FREEING GAIA #03 | The NEW Challenge | BMW Podcast

FREEING GAIA #03 | The NEW Challenge | BMW Podcast

Implementing innovation in a new dimension is worth the try and the wait I know I have to be patient to reach the top I am no stranger to time the thousands of years I have been here but here now that we is so close to

The summit I have lost all power and all I can do is wait I feel every second passing and it is a heavy burden to bear all I can do is wait for my Champions to Return Yeah wow what is this place it’s beautiful it’s like a Hidden Paradise in the middle of the city this is where I got my inspiration it calms me down also it’s where I discovered my superpowers these trees right here were the first to speak to me it’s

Beautiful why did you ask me to bring my my monstera well as we were at your place your plan gave me a message to pass on I think you have a story to share well now they I’ve told you my inspiration tell me yours key this this was my mother’s plan the only

Thing I’ve kept from her before she left me in my father after she left us my father got very depressed he was a game designer and created a game just for me so I would be out of his way I’m sorry to hear that is is that how you got your

Power at first I just started making changes to the game it was just programming then I got better and better I was so fast that I couldn’t even see my fingers when I was coding I created not only a game but a world for myself designed by myself and then one day it

Happened instead of using the keyword on my computer I was suddenly in the program moving lines of ones and zeros all this time she was the only reason I came back to the real world my little monstera I guess I was foolish enough to believe that one day my mother would return to

Us that must have been hard I am fine now I mean now I’m spending more time outside the digital world and I like it especially with de great now you’ve both found your inspiration well don’t you worry Rema you’ll find yours too we’ll help you I’m always the last one

Relax just think about it you’re a musician what was your inspiration maybe your first guitar or or or it can even be a place perhaps the club that you had your first gig out no it was how could I forget of course it was a lullabi that my father

Used to sing to me when I was a little kid I I can’t remember the lyrics but the melody the Melody has stayed in my memory until today it was it was the inspiration for my very first song it goes like This that’s it this melody brings new inspiration to the trees Rema don’t stop okay What are the trees saying key Shireen wants to connect with the other trees you mean leave her here no no no no I’m just going to put her in the soil right here for a few seconds she’ll be fine trust me now what just wait a minute I can hear her what sh

Is connected to an ancient Soul harmonia harmonia wait what is harmonia well guia put the clue right here your song triggered it and key your plant is connected to an ancient tree in harmonia hermonia I’ve never heard of that let me check H it’s the name of a forest but it’s

Almost like a myth there are some speculations where the forest could be oh the cosmic gem must be there then what are we waiting for let’s pack up and meet in an hour take only what you need we’ll travel with ex all together oh I wish I could have brought

IV with me just loves going on road trips yeah D2 but it’s actually much better for us to just take one car # together forever yeah kind of yeah it’s great to have you all here thanks I ex man he’s polite um Rema the road ends here I

Cannot go any further okay then let’s just walk what about ex it’s all right I can wait here are you going to be okay alone yeah don’t worry and Rema please be careful a i ex you’re embarrassing me come on let’s go do we even know where we’re going

According to my research the harmonia forest should be here if it’s real the rest is up to Caleb so how does this thing actually work I mean you hear the sounds of the trees or well yeah most of the time you see some trees are more communicative some are

Shy how do you know how old they are well you see this one right over here yeah it’s really different every Forest has an oldest tree they are totally different from anything else here they don’t talk to just anybody you really have to be lucky well so how do you know where it

Is well they are more powerful than any other soul out here it’s it’s like it’s pulling me towards itself like an invisible force what about yourself how does your power work yeah is it like in one of those superhero movies can you make electricity come out of your fingers no

Of course not this isn’t a movie but yeah actually if I think about it is kind of like a superhero movie If I focus I can draw electricity from my hands but I don’t really know how to use it I’ve never had to I just use it to make

Music so I guess now I will have to use my power in a new form for the first time it’s like the project guia was talking about the Noy in you yeah that yeah this is also a new experience for me before I almost just used my power to

Listen to the plants talking to each other so it must be really loud for you here in the forest with all these talking trees is it you see these trees are so old most of them are sleeping it’s really funny I never thought I would actually ever tell anybody about my power or

Ivy yeah I feel the same way I don’t think I ex has ever spoken in front of anyone but me hey we really are superheroes you know what we should give ourselves a name something like um Guardians of Gaia uh wait Justice League of virtual

Universe oh no no no no no no the best one gaia’s Angels someone watched a lot of films well you know superx does have a pretty cool interior screen okay uh back to the name I really want to do this what should we call ourselves how about simply Noya Heroes

That’s kind of cool this is perfect I love it we are the NOA Heroes sorry my bad I got a little too excited wait wait I’m sensing something is it the oldest tree no no no no something is disturbing the piece of the trees well

That could be us I mean this part of the forest is pretty isolated look there’s a cave over there there I think we’re getting closer wait be careful it’s getting really dark yeah this is because we’re right in the heart of the forest now here follow me are you

Sure trees don’t usually grow in caves I am sure it’s really strong it’s almost pulling me towards it key Rema are you all right I’m fine so I wow what is this place this is it we are standing right in front of the oldest tree in the forest oh it is

Magnificent oh it’s so beautiful look there’s the gem guy I told us about perfect let’s go get it no wait it is power far beyond our imagination we should ask the tree for permission first okay my old friend we are here on behalf of an individual in need of help

We stand here as we are open to your judgment if you feel any impure intention you can protect the gem from it if not please release the gem so we can take it to a place where it is protected can we take it now we can try okay but be Careful it’s not moving at all it is locked great wait we came all this way for nothing okay wait oh honorable ancient tree please help us okay stand back I’m going to use my power no wait wait wait wait I’m trying to speak to it or we can just

Let Rema do her thing please do wait the tree speaking to me what does it say with massive storms and flares so bright I’m always changing a stunning sight a NeverEnding source of light chasing away the darkest knife it’s a riddle why are all these entities so

Mysterious can’t they just tell us what to do well it’s an easy one of course you have access to the whole internet no I don’t need that it’s obvious the answer is the Sun what are we supposed to do with that over there something something is glowing it’s a

Stone it’s shaped like the sun and seems to be built into the wall wow it’s beautiful No don’t touch it wow look it’s a ray of daylight the sun it shines directly above the gem the gem is unlocked guys I’ve got it the light is gone let’s

Go did you hear that we’re not alone I can feel another human being who could it be I don’t know but we have to be quick run are you hurt my leg come here hey it’s too dark here this was no part of the plan okay come back you’re still going

To pay me all right yes how bad is it I don’t know but I have the gem oh good safe let’s get out of here we can’t go back to where we came from whoever did this is still waiting for us I think there’s another way out of here

Key can you walk I can try here let me help you Caleb let’s take a break here key how are you doing can I take a look I can’t walk anymore well the bleeding stopped but she’s lost a lot of blood we must do something how much longer do we have to

Walk well we must be close to the road oh what a gorgeous Trey let me just take a look at it seriously you know what what it’s kind of funny what’s funny I spent so much time in my computer and the first time I’m in the

Woods I might not survive it don’t say that Caleb said that we’re close watch the gy if anything happens to me sh ke I don’t want to hear it we’re the NOA Heroes we stick together and we will survive that is if Caleb ever comes back look what I found magic

Leaves these are really rare good for you well you don’t understand I can make a magic potion out of them give me your water what are you doing maybe it’ll help Key’s wound you see ancient forests have healing powers you just have to ask them

For help all you need to know is the right spell wow well I guess that’s why you’re The enchanter’s Nightshade here drink this I don’t think it’s going to work but I guess just trust me and drink it what have you done give it a second are you okay

Key how are you feeling I feel will you be able to walk oh wow how you’re very welcome all right let’s go this way growth comes with pain trial and failure but it’s worth fighting for something new you just have to be patient to see the result and believe

That the future will be Bright I’m exhausted me too I think we’re lost no we’re not I miss my bedroom well I miss Ivy I’m hungry come on guys we’re almost there are you sure cuz I got a feeling I ex is it is that ex I can see him we’re not lost I ex

Buddy Remo where were you I was worried to death you won’t believe it I need to tell you everything no no we don’t have time drive now [ __ ] [ __ ] let’s go let’s go there’s another car right behind us that’s him the one that shot key key got shot I’m

Fine IX no worry just go faster remma faster ow ah he shot at my car my car that’s it hold on tight reer slow down weo girl you should learn how to control your emotions well we lost him I think we were fast enough you think so mhm he

Shot I ex who was that guy anyway this is all just getting too dangerous for me I assume he’s part of that hacker group how did he find us well I told you that I sensed another the presence when we met Gaia they must have followed us who exactly are they

Okay I did some research on my own this hacker group is really dangerous they have members all over the world could it be they hacked your connection that stings but I can’t think of any other way I mean how would they know about harmonia and the

Gem we need to find a very safe place to transform the cosmic Gem and my place is not safe anymore we can do it at my place we need mega computers to transport an object to the virtual world do you have any ideas I can ask a friend but first let’s go and

Eat something when you face your strongest fear and overcome it you become a new person with a new perspective you will not only start a new chapter you will create a whole new book but the greater the change the bigger the fear of it I hope they make it in Time A

Back in real life, Key, Reema, and Caleb attempt to find the hidden gem. But they must first relive their darkest memories, recall their greatest dreams, and rediscover their fondest joys. Every step brings them closer to their goal, but also to a concealed threat that awaits them. They risk not only their lives, but the future of Gaia, as well. When it comes to protecting her best companion BMW Super iX, Reema utilizes all her powers. Reema and the BMW Super iX seize control of their own destiny, harnessing the power of electrified driving.

02:13 Key shares how she discovered her powers
04:09 Reema finds her inspiration
04:49 Three forces connect
05:37 Harmonia!
06:22 A road trip with the BMW iX
11:22 Caleb leads Reema and Key into the darkest part of the forest
11:38 The Cosmic Gem
14:55 The three superheroes are attacked by an unknown threat
15:18 Key gets shot
20:07 Boosted by Reema’s power, Super iX drives them to safety

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