back and back and back and all of a sudden that goes away but what I would do want to say is that for Bart horston and like for all

The other drivers here this the development that they’re going through with project one which is so so important as a racing driver this is going to continue next year with the adac and the DTM and what I want to say is on behalf of you and me you know if

You’re one iota interested in developing a career as a racing driver and I would love to talk about you and so would Varina then get in touch with project one and come as our guest to hawkenheim tell him Dave sent you it’ll be okay CN

This is Dave at his best that is what I love about him and that’s exactly what it’s about last question I mean the platform BMW M2 cup is just ideal for a career in Motorsports well we we have proof of that just yesterday with last year’s BMW you M2 Cup champion Maxine

Oster winning in GT Masters so the progression it’s all about where you can go and how you can be developed so that you can achieve those goals that you want to and as I say just yesterday we proved that and this the pyramid that project one has you know an awful lot of

Thought and design goes into it and it’s already proving to be so so successful absolutely now I want to see you run to what’s happening it ain’t happening I’ll see you in a while all right go hurry up I’d love to see that right because now of course Dave is going to be

Commentating together with Chris and now we’ve got Bart here and first of all but I’m glad you didn’t run over my foot yeah sorry about that I tried my best but it didn’t quite do it thanks for the adrenaline kick and now it’s all about runner-up because if you are a top three

Then you will be runner-up so I guess that’s your main name yeah uh I understand that you know for the most part it’s in my control and what I can do to have a really good race today as long as I focus on what I’m doing I’m

Confident I can come out with P2 overall all right well best of luck for the last race of the BMW M2 cup season and now we need to go all the way down to P9 because that is where Max rosum is and Max Rosen needs to fight really hard

It’s going to be tough for him to catch or to be on top of a bad horse and in order to maybe even get a runner up but of course that’s not what it’s all about of course he also just wants to perform really well and get a really good race

Because this is the last race of the season and everybody wants to do really good there and obviously starting from P9 is going to be a tricky position hey there Max so coming from P9 how tough will it be for you in this race yeah we’ll see yesterday I come from P9

To P2 so it’s going a good race so hopefully you’re very confident I mean it’s still about uh peach or the second place in the championship runner up so that’s what you’ll be fighting for as well right yeah we fight for it try my best and look how the race is going and

All in all I’m dare you yeah it was a very very exciting season good races sometimes if it’s bad luck but all in all a good Seasons but always smiling so hopefully at the end of this last race we’ll be seeing you smiling on the podium thank you very

Much all right best of luck for the race Max and everybody here it’s going to be the last race of the season and we’re excited to get racing so here are your commentators let’s see if Dave’s already there not yet not yet but he’s on his way by special dispensation welcome

Everybody then to the final race of what’s been a brilliant season of the BMW M2 Cup round number 12 and Leighton Fury already crowned Champion yesterday with a third place finish she’s 22 ahead there’s only 21 points available so that is done but there’s five and a half

Points between Bart horse and Max and Roseanne for second in the championship So Max has got to outscore Bart by six points to seal the deal he has to outscore him he can’t tie with him because he’s got fewer race wins in that he hasn’t won yet this season can we get

Max razam onto the top step of the podium he’s had eight Podium finishes but he’s never quite got the race win this year Bart horse and then from as well fourth on the great massive scrap yesterday on track with Denny Baird which had a bit of contact and then a

Lot of contact in the end which sent Bart into a spin then he got a penalty as a result of that and uh Bart hosted with the quickest recovery you’ve ever seen managed to get it back around and Nick a couple of places back at the end

Of the race and still finishing fourth position so they say the championship points five and a half between Austin and Roseanne for uh second place in the standings and also to say the rookie standings which includes everybody except for Bart Horst and he’s the only driver back from last year that’s

Actually weirdly still up for grabs because Leighton Fury is 15 points clear of Max Roseanne and didn’t get 20 points for a a victory 18 for second 16 for third so if late would have a nightmare technically even uh even though he’s way out front he could uh slip up with that

Rookie Championship but he’s got the overall title which is all he really wanted at the South African with five wins this season and nine podiums he’s on Pole Position the grid based on second fastest lap times from the qualifying session on Friday and local link with his best grid position

Starting in second a caught up with Luca yesterday he started the race pretty well he said I was just lucky to settle into it wait to start attacking tried to pull away from the rest of the pack but it didn’t quite work out that way he got

Sucked into battles in the second and third laps of the race drop down the order a bit in the end uh still got a good point scoring finish in eighth place but he’ll be looking to get his uh first Podium from second on the grid as

Well and what about Senna van solo he was uh on his best grid yesterday best grid of the Season second but the car had problems stopped up on the uh exit to turn three on the formation lap he had to reset it then he went to the pits

He went back out did get the fastest lap of the race But ultimately retired but he’s got another chance here from third on the grid the Dutch driver who is co-leader of the Porsche I’m sorry the Benny Lux championship in the BMW M2 cup as well with uh with two rounds to go

Leighton Fury is one of his co-championship leaders so Senator van solo the batch driver starts third Bart Horst and second of the championship starts fourth the Australian fourth of the championship last year can he get the runner-up spot this year uh he was when I went to The Paddock after the

Race yesterday good terms very good uh mates I think with Leighton Fury who’s congratulating him he was very honorable in defeat he’s been a great opponent this year for Leighton Fury uh so now he wants to make sure he gets second place in the championship after all his hard

Work and fifth of the grid we got Colin burninghausen who was the race winner yesterday getting his first victory in the championship uh it was a damp track a drying track all the cars were on wet tires at the start of the race and Colin drove brilliantly yesterday to take a

Pretty dominant race Victory once he got past Leighton Fury he never looked back and led most of the race uh Colin burning house and with his first win yesterday he’s in the 55 cart starting in fifth place ahead of Jan Mateus in sixth position so Leighton Fury free of

Thinking about points now can just try and win the race from pole position if he can did say he wasn’t completely happy with the car yesterday felt there was a little issue with it let’s see if it’s quicker today here that is the grid for the final race of the Season

Leighton Fury Champion elect and Luca link are on the front row of the grid Cena band solar and Bart horston starts second row third and fourth respectively on the third row of the grid then yesterday’s winner Colin Jamie burninghausen and Jan Mateus and then seventh and eighth on the grid the

Fourth row here for this race Denny burnt want to watch fourth in the championship and Julius Denison and both had good battles yesterday Denny burnt as I say ultimately getting a penalty after that big battle and the turnaround with Bart horston Max razam ninth on the grid Louisa Carla 10th Max went from

Knights to Second yesterday had an issue with his original car in qualifying which he swapped for the race yesterday that’s why he’s back there Robbie McAfee and uh guest driver Robert heffler next up Robert was fifth in the championship last year but it’s making get guest appearance here this weekend common

Craft and Adrian Bruce Lee next up Adrian got his uh equal best result yesterday with sixth place Lucas Seidel is a guest driver for the second time this season Daria Hennig has been going well of late but she struggled in qualifying and he’s back 16th on the

Grid so it’s going to be a 30 minute uh 27 minute plus one lap race it is going to be a very close one I think because the championship is decided it could be a wild ride we got 365 brake horsepower identical cars an average age of 18 the

Drivers on the grid real talent out there this should be a thriller but Chris Hartley and alongside me I mean hot shoot uh via helicopter all the way back up to the Coventry box hello Dave Richardson uh where the average age of the on-air Talent is 104. Hello uh it’s

Last day of school Chris yes for these drivers I took part in the loosest possible sense of the word I took part in the physical training going on this morning with all the divisions they were preparing yes how was that challenging for me but okay for them uh but I have

To say that’s just part of this you know whole development thing that we uh that we talked about yesterday yeah everyone is in an extremely good mood I’m really looking forward to this race Chris because it’s been a wonderful season of course many congrats to Leighton and I

Spent some time with leighton’s family yesterday and while I think about it I’ve got to say a big up to Etienne Van Der Linda who has really helped Leighton in his career and of course have been very instrumental with Calvin and Sheldon as well um and yeah it’s just been a really

Really wonderful atmosphere and I think that will um I think that will prevail into the race itself I have to say I did go and give a small tip to Denny burnt and whilst he was a little unorthodox in some of his moved yesterday I said you were really entertaining friend trying

To do the same day not quite the same but of course there wasn’t such a big fan of that thing but you’re absolutely right it’s a great atmosphere in the in the pad it’s great camaraderie it’s genuine as well you go there every time I go into the BMW M2 Paddock the

Driver’s all chatting with each other they all take part in these uh training sessions together and as I said earlier while you were you were coming back from the great Bar Austin yesterday uh it was exemplary in defeat of the championship got to got to the paddock and he was chatting and congratulations

Congratulating late in Fury Nathan’s dad was there with a big Magnum of champagne early in the morning that was our finish when I got there so yeah really nice atmosphere I didn’t have any of it I promise you um no you’re right and and this camaraderie there is in the paddock of

Course once the crash helmet goes on and you’re on a formation lap all of all of that camaraderie and uh friendliness goes out the window because each and every one of these drivers is Uber competitive and we saw that in the race yesterday and yeah you’re right I mean

Poor old bar he had to take it on the chin didn’t he you know he’s still mathematically in in with the chance of the championship but we saw that ever way during the course of the race Chris wasn’t it um but he can hold his head

High you know P2 is start for grabs yeah what I love about this Championship Dave is that the zebras are these young drivers the show no fear and uh there’s been a few circuits this year where everybody said oh you won’t be able to overtake around here it’s gonna be

Difficult to overtake the BMW drivers have overtaken everywhere this year it’s been brilliant to watch yeah and that’s what we want to see if course it’s been hugely entertaining and a great learning experience for them as well and they’ve they’ve done us proud and really really great news and as we mentioned down

There on the grid with Varina that uh certainly project one gonna be back next year when this whole development pyramid is going to continue and I think it’s really important Chris you as a young Talent didn’t get recognized by those that perhaps you should have been recognized for your racing prowess and

Look at you now ah look at me now you’ve got to work with me terrible right here we go green flag from the Marshall at the back Chris Hartley right now the final race of the Season about to get underway the red lights build up their fraction of a second they

Go out will be underway Leighton Fury Luke Kelly got Paul positioner and second respectively it’s a good start from both and Lake Fury gets across to the inside to cover off the line Luka Link in second side by side for third but Alston has made a good start he’s

Going to get ahead of Center van solo and into third place so the number 50 car part Austin third he’s carrying momentum it’s gonna be three abreast up the hill Lane for second place he’s coming under Fire but he will have the inside line when they get to turn three

You can’t help but feel the bar horse and wants to right the wrongs up yesterday and there he is in the middle of that BMW M2 sandwich going into turn number three he’s carrying the men to him and is he going to be able to get

Through ahead of Luka link I don’t think so Luca at the moment absolutely steadfast on the inside line and they continue this drag race between them as they head down towards turn number four now yeah Fantastic’s Daniel breaking Zone here as well so it’s very easy to

Overshoot it to lock up Luca link will stay in second but what’s the third look it goes a bit wide though coming through turn forward loses that second place so said evansola gets passed in at Bart Austin is right on his tail in fourth place so it’s Fury from vansola down to

Third Luka League fourth just about bart Austin keep your eyes on the yellow car because Here Comes Denny burnt who wants to be in this party as well and we saw how determined he was yesterday the determination is certainly not has not gone away as he’s got by uh yesterday’s

Victor boonig house and now a Denny burnt moving up the order as well uh yeah and also moving up the order or trying to is Max rosam in another five car he’s trying to be in second place in the championship he needs to outscore Bart horse them by six points to do so

So we’ll see what he can do certainly drove well yesterday there’s the red number 57 card gambitious getting into a battle He Slipped back on this first lap of the race just about tucks in in front of the black part of the Danish X formula 4 racer Julius Denison oh it’s

All clean tight tidy but it’s very very exciting out there as these five it’s our fraught and frantic as we head up to completing the first lap that’s in the book now and we head up to turn number one once again there you can see the all

Yellow car of Denny burnt going through and uh good moves being made there by denason who’s trying trying very hard uh to get ahead of the matiasca ahead of him you can see him onto the right hand side there is Dennison all black BMW all the cars absolute parity they’re all

Identical and they swap for him one weekend to the next so there’s no Advantage uh taken or given with regards to the cars they are all absolutely identical and the places are swapping like never before Chris white car with a yellow and gray trim on the side number

22 is Robbie McAfee had a big go there to try and get past Denise in the Ninth Place almost did it but not quite he’s also got Louisa Carla in the green and white number 13 card on his tail as they come into the breaking Zone Denisa the

Black car just about keeps them all at Bay but ninth 10th 11th 12 13th and everybody else are all in a long trade here Dave absolutely nose to tail let’s get a look at uh how it looked from the starters perspective then as the BMW M2

Cups cars run away for the final race of the Season heading up towards the Nikki louder turn number one it’s such a drag uphill there Chris you can’t really experience the elevation change on television but you and I haven’t jogged up there and walked uh it’s a lot

Steeper than it looks you need a cable car really to get up there don’t you I reckon uh yeah when you look from our commentary box up to turn three it’s miles away such a high climb up there now look at this the battle for the lead

Of the race and event solid try and get through the final turn that was right on the limit of track Edition they’re still side by side as they come thundering towards turn what he got Luca link tucked up behind them with a green car as well but Leighton

Fury’s got the inside line side by side still per second cinnamon server has got to stay on the outside he’s got nowhere else to go Center is absolutely using these opportunities as something of a slingshot he’s not taking his foot off Chris he’s keeping it out absolutely

Planted as they go once again side by side I said keep your eyes on the yellow car if Denny bird because he’s joining this five-way party now as they go into turn number three what rice already the shackles are off everybody I love the last race of the season with the

Championship he’s already decided because they all just go for it what a race set up Ansel at third at the start of the lap first by the time they get to turn three still side by side for second Layton Fury in the 46 car Champion he

Let with Luca link looking for his first Podium alongside him still just alongside just behind in third place and watch for Colin burning guys and yesterday’s winner in the 55 car he now tries to get himself into third this is awesome stuff and so then leading the race from Leighton Fury uh Champion

Elect from yesterday and then all manner of stuff going on you’re absolutely right look at link is absolutely determined and oh now we see the number 57 car of yan is buried in the gravel and I regret to say Chris where that is I don’t think he’s going to be able to

Get it out of there you couldn’t make this a fight at the front any Titan unless of course you had a safety car a bunch of them all up together and that might provoke a safety car yeah it might cinnamon solo leads the race the safety car is gonna come

Out so there are the balls they’re out of the way yellow flags everybody take a long deep breath and do a bit of yoga we can have a relaxing couple of minutes now after all that drama oh my goodness Chris that was a start to the race and

An only couple of laps it was awesome absolutely awesome stuff there was the contact unfortunately that assist uh really rather buried the number 57 car into the gravel you can see it yeah that was yeah you can’t have much luck yeah Mateus this year he got pole position at

Laos it’s ring and uh contact with Denny bird going into the first corner and that was him out of the race that was his big chance at gone he’s had a few incidents like that this was Cena van solo sweeping around the outside to set up set up a move they’ll get the

Bollards bang bang how’s that all three wickets have gone yes uh he absolutely oh who was that one went round as well we didn’t see that actually that was the uh cloudy heading yeah just lose the back end there we covered got it going again and thankfully for the safety car out so

She’s back on the the tail of the train got to give credit to our TV directors who with so much going on are able seemingly to pick up on all the bits of action which is remarkable absolutely well done to you um yeah lots and lots going on now as

You say we can just do a few uh yoga moves and relax a bit because uh all the cars are uh formed up behind the safety car of course it’s not going to be a long safety car intervention the team here uh to Spielberg are very good in

Terms of recovering cars and we’ll go back to racing very very soon I’m sure but the order is Van solo from Fury from link from horston Roseanne burning house and burnt and Denison uh with McAfee and uh roshni in P10 so that’s the top 10

All line of stern now and uh yeah gonna be uh very exciting when we get going again so as it stands currently Chris uh if everything finished the way it is right now bar horse and would uh take B2 in the championship uh just ahead of Max Roseanne depends where they finish but

Assuming they’re up in that top top six or seven Max razam is five and a half points behind so he’s got to outscore battle horse and by six so essentially he’s got to finish three places in front of that bar uh but safety car has helped

Him out a bit here because he’s back on the tail guess who he’s right behind yeah he’s right behind Bart Austin they’re fourth and fifth yes uh that’s gonna be interesting uh because you’re absolutely right you know he’s going to be ahead hasn’t he he needs BART to drop

Away as well uh I think it might be a big ask what do we got 20 minutes plus a lap still to do of course uh and now I would uh boldly predict that uh hopefully this will be the last lap behind the safety car hopefully we get

The indication that the matches car has been recovered and that we can go back to racing but it is quite a short lap here and uh you know the safety car has to give uh do warning to the drivers that it is going to come in and

Therefore you know we might see another lap behind it uh Baxter is got the fastest lap of the race as it stands so that gives him a bonus Championship points as well well uh obviously listening to you and I because the safety car is going to come in at the

Conclusion of this lap so there we go as if by Magic it appears on the screen for you the lights will go out Atop The Safety car then it will be the responsibility of Ancilla then to control the pace of the restart but he will have Leighton Fury and Luca link

And Bart Horst and champing at the bit to get going again and of course for those drivers and this is always the case with the safety go restart for the likes of furry and Link it’s anticipating when van solo is going to give it 100 on the loud pedal isn’t it

Yeah they can’t go till he goes really so kind of what the only thing he can do is leave a bit of a gap if you’re right behind him you just can’t accelerate until he accelerates yes if you leave a bit of a gap you can try and anticipate

It as you say take a run at it take a leap at it but if you go too far back then you’re going to be able to defy yourself from every everybody that’s good at behind you and you’ll let the leader go so it’s always really tricky

To do something on a restart certainly until you get to the top of the hill at turn three okay so the attention builds right now is uh van Solomon backs them all up as it’s his right to do so now what he can’t do is really accelerate demonstrably and then ease up again

Um because that is deemed to be slightly unfair when it comes to a U.S safety car restart so he’ll be well aware of that it’s part of the uh it’s part of the tutorage that the tutor leads that they receive of course so Leighton Fury wants

To finish the season on a high of course he did very very well yesterday and succeeded in terms of the championship but he was driving with his head today he would like to drive for the victory I do not doubt well Ben solo gives it everything then

And heads around the final turn no overtake until you cross the line and let’s go racing once again then the BMW M2 Cup live here at the uh Ripple ring and the top two Get Away really really nicely and break away just a little bit from Luka link Max right now coming

Under Fire from Colin burning house in there Max in the number five car with the pink and purple trim on the side of it and Colin burning as in yesterday’s winner flashing his headlights as they went into turn one but no change inside the Front Runners I think nobody made a

Move actually anywhere down through the field uh except for maybe right at the back cloudy heading I think has gained a place on Lucas Seidel as they come up to turn three on the restart yeah so uh through turn three they go Leighton Fury around the outside of turn number three

Has got the measure of Ancilla as they head now down towards uh turn number four and as you can see he’s got he’s got the pace in himself and in the car as he breaks away uh because all of a sudden vansola now is having to defend

Against uh Luca link and also Bart horston and well I’ll look a link very very close and trying to take that P2 position away from center right now Center running in that’s a P2 position currently but in the green curry is Luca link who goes right alongside him now

This is the outside for the next turn so he switches his attack but of course he’s got bar horse and who’s running in P4 in the number 50 car but barhorsten himself is under pressure from Max Roseanne he dies down the inside of the way to turn seven gets his nose in front

But Horseman has to concede the position so max Roseanne is now taking three points away from Bar Austin too because he’s one place in front of him and one because he’s got the fastest lap of the race he needs six though so he needs two more overtakes and for about Austin to

Stay where he is or drop down the order and he might do that because Colin Bernie gets it now runs alongside him another bottom gets wiped out by I think Daddy band or Julius Philly said they are suffering these Ballas this weekend yes they are a bit uh so Dave burnt on

Something of a charge as well so yes you’re absolutely right and uh Here Comes Danny Burton on the inside right here uh going up towards uh turn number one so what a battle between burning house and gets turned around yeah they’re both ran out wide and as Bernie hasn’t tried

To drag it back on the track he was side by side with Denny band and there was a clip and at that speed at that angle enough to send him into an oversteered spin uh what a shame now I think that there is probably damage to that car

Um now we have got uh just been told by uh race control that we’re gonna drive through penalty which is being awarded to Carla for uh causing a collision no surprise there but uh let’s get back to the race in question as Luka link is trying hard to get the better of

Ancillin and there we can see unfortunately from hero to zero in the space of just 24 hours through no fault of his own I’m tempted to say Chris uh burning house and has to retire their car that’s Motorsport in a nutshell isn’t it one day you win the next day

It’s a nightmare and uh you’ll remember yesterday for the rest of his life but look at this Luke Alexander attack from back throws out there’s a bit of contact as well Maxi staterbity one second of the championship he goes through to third place but part horse that he’s

Invited to go to the Gap as well that doesn’t quite happen it’s a third now for Max Roseanne that means he’s gonna score 16 points 12 for fifth place for Bart horston he’s got four more plus he’s got the fastest lap Point still five more at the moment Bart horston

Second of the championship by half a point my goodness me so there you can see the uh stricken uh 55 car and here we can see in uh replay uh how that really rather unceremoniously got nerfed onto the grass made contact with the barriers and always knew that you

Could see that wheel there there was a control arm or something broken yeah front right uh suspension damage yeah they both went out why didn’t they are both scrambling for position and uh two unfortunately didn’t fit into one pretty heavy hit with a barrier hopefully Colin

Is uh okay after that great drive to the the victory yesterday from a different angle here you see it Julius Denise was right behind it as well he did well to avoid it didn’t he in the black uh car and he got through we also saw a bit of

Wheel banging after that turned between Adrian roostney and Robbie McAfee for seventh and eighth positions having looked at it from the different camera angles and we can see it here again I mean to be fair uh Denny was just sliding at that point isn’t he and as

You quite rightly said two in a one ain’t gonna go uh every driver trying to keep the car on the tarmac of course and uh it’s just a great shame it is Danny uh changed his changed his position he was at wide Colin was more off the track wasn’t he over the sausage

Because the sausage curb didn’t help no no and settled the car didn’t it but just two drivers committed to the to the corner and just one of those things I think that you can necessarily name any particular blame on that one race I’d say racing incident others with bigger

Brains than me will decide upon that though yes and thankfully that doesn’t require us to make that decision you can see the body language gives the dejection doesn’t it you know and the incident between cars number five and number 33 in turn number six is under investigation so that was uh

That was a bit of contact it was uh pretty abrasive stuff but okay kind of okay I think they’re looking at it anyway but what I respect about this uh about this cup and the BMW M2 Club in the way it’s runny is that uh you know

It’s very real deal racing you know and uh you know do things do happen you say it’s a racing instant you know and uh I think a lot of things are considered to be that and they let they let them go race because it’s it’s tough learning

Curve mate no uh Max razam is looking for his first win of the championship as well remember that is that all these podiums seven of them uh sorry eight of them he hasn’t yet got a race win could he do it from ninth on the grid is Louisa Carla serves that drive-through

Penalty for the contact which put yamateas out of the race so that drive-through penalty being uh taken right now when the drive-through penalty is awarded to you you have up to three laps to uh take and execute that uh drive-through penalty as the race continues then uh there are still

Battles going on whichever way you look right now and uh going into uh turn number three just a little bit of a helping hand there from a seedl uh one of the guest drivers this weekend now Max rose that means right onto the tail of the second place car which is

Sennovan’s solar look so Fury has got the lead of the race away I mean all the drama that’s been going on behind uh in the one second Advantage he’s got all of a sudden as well over Senna van Sola who’s dead a second and Under Fire from

Max Roseanne second place if he can get it with buttholeston in fifth would be enough for second in the championship as it stands in Bartlett number 50s falling away a little bit Yeah link yeah it’s also having fallen away a bit now obviously uh got caught up in that

Incident that we saw uh just a few moments ago with Colin burning house and is uh Denny burn who’s not showing the pace that he did and I just wonder whether there might be a tiny bit of damage to his car as well I appreciate that he lost uh places when that

Skirmish was going on but he just seems to have lost the pace that he had earlier on so it’s furry from Bensalem from Roseanne the replay heading up the hill so this was how Leighton Fury got past around the outside at turn three so it did the

Job at turn two so that was off camera and he just whipped around the outside Layton Fury that was a confident move but he also trusted Cena vansola to give him the space and generally speaking there is uh racing rumors left and respect between those drivers because to

Try and make that move around turn number three uh you have got to have the regard of other drivers as well they’ve got to let you do it almost yeah absolutely right so it still has one really the top five local England course for his best result of the season so far

In fourth can he get the podium out of it we’ve had Carmen craft moving up to 11th head of Claudia Henning so Claudia has been going great guns of late but it’s just struggled in qualifying which put her on the back foot here this weekend but she shown a lot of Promise

Cloudy heading this season in the last few rounds in particular but at the moment she’s back in 12th Place so as the cars continue to run around this Spielberg circuit what have we got nine and a half minutes plus one lap of racing Leighton Fury then leading over

Max rosam at the moment who has got the number five leading over van cerlin who has got the number five car of Max Roseanne uh right on his uh gearbox now uh trying to do something to unsettle him from that to a P2 position and to uh

Move into uh occupying the second in the order and uh is there time for him to uh make a charge on Leighton Furious uh by Horst and then and we can see here in uh replay and that was a very bold move by Roseanne you know to put it and send it

Up the inside there and again racing respect from both of the drivers there Bart could have defended that even more aggressively has had a moment he’s got off The Walker so Roseanne second but also Bart Austin of course moves up a place at 18 points per second 14 points uh for fewer for

Fourth place and Max has still got the bonus point for the fastest lap so as it was really it’s half a point adrift so he’s got to win the race there Max rosam to get second in the championship as it stands right so if ever there was an

Incentive there it is surcast to you uh you’ve got to be doing the win in here so that means getting on terms with furry who’s got a margin of just under a second and we’ve got eight minutes of the race remaining it’s a good move from

Adrian Rouge the Epic turn three in the blue out oh so was it an issue with the car which sent him wide off the road or was there some contact let’s have a look ah lock up that’s an issue with the car isn’t it I think yeah front right big smoking lockouts a

Breaking issue about lots of things just not with his weekend does it and uh sometimes you go through this don’t you in racing and you know we say it can be utterly beautiful but it can be so brutal as well and uh yeah he’ll be a bitterly disappointed where you could

Sell that for the body language as you close the door with some Venom um you know when it’s not your fault and when something has happened you know that kind of it’s a really bitter Bill to swallow yeah after such a good qualifying as well for me he’s best

Qualifying of the season so far uh and a driver he’s gone well in the championship so hard really hard luck for Center van sir he’s been excellent this year but uh a sad into what’s been otherwise a very strong season yeah fair point so uh furry from

Roseanne from link from Holston then and the official prediction of the driver classification and uh it’s going to be late and furry of course we know that but the difference between parhorsten and Max rosam then a 178 to 176.5 so we know what Max has got to do

Yeah plus plus it’s kind of irrelevant at the moment but plus the point the fastest lap which they’re not added on to that fair point either way it doesn’t make any difference he’s got to win he’s got to win the race uh and hope that horse then stays off the podium because

If markets into third place it doesn’t matter what Max does but we’ll be second in the championship forgive me look at the lap Evolution over the last three max knows what he’s going to do Chris it’s all very well being quick as quick as the car in front of you or even

Quicker still gotta find a way buying I can’t help but feel whilst it’s academic for Leighton Fury where he finishes he’s a racing driver he wants to finish on the top step of the podium and he wants to finish this season having uh celebrated yesterday he wants to take

The a win today he wants that Victory he wants to be on the top step of the podium however Max Roseanne has got the bit between his teeth for uh second in the championship and knows that he’s got to find a way by Leighton Fury and the

Gap is down to just six tenths between them now and it’s probably even less and how good the story would that be you haven’t went all year you’ve come close loads of times you’ve been on the podium loads of times you start ninth of the

Grid and you win the race and you get second of the championship that’ll be a dream come true but he also needs to rely on Luka link keeping Bar Austin behind uh Luke of course fighting for his first Podium of the Season here you go and he will be every bit as

Determined to achieve that again to finish the season on a high by being on the podium but of course boss awesome will be well aware of that and these young drivers not only are they talented young drivers they’re also very clever as well and they’ll be probably aware of

The points connotations also and that will be going through their mind and providing just a little bit further uh um incentive for them if you like and uh well Austin there was taking a look at the number 33 cup Luka link who I have to say is being very very impressive in

Very fair defending Chris yeah behind uh Adrian roostney on course for his best result of the Season had a really good Spielberg actually uh he’s there in fifth place Julius Denison in six he’s dropping back now so Bart horston uh we’ll have to go on the attack soon I

Think because Max Rose I’m he’s probably Bart has got to think well look Max is probably going to get the win here so I’ve got to get 30 if we get third it doesn’t matter what Max does so I think he’ll be incentivized to go for it anyway and Max Rose I’m getting

Alongside uh the race leader through turn three no way through yet though the inside line is covered on the way down into turn four by Layton Fury Leighton holding off Max Roseanne for the time being and we have just under five minutes plus one lap of the race to do

So the battle for P1 is uh playing out on screen for us right now between Leighton Fury and Max rice and Max Rose have absolutely determined here but what he needs to do is try and provoke a small error from Leighton Fury uh just to give him the little Edge and give him

The opportunity find him a centimeter of tarmac that he can use to try and put an overtake move on here they’re beginning to look a little bit Scrappy Leighton furry is in particular as he’s defending that P1 position for the moment uh Luka link can breathe a sigh of relief as bar

Houston is not quite as close as he has been but is that because he’s building up for a charge on the next lap yeah but Holston getting a bit out of shape they’re coming out of turn nine dancing over the curbs trouble is for Max Roseanne Leighton Fury does not tend to

Make mistakes I mean I can’t remember the last time Leighton fury made a mistake this season he is metronomic so he’s not going to be easy to pass for the lead of the race he’s gonna take something bold and brave from Max Roseanne and is he gonna be able to find

Where he can use that uh bold and brave uh qualities to try and find a way past Leighton Fury as they run up now through the King which is turned number two heading up towards turn number three Leighton Fury gave us a great example of how you can use the outside line there

Is Maxwell I’m gonna try and do the same he probably carries a little bit too much speed but I’ll tell you what Chris is not far from being a carbon copy of what Leighton did almost almost he’s gonna be alongside because the next breaking Zone the next big corner is a

Right-hander that’s going to favor Layton Fury even if Max knows his ahead which he might do maybe through turns five six seven might be his best chance he’s got a cut back on the inside now coming out of this corner to make that happen here he goes

And I think he’s uh I think he’s doing this really really well once again they go side by side and Leighton furry then he has got the inside line but Max rosam is absolutely committed to this and just as we saw it there I think he’d got his

Nose just in front of Leighton Fury this is for the race lead Chris what a brilliant overtake over three or four corners Max rosam has done it beautiful move from Max rose that he’s in the lead of the racer with Bart Austin Fourth as it stands Max he’s going to be second in

The championship but Austin now knows he has got to go for it he’s got to take third place away from Luka link here’s a replay Dave you set that up two or three quarters before smart move it was a smart move driving very much with his

Head and fair play to Leighton Fury who he could have squeezed him a little bit but he didn’t brilliant driving from those two uh so max rosam now leads but Leighton furry is not going to take it lying down as he takes a look at the inside going into

Turn number one now but I can’t help but feel as Max rosam has got his nose in front now he’s going to do everything he can to protect that we’re reaching the closing stages of this championship and there as Chris Hartley alongside me has predicted if everything stays the way it

Is at the moment Max rosam would become P2 in this year’s championship and uh you can hear the sound of Max Roseanne’s friends and family all signing up to the Luca link fan club at the moment I gotta keep it behind please Luca they’re saying please keep bastard behind that

Bart horse then the driver from Perth in Australia he’s been so good this season surely he can’t let second place in the championship slip away he knows what he’s got to do there’s almost no point finishing fourth he’s gonna have to pull a move off here he is absolutely he’s a

Clean and tidy driver and here comes Leighton Fury for the lead of the race again and here comes Bar Austin on Luka link so there is everything still to play for and uh Leighton furry then trying to do exactly what Max Roseanne did to him on the previous lap as they

Go side by side here so furry uh on the inside now will have the advantage and sure enough he goes through so in the space of one and a half laps Chris uh P1 has swapped to P1 has swapped positions and I don’t think it’s quite over yet no

I think there’s gonna be another twist or in the tail in this one so max ReSound down to second place and back down to third in the championship as it stands the other element here is luck at Fifth Place look at Adrian Rouge knee he’s caught them all out he could be in

This battle in fact third fourth and fifth are catching the top two it’s gonna be two laps to go and we’re looking across the line uh now before the clock runs out so run out of this lap then plus one two to go five of them

All together oh it is a five-way party now here we can see how Leighton Fury keeping his call uh was absolutely determined we saw that earlier on uh in terms of not letting uh Maxwell Sam get away with it and has got that back and Chris you’re absolutely right reshni uh

Could be The Driver rubbing hands with invisible soap here with opportunities to come as the warring factions ahead go all out in this battle and look at this side by side for the lead as well I hope he can skip me over the curbs here Max Rose I’m trying the outside line once

Again on Leighton Fury now he won’t do it into turn four but he might have that same run as before underway through turns five and six to get the job done so now again he’ll cut back to the inside and have a go for it in two

Corners time there’s no point looking at the championship prediction next week Darren um because it could all change in the space of the next centimeter of tarmac here uh it is uh Leighton Fury currently leading uh from Max Roseanne Luca link Bart horston and then Adrian resley and then other drivers joining in

As well getting closer now we’ve got the remainder of this lap plus one more more to do uh before we get to the checkered flag you can see that the the tire dag is beginning to have an effect there’s one or two cars looking just a little

Bit Scrappy out there Chris now as they grapple for grip I think it’s because they’ve been driving at 150. that might have something to do it’s been frenetic absolutely frenetic we’re about to stop the last lap of the season and it’s gonna be an absolutely huge one this one that’s roseanneman for

Austin Adrian Rouge these uh lining up a move he wants his first Podium of the Season he’s fifth at the moment oh goodness so right into turn number one for the final time of asking it is Leighton Fury leading from Max rosam from Luka link then it is barhorsten in

P4 I think I’m right in saying that if it stayed this way now then Bart Horton would secure P2 in the drivers championship for 2023 however I could be wrong because they end up into turn number three oh it’s a daredevil dive to the inside from Max Roseanne he’s gonna

Do it he’s gonna get the lead of the race with half a laps again because Fury is boxed on the outside so if Roseanne gets the lead in Holston States fourth rosami second of the championship at Fury’s got his nose in front but right-handed Academy Max Roseanne will

Get the lead into turn four now of course but Horseman could do something about this by finding a way past Luca link but he’s not close enough to be able to do so thus far and sure enough Max rosam does pick up P1 again but you

Just know over the next three or four turns this ain’t done yet no Andy got butt horses he’s got to pull off a move now he’s got to but he can’t leave the door open Adrian Rouge needs behind him as well here we go bar Austin looking

For the inside line lucky to get past Luca link no opportunity yet now he finds it at the inside game oh got that new colleague send it to a spin but Austin gets through to third poor old Luca in there on cause for his first Podium he’s in the gravel trap oh

Goodness right there is Luka link there and you can see uh very unceremoniously parked up in the gravel you can see uh the excitement of this race and his first Podium is ebbed away as we head towards the checkered flag who is gonna win this race it’s gonna be almost a

Photo finish oh it is a photo finish I think it was for I think it was [Applause] second in the championship despite the win for Max Roseanne because he got third but yes that incident under investigation between Horseman and Link oh my goodness so as it stands at the

Moment it’s Roseanne from furry from Holston let’s take a look and there were two incidents going on at the same time there and from that camera angle I would have suggested Bart was far enough alongside Luka link but I’m seeing it from a different angle yeah they’ll both have totally different interpretations all

You can say is that Bart that was his last chance oh he did not do it he had to go for the move yeah but you gotta feel for Luka link I mean he’s driven a brilliant race there and he’s ended up in the gravel trap

Well there was so much going on there were two battles going on at the same time it was the battle for P3 in the battle for P1 of course and we’re trying to bring it to you all and uh uh it was really really difficult to call that

Because uh yeah just about everything was being thrown at us and uh wow if anyone wonders um just how impressive young driving can be and how entertaining it can be well Wonder no more you found the BMW M2 cup there’s a replay of the moment or one of

The moments of the race out into the gravel trap after that contact with bar Houston was Luca link Adrian Bruce Lee fourth place his best result of the Season he’s been his best weekend by far this year uh so well done to Adrian fourth provisionally uh let’s see what

Happens with uh right car 50 drive through penalty can’t do that because it was the last lap it’s replaced by a 30-second penalty for Bart Austin for the contact with Luka link so that is going to drop bartorstone down the order to 11th Place Adrian Rouge gets his

First podium in third and that means that Max Roseanne is the winner with that penalty he’s second in the championship well that just proves that the camera angle that we saw actually uh race control have got access to so much more data and everything and uh they have decided

Now we can see it from this angle it was tight really tight wasn’t it they had to try their move but Luke link had to turn into the corner as well didn’t he found another BMW there and at that angle it’s quite a high speed Corner that as well

It didn’t take much of contact to send Luca into the into the gravel traps they’re really unfortunate for him but you kind of understand how that all unfolded with the championship scenario but welcome Max Rose that because he’s a race winner for the first time this

Season and from ninth on the grid Dave extraordinary performance and of course not only not only does he uh take that but of course he uh he finds himself car five forgive me that’s why I was pausing penalty he has been dropped to P5 Chris limits Master again once Chris is investigating

That it means now that our new top three are Leighton Fury Adrian rishni Robert Hepler uh yeah Max Roseanne fifth but get the points for four because Robert heffler is a guest driver so he’ll get 14 points uh Bart Austin 11th but there are two guests in front of him so he’ll

Get the points for Knight that’s uh seven points so seven points the difference and he got the fastest lap eight points more for Max rosam I reckon he’s still got second in the championship but he’s not won the race Leighton Fury has now won the race you’re doing those calculations on the

Hoof well done because it’s just as we were you know I just saw all of a sudden the uh our uh data screen lit up with a change uh that was what did you say 18 1000 18 000 of a second as across the line but

Track limits has done for him in the end uh so he’ll go winless this season even though he crossed the line just about in first place Max razam what a race Dave yeah confirmation then of the classification Leighton Fury taking the win Atrium rishni then P2 Robert Hefner

P3 ahead of Robbie McAfee good result for MP4 Max rosam relegated to P5 Julius Denison P6 Denny burned p7 Carmen craft p8 head of Claudia Henning uh Luke seedl uh Bart Austin down to P11 Louisa Carla and of course we saw dnfs for Luka link Senna van solo uh Colin burning house

And uh Jan Matthias as well but if if Chris Hartley had said to me that Dave it’s going to be worth the Sprint from the grid up that comes both because it’s going to be an epic race you’d have been right yeah we’ve had some crackers this year that was the

Best of the Season says the provisional points then link Fury 206 points we know already the champion uh Max razam second despite that penalty 172 and a half points bar Horsemen with the penalty 171 drops right in the end of the season to third place in the championship

Standings uh we should say as well huge uh congratulations to Adrian rushny first Podium of the Season he’s there in second place Robert heffler on his guest appearance gets a Podium Robbie McAfee in fourth place with the personal best in fourth and Carmen crap it aches with

A personal best as we go down to Varina really now I’m here with a little confused latent for you because we just found out or he just found out that he’s not only the champion of the BMW M2 cup but he’s also first in this race was

Which was really so crazy so I guess that’s just makes you even happier and confused very confused honestly I thought Max had me on the line um but it seems not to be that way so yeah I mean surprised a little bit but uh yeah that race was epic I mean even

If I did come second I don’t mind losing like that it was clean racing um and yeah it was just crazy I mean throughout the whole race I mean I lost the first like a couple of times had to regain had to really cool down my ties

To re-attack so it was crazy but uh yeah very happy for the whole season and I’d just like to thank project one for the whole season I mean without them it wouldn’t be a so very happy thank you all right thank you so much later do

Enjoy the moment on the podium just a bit and now back to you thanks very much Farina yeah Leighton Fury confused as to why he won the race he thought Max has got him on the line he did but it’s the track limits penalty let’s put Max down to fifth place but

That is six wins this season for Leighton Fury I don’t think anybody can argue he’s a worthy Champion Dave no I think I think you’re absolutely right and you know the measure of him as a character and developing racing driver is what he just said you know what even

If I took P2 I wouldn’t mind taking P2 in a race like that because you know he you know it was just it was awesome awesome racing Maxi’s smiling I’m not sure he’s been given the news yet but he’s not the race winner it’s going to

Be a real blow this for him isn’t it yes it is it’s um you know you have to take it sometimes and uh yeah uh so we are expecting to see Leighton Fury Adrian rishni and uh Robert heffler that is uh Christine curling I have to

Give a big shout out to Christine who helps Chris and I enormously um because she just organizes everything so so very well and uh part of the project one team and Leighton Fury then where the flag which he will uh hold up in Pride there’s leighton’s Dad you can just see

In mom as well and the the family all here to enjoy what has been an epic year for that young man Chris yeah a real talent coming up from uh Johannesburg another Rapid South African driver be interesting to watch his career progress about South Africans oh yeah some fast ones coming through the

Panda Linda’s course brilliant and uh late in Fury the next Generation on the camera man just get up there on the podium well done Adrian he’s pretty happy yeah excellent we came for Adrian Rush Nick Fury on to the top step of the podium on second first we’ll wait for third now which should be Robert heffler We think that Robert heffler is not on the podium on account the fact no one’s told him yet that he’s gone from fifth to third yeah I think so it’s a real shame he’s missed his moment though isn’t it that great moment once again as the South African National Anthem played

Uh for Leighton Fury volca uh air Kershaw the race director of the BMW M2 cup he’s meant to be giving one of the trophies but he’s been so busy in this race you’ve been forgiven for not making it on time wouldn’t he I had breakfast with Volga this morning uh Nico Amanda

Then from uh BMW making the Trophy presentation uh right now to Adrian uh risney who’s pretty chipper about that absolutely great drive from Adrian yeah absolutely flying at the end of that race wasn’t he and Thomas Foss had a motorsport at the adac is here to make

The race winners trophy to uh Leighton Fury so what we’re going to do now is have these celebrations no champagne yet because we’re also going to have a Champions Podium for the overall champion who also happens to be the rookie champion this year two titles for Leighton Fury but we get these extra

Prizes first so these brilliant born Originals uh gold silver and bronze trainers that they get uh for each Podium presentation I tried to liberate a pair of those when I was doing another another piece to camera and The Paddock last night and uh sadly I didn’t

Um but the the tires are awesome as well Chris yeah they’re uh the trophies essentially for the mechanics that will be given for each car back in a separate uh presentation back in the paddock uh asked Christine about those trainers because obviously Leighton Fury has got

All these wins six wins Podium 10 times this year were you were you on a black bear so no I said what’s he do with all these Traders you said well actually we allow them to choose different sizes when they’ve got a few so they can give

Them away to friends and family because he doesn’t really need 10 pairs of trailers does he okay so uh uh well Robin he has got there Volker has been as you say a bit busy could say that oh well that was a pretty good return to the championship this weekend wasn’t it yes

It was and there he gets the shoes and the tire to be passed on to his mechanic as well so uh brilliant stuff um and uh well done to where those drivers down there on the podium and all our Podium presenters uh being part of the photograph as well come on volkup

I need a cup of tea in the lie down after that race as will we all that was Mega really really great season and what a way to finish it yeah yeah you always want the season to end on a high and uh you know from our perspective of course

There will be loads for some of the drivers but that’s part of the uh richness of uh Motorsport it’s just wonderful for us to um for us to be able to bring you such an epic race and Leighton said that that was the word he used that was epic

They’re expecting Maxi motion to present the Champions Trophy to Leighton Fury as last year’s Champion as you mentioned yesterday it was rather successful here wasn’t he debut in GT3 maximostom absolutely and uh just proving that uh the pyramid system that project one have designed and they are The Architects of

His he’s really working as we’re seeing drivers uh make their progression young talents make their progression through the various echelons of Motorsport and getting the grounding they need to achieve their objectives so to the top step of the podium for the championship Chris Leighton Fury the BMW M2 Cup champion

2023 outstanding season for the South African and there he is in a familiar position on the very top step of the podium he is a uh a really really nice young man and uh there indeed is the seven foot seven tall Maxi mosten who of course has been here before Chris except

He was the recipient of the trophy he was yet last year one in uh adac GT Masters yesterday driving with 2012 DTM Champion Bruno Spengler good God when Bruno won the DTM Championship Maxi mosten was eight years old and he was winning a race with him yesterday frightening isn’t it Christian Goble

There was making the next uh struggling yeah and a t-shirt to boot as well don’t tickle him anybody it’s this attention to detail you know the T-shirt there with the uh with the gold leaves and the number one um produced overnight to celebrate Leighton Fury having become the 2023 BMW

M2 Cup champion hey what he’s gonna need some excess baggage for all that on the way back to South Africa tomorrow isn’t he um and there he is relieved muscles in his uh forearms isn’t he yeah so the two trophies there one for the overall Championship one for the rookie

Title as well it’s double bubble isn’t it of course I didn’t even mention that sorry Chris yeah worthy worthy winner and uh yeah great to see all these young drives it’s gonna be really interesting you look at uh race coverage in five or six years time we’re gonna see these names I think

Popping up more and more again it’s been a fantastic season Dave Richardson hasn’t it yes indeed it has Chris Hartley has been the voice for the majority of it a big heads up to you Chris you’re doing a great job uh We’ve enjoyed what has been an epic finale to

The BMW M2 cup for 2023 thank you so much for watching we’ll see you next year ladies and gentlemen it’s time for champagne [Applause] Foreign

The final race of the BMW M2 Cup season at the Red Bull Ring.

#BMWMMotorsport #BMWM2Cup

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