
Sebastian Steudtner takes on the waves at Nazaré with a Porsche surfboard

Sebastian Steudtner takes on the waves at Nazaré with a Porsche surfboard

The Hunter and the Prey achieving the goal you worked your whole life to fulfill brings you from out of the darkness and into the Spotlight it turns a hunter into the hunted the one to beat but that Spotlight broadens your view it reveals the bigger picture goals may change what remains constant is the Challenge

Being the best at what you do is always a challenge, but professional surfer Sebastian Steudtner is embracing it.

Now the world record holder for the biggest wave ever surfed, Sebastian has experienced first-hand what it means to be in the spotlight. Everyone tries to break your records and some crumble under the pressure — the kind of pressure that turns hunters into prey.

Equipped with his new board, the Caçador RS engineered by Porsche, Sebastian is now ready for the big wave season, hitting the Portuguese coast at Nazaré.

Taycan 4S: Electrical consumption combined in kWh/100 km: 24,1 – 19,8 (WLTP*); Range combined in km: 370 – 510 (WLTP*), Range City in km: 454 – 609 (WLTP*); CO2 emissions combined in g/km: 0 (WLTP) Status: 12/2023

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*Alle von Porsche angebotenen Neufahrzeuge sind nach WLTP typengenehmigt. Offizielle von den WLTP-
Werten abgeleitete NEFZ-Werte liegen für Neufahrzeuge seit dem 1. Januar 2023 nicht mehr vor und können daher nicht mehr angegeben werden.
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