Electric Motorcycles

My RANGE Disappeared at an Alarming Rate: Cyrusher Ranger E-bike

My RANGE Disappeared at an Alarming Rate: Cyrusher Ranger E-bike

All right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel we are starting off the video from we last left off on the review of the S rusher Ranger electric bike and let me show it to you really really quick so you guys can get an idea

Of what it looks like it is a bright green bike and it is a huge one at that 26 in Tires 4 in wide no fenders unfortunately we talked about the the last time but it has a powerful buang 750 W Motor in there which is super nice

It’s not extra torque or anything like that it is a 52 volt with a 20 amp hour battery right here it works phenomenally with the pedals cuz it has a torque sensor in it but since this bike is 116 lbs it takes a lot of power to move this

Thing and I really like it though it’s a very fun bike the seat isn’t that comfortable you have this little air vent right here so it does help your balls and everything like that stay cool you don’t get all sweaty underneath the seat but it is a very small seat if you

Notice I’d probably change that out if I was you guys but I did put a electric Beacon headlight on here and then I also put a shred light slr1 in the back so we’ll have an extra light in the back so people can see us along with the brake

Light that’s right here which is not integrated into the power system so we just got to make sure to turn that on at night time but I got to hurry up because it’s actually supposed to rain any second and I’m taking the bike today because I’m actually off the next 2 days

And then the days after that I work very late and I think this is the best day for me to take it so later on when we the night riding footage it actually might be raining I’m pretty sure it will be so you guys are probably going to be

In for a huge surprise and if it doesn’t rain later then it’s probably just going to be wet all over the ground I’m pretty sure before we get into that situation though I have one big problem on this bike and if you guys noticed from my

Review video you got to go back and watch it if you didn’t you’re a square man you got to go back and watch the video review first and then watch this video all right but um we had a flat in the back holy crap okay water everywhere

I don’t mind water but there’s no finners on this damn bike um we got a flat on the rear tire I put slime in it I use this uh brand called armad Dilo and it’s about I want to say 20 something dollar or something shipped

For a bottle of it and I put half the bottle in these tires because they’re huge they’re 26 in by 4 in wide so you need a lot of slime but anyways we got the slime in the tires and the bad thing is the front one overnight actually went

Down to 13 or 15 psi and it was at I think if I’m not mistaken like 28 or something like that when I took off so it’s definitely going flat so I brought my charger with me not my charger I meant my bike pump man I am all over the

Place today it’s just not the day I guess for me I don’t know what I’m thinking right now I’m all over the place but uh I brought the bike pump it’s electronic one so you can just hook it up and it’d be perfectly fine so if

It does go flat like the 20 psi or whatever before the end of my my shift cuz we got 9 hours to go technically 10 because I’m going to work a little early and I got a clock in uh it might go flat so I’m going to have to hook that up

Before we get on the ride tonight I’m just hoping it doesn’t go completely flat because if it goes completely flat I’m going to have to hit somebody up to give me a ride and hey look our battery percent is at 69% baby and I hate when

People do this why you got to be an idiot and do this dumb ass if you’re not going to make the turn then don’t do the turn oh and another thing we did too is I didn’t charge this bike from our last video and we started with the bike showing

81% when I turned it on in the garage uh when you guys saw me doing the walk around I think it was like 77 or 76% and right now it’s saying 71% but I do remember on the last video it was about 76 if I’m not mistaken because

We were right almost at of quarter of a battery down and we did 10 miles in that span so this is a very good bike to get good range out of it but again it is cold and it’s not going to get as good

Of range if it was like hot but it is what it is um did you even look hey this guy’s going to go too none of those people look they just took off you got to love it man it’s Fresno for you this truck’s trying to get away from me he’s like man

I can’t get away from this biker man he’s always next to me we’re definitely going to try to get away from this traffic I’m going to try to go through this red light so we can just not be around all this because someone that’s right behind me almost hit me going onto

The freeway right now and I’ll show you if I could turn around really quick oh I can’t I saw them behind me hey cigarettes and they were going to turn on the freeway all right never mind my plan did not work and let’s not get hit

By this garbage can guy that wouldn’t be fun all right let’s see how it does up this hill I got to stay this way because you see all this debris in the street holy moly we’re going to get another flat riding this stuff so 16 oh I got to

Go through the gears hold on hold on so I was only doing 16 coming up this and now that I’m getting on the pedals yeah it didn’t really change too much but if I would have started pedaling going up that it would have been a

Little bit faster but I was a little bit behind on it but it’s all right like I said it’s not not the most powerful bike to like go places but it definitely feels good if you pedal it if you if you love pedaling bikes you’re definitely

Going to love this one and I’m curious to see how fast we go down this hill and it looks like we’re not getting any extra speed we’re just doing a casual 30 mph which I did on Flat Road with this bike and I’m maxed out on the throttle

And pedal assist 5 so this truck is still like God damn it get away from me bike yeah so unfortunately I was expecting like 33 maybe 34 mph coming down that hill and I’m actually still surprised it’s a 52 volt with 26in tires I would have thought it would have done

Like 34 or 35 on Flat Road but it just doesn’t I wonder if it has to do with the controller they put on here or they have a limiter on here it doesn’t feel like any power is getting cut on the bike but I just expected it to go a

Little faster that’s old all right so this is how we get away from traffic let’s go let’s go go go go go all right so I like doing that so I can try to get away from traffic for a little but I hate when they’re riding next to me and plus I’m

Trying to beat that truck and what the hell is that what the oh man someone passed away right there man what happened that I don’t remember that being there the last time I rode through this way so something had to happen dang I don’t like this road

Cars are too close get away car get away oh man that’s a big loud dog over there man I really wish I had a new seat or some different seat on this thing this is not that comfortable I do feel a lot of air flow going through the seat though like to my

Balls or my butt whatever you want to call it um it feels great but it’s just a very hard seat man there’s really no like padding to it they should have put suspension in the seat as well I think that would have helped but they didn’t

All right we’re down to 63% and I’m hitting 26 mph hoping the make this oh God go go go bike go go go a shit oh we made it it’s all right it’s all right I had a feeling I was like man I need to be doing like 30 m an hour this

Is kind of why when I do go on my rides I do like to charge my bikes to 100% regardless if I am going 4 miles 5 miles 10 Mi 20 mi I love to have my bikes at a full charge because you get the most

Power out of it and you get the most top speed but just for this test I really just wanted to see how well we did and since I know it’s 4 1/2 miles to my work back and forth we’re going to do about 9 mil in total so we’re going to add that

To our 10 mil that we already have on here and we’re going to see what that equals up to on uh the battery percent when we get back unfortunately there is no voltage reading on this thing it would have been nice but you do have

Some buttons here on the side and all it does is show you your current trip which you can reset if you hold the button which it says we have 15.4 Mi that’s a Max that we’ve had on it the max top speed on this run has been 29.9 mph our

Average speed has been 22.1 miles and then it just goes back to odometer which is the same thing as our trip cuz I never reset our trip but you can reset the trip if you want with the buttons and then of course you know your dedicated headlight button your horn

Button which I don’t like there’s another button right here and oh that dims the screen it shows a headlight icon on the screen um You probably guys probably can’t see that but if you need to dim the display and maybe save a little tiny bit of battery it’s probably

Not going to be much maybe like 2% throughout your whole ride maybe if that um you could do that you just got to hit this bottom button right there just don’t hit the very very bottom button because that’s your power button but oh great all right so I’m going to be in

The street cruising with traffic I’m not okay okay don’t hit me don’t hit me excuse me sir all right sketchy as hell like always man I hate that I hate it so much damn my old manager for transferring me asshole dude God pisses me off I was perfectly fine

At the store that I was at man but good things are looking up at this store though I got to say the manager at this store is hands down he is awesome like days off when I need it you know he’s talkative he’s informational like we

Always like share what’s going on in the store and we always keep up the date with stuff and he tells me exactly what to do he’s a manager I need to listen to him but at the same time he’s reasonable on like hey you couldn’t get this done

You couldn’t get it done and I thank him for that because there’s days where it just jacked do I want to go straight or do I want to turn I’m going to turn I’m going to go this way yeah let’s go this way let’s go this

Way all right let’s turn in here and go over all this water with our no fenders oh man all right what’s crazy is that I’m pulling up to work and we’re at 50% what the heck I left the house last time we rode the bike at

76% and it just went up to like 81 cuz you know the voltage sag and all that stuff but what the heck 50% 4 and 1/2 miles I went down another quarter of the battery that makes no sense it is colder but that still to me

Makes no sense oh the headlight was on the whole time that didn’t help but with voltage tag popping up it’s 54% but other than that guys let me turn this off so I don’t blind anyone cuz I know someone’s going to complain all right I will see you guys at night time

Let me go lock this thing up and it might be raining so we’ll cut to the clip of me walking outside all right ladies and gentlemen just like that it is night time 9 hours down and I’m turning the bike on for the first time getting the gloves on these are Alpine

Stars not a sponsor but I love them Beyond Rider’s clothing as well their jacket the reflective line so people can see me because I’m going to be going a little bit slower on this bike uh 62% is what I’m showing here on the display got the headlight turned on

We’re going to check that out even though we kind of checked that a little bit on my like review video oh my God one thing you got to remember to do oh my God something I always forget so I got to turn this on where is the button

Oh God where is the button I guess it would help to know where these buttons are at all right so I got that on and I guess you have to do it without gloves because these are too thick of gloves and you can’t feel the button under here

But it’s like slightly offset on the right hand side and I also got my blinking light on as well so we should be good to go I’m not going to turn on this electric uh Beacon headlight yet that I got from the XP company electric

XP and uh we’re just going to see how the regular headlight works for a little bit before we go and turn that on oh man it’s sketchy going around this turn I know if there’s a car or not but I didn’t see no lights unless someone someone’s crazy and not turn on their

Headlights like this car is like very very dim go go go go truck go all right let me turn on my helmet lights so people can see me all right let me get behind all this traffic which is crazy it’s like 12 midnight why is there so much traffic hopefully no one’s behind

Me nope no one’s behind me we’re good hopefully this car sees me please don’t go God dang it I have one itty bitty light on the front guys a little worried for people not seeing me and something I’m still so surprised about it’s been 9 hours but it just

Popped into my head and I’m just like how the heck did we get to work at barely over 50% battery for only 4 and 1 half miles compared to when I did my video review at 100% we basically did 10 mil for the whole entire trip and we

Only did a quarter of uh the battery which is insane and I apologize if there was water on the GoPro I don’t have a towel to wipe it off blame the company with with not putting fenders on this bike because I just ran over a bunch of

Water and it rained earlier and surprise it ain’t raining right now so thank you God I was seriously worried about it raining um oh there’s more water great I literally felt all the water just splash and hit me in the face and I’m talking

About I got a full face helmet on and it hit me actually like in the face all right I’m going to make it I’m going to make it it hey you got a weight car sucker suck on that all right so that just means every time I see water as

Long as it’s safe enough I’m going to have to get into the Roe because I’m getting tired of run this stuff over like right now I can’t tell there’s a car behind me but that was a lot better than just running it straight over but man that that sucks definitely if you

Guys pick this bike up really think about getting fenders for it that’s an extra cost and then if you don’t want the headlight from the company that’s 89 bucks which is it’s not bad honestly it’s going to connect to the electrical system so I would probably go that route

Instead of having an aftermarket one but if you do want an aftermarket one you can get one of these and I think they’re like 60 or 70 bucks but the bad thing is you’re always going to have to charge this it’s type-c it charges really fast

And it uses a about it’s a battery Bank as well but still it’s just a lot easier to have something connected to the bike unless you’re trying to save every last percent then you know I can see why you guys are probably want to get an aftermarket one and just not have a

Headlight run at all and then save a little bit of battery is that a C that looks like a cop I was going to turn in here cuz this is a one cool spot to show you guys how everything looks because it’s so lit up but I wanted to see what

These cops were up to I’m going to go I’m doing it I’m doing it suck on that cops there you go ladies and gentlemen you always talking about don’t do that you’re not suppos oh God more water you’re not supposed to go through a red

Light cops don’t care man as long as you are safe and not being an idiot on thead Road all right oh God I’m down to under half I’m at 49% that’s probably going to jump up a little bit but uh yeah there’s kind of how the bike looks at night not

Too bad um let’s kind of stand back and check out the tail light just a little bit uh someone’s going to decently see it but it just it doesn’t stand out that reflective one the the not the reflective one the one that’s shining that R1 from shred light that’s really

Reflecting on the ground is what I meant to say so that’s really noticeable and the front light the one thing I do like about these front lights even though they are tiny from a distance when someone’s driving and they see something off to the side it really puts out a

Beam of light that kind of almost blinds a driver in a way and alerts them that hey there’s something on the side of the road they can’t really tell cuz they can’t even tell it’s a bicycle I just don’t like the fact that the output for

Us isn’t that great so what I’m going to do right now is I am going to turn on the electric XP headlight it takes a while you got hold it for a decent amount of time we’re going to leave the stock one on for now um I want to see

The difference really quick I want to see what them both on then I want to see with the stock one off going off the curb just a little bit getting a little adventurous boys aren’t we I’m just kidding I ain’t doing shit out here I’m so like tired and dead

After working thank God I got the next 2 days off the only bad thing is it’s supposed to rain I want to give you guys a test video uh I’m I’m assuming hopefully this week because the week after this when this video goes up it is

Going to be close to Christmas time so just in case that video you know goes out late or whatever it’s probably going to go out right before Christmas time I’m going to just say happy Christmas Merry Christmas to all you guys right now and hopefully you guys are enjoying

It with your family hopefully you guys got some good gifts maybe someone got a bike I don’t know um I would love to do a giveaway because I did mention think when I was at 30,000 subscribers or maybe it was even 20,000 that when I hit 50,000 I

Wanted to do a giveaway it’s too hard for me to do an ebike giveaway so let me let you guys know why it’s because if someone wins the bike I don’t have the original box shipping is a pain it’s also like really expensive then you want

To have insurance on it and I just don’t want to be responsible for anyone like getting HT just in case something’s messed up on it someone installs it and they come after me so I would probably do a giveaway of like money that’s probably the best thing that I would say

Is the easiest thing because then I can just send people like send money to people so that’s probably what I might doing a giveaway coming up soon I don’t know when I’m going to do it um I’m going to probably say after Christmas just because there’s a lot going on um

With the holidays you know my work and stuff like that we work a lot during the holidays cuz a lot of people do shopping like they always have their families over so Thanksgiving Christmas 4th of July Super Bowl we’re always like swamped and then I’m trying to do this

Off to the side God dang Honda Civic my eard drums yeah he did all that and then let off and now he’s being all quiet and shit but he had to just do that right by me huh all right I see how it is anyways going back to this light man like I’m

Getting distracted what the heck’s going on and I wasn’t going that fast up the hill and these tires are shaking a little bit going over these overpasses am I going to make it am I going to make it yes yes got 10 seconds left 9 seconds

8 seconds 7 Seconds 6 seconds yes baby yeah all right so I do have some lights above me so it’s going to be kind of hard to tell and look but this is just well actually this with both lights on let me turn off the main one to the bike

Okay I can see a slight difference kind of out there so let me bump that up a little bit let me oh okay yeah that’s actually uh putting out some decent light I would say that’s not too bad it’s definitely centered in the middle it’s not wide but the stock headlight is

Actually doing better than I thought it was going to be in a straight line like this is working pretty good but I think the stock headlight is actually holding its own and if I had the stock headlight on to me wait for all the damn bumps cuz

Fresno needs to get it together and fix all this stuff I’m just I’m just kidding it’s not that bad but there are a lot of detours and Ro construction signs like one that’s right here so this is with the stock headlight on and this is with the aftermarket one on obviously there

Is like a difference I’m sure you guys can see it over the GoPro I’m just going to leave them both on at the same time but I guess it’s all right you know I’m kind of I’m kind of mean on my reviews I got to admit like I kind of point out

The pros and cons a lot of you guys like that you know um I’m glad that companies are cool when I put my videos out and I don’t like to send it to them ahead of time because I like to just basically make my own video and do my own thing

And say how I feel and this company surprisingly really liked my first video Even though I said this bike is $2,800 and it is super expensive they actually said thanks for making the video we really appreciate hard work and dedication to the video we like it and

Have a good day hopefully we’ll like collaborate later you know down the road um collaborating with this company down the road is really going to depend if oh dang I if uh you’re on the wrong side of the road buddy God dang it now I’m distracted um if anyone buys these bikes

Or if I have people clicking the link going to the website stuff like that but if that doesn’t happen then most likely I’m going it’s probably not going to work out because companies really look to see if it’s worth sending uh you know a person that’s a an high influencer I

Guess you could say I am and if I don’t make any sales for the company then it’s not really worth them to send me another bike but hey you guys don’t have to buy this bike I don’t care I I like it but I don’t like it at $2,800 that’s really my

Thing if this was okay so if I really like these types of bikes I would be a buyer at about 1,800 bucks and I’d be a buyer at about $2,000 if it came with the upgraded headlight and the fenders to match so you don’t get blasted by I’m

Getting blasted and I hope the GoPro is not messed up for you guys I really apologize if the whole time I’ve been riding and there’s a big blot on the screen that always happens but I can’t tell because I have nothing to you know view my camera but I can see water spots

Like on the display too it’s freaking crazy oh and let me show you that button really quick that changes the display really quick really quick really quick how many times did I say that oh oops wrong one it’s the side Bo bottom one so see when I hit that the headlight button

Comes on and when I uh turn it off the display gets brighter and dimmer and we just hit 20 mi on this bike and it’s actually pretty accurate I think it’s off by barely anything maybe like half a mile of what we’ve done so far is actually pretty

Good oh and another thing remember I told you guys that we have a well the flat on the back that’s holding up the front is actually holding up too so of course I know I had a flat on the back we we patched that I basically put slime

In it armadilo I didn’t do anything with the front but the front was going flat I’m not going to say the front is at 28 PSI like it was when I aired it up when I left my house to go to work but it is pumped up enough for it felt perfectly

Hard and fine I was like you know what we’re going to ride on it I’m not going to get my air pump it takes about 2 or 3 minutes to air it up if it’s like at 10 or 15 psi to go up to 30 I’m cool it’s

Getting me home I’m having a blast out here and it’s only going to make the bike more comfortable and softer so if you guys want a softer ride on this bike then you don’t have to be at 30 PSI you can have 5 PSI on these tires so if

You’re really doing some crazy off-road shit um you can definitely air these tires down and a lot of you guys were saying read the manual and check the suspension because it has like it has a air compression and then it has rebound and it had something else in it but

There’s three notches that you can mess around with on the suspension on this bike oh please don’t run out I saw that cat run underneath that truck and um I I don’t really know what everything does honestly I just put everything to the softest and I left it I didn’t mess with

The air I didn’t take anything out or put anything in I just wrote it the way it came I just wanted to be as soft as possible because I mostly ride on the street and I’m kind of average built so I was just like eh let’s just see how it

Is and I think it’s great like it’s real comfortable not a fan on this you know seat of course and how it rides on the road I think this is just a very phenomenal bike Offroad if you’re really going to hit the trails man you’re not

Going to go wrong with this bike it’s great it just needs some upgrades that’s it I’d probably definitely change out these grips too uh I’m not a big fan of these they feel good with any type of gloves you’re going to wear but just your hands bare hands the grip suck I

See lights or is that my light I knew it I knew I saw lights I wasn’t tripping but anyways uh we’re at the end of the video guys so I’ll pull over here really really quick and I will tell you you where we’re at 9 miles from my house and

Back plus the 10 miles that we already had so we did 19 miles all together I didn’t take any crazy shortcuts I didn’t take any different alternative routes so 19 mil is pretty damn accurate it was showing 25% when we were on the throttle

And let me see if you guys can see this a little better if I brighten that up after we’ve been just sitting here for only like 10 seconds it went up to 30% so take it with a grain of salt um we basically I’m just going to go on a

Limit and say we did 20 miles to about 75% of the battery with a load on it so it’s not crazy bad I thought I was actually going to get more range than that but you know it’s still a good bike I normally say one amp hour is 1 mile

And that’s really common on 48 volt bikes but when you start going up to 52 60 and 72 volt and they’re still the same battery size like 20 amp hours on each then it Al the battery packs do get bigger so just keep that in mind that

It’s not really one amp hour when you start going over 48 volts but when it is 48 volts that’s kind of the common thing maybe give or take like 5 miles depending on how you ride so 48 volt 20 amp hour battery you’re looking at probably getting about 20 M maybe 25 it

Really just depends on your weight too so that’s about the average but anyways I should have went down my street and went home but I kind of just wanted to talk a little bit more and go around the block but I will see you guys in the

Next one you guys are the true MVPs of the channel baby and I have had too many Red Bulls today I should not because I don’t want to end up in the hospital again I know I see your guys’ comments I really appreciate it and um yeah I love

All you guys I think the next video I’m going to do just so you guys know before you click out of it if you guys didn’t click out of it yet cool you guys are going to find out some information I think my next two days off that I have

We’re going to shoot the Tesla video maybe if I don’t get the Tesla video done when I think I’m going to shoot a GTX review I don’t think I’m going to get too technical with the DSLR camera and setting it up and being in my garage I’m

Not going to get too much in detail of that because the bike’s been out for a while and you guys know a lot about it I really want to just do the riding part and go out there and kind of test it out around get a full battery charge on it

Even though the battery is on a recall right now and then when we do get the new battery I think I’m going to start putting like some Led pedals on it I’ll put some grips on me I’ll put some different stuff I don’t know like a bike

Log whatever um um and then so when I do my final review when they send the new battery then I might review it again after having it for like a month or two months whenever I get that battery I don’t know when it’s going to come all

Right guys I’ll see you in the next one and like always check out these wheels oh hey spider webs are on them man God dang it damn spiders but yeah um I really got to show you guys a lot of the stuff on the Tesla or we call them

Call it tesy but yeah um bunch of like LED stuff that I’ve done on the inside the rims got the lowering suspension just haven’t done it yet so again guys I’ll see you in the next one tryps again for like the third second time whatever all right peace out guys

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cyrusher, ranger, ebike, torque sensor, mrcentraldriver, powerful ebike, mrcentraldriver, cyrusher ranger review, huge mountain bike, fresno

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