
How Ford Mustang Mach-E is the Perfect Match for Paramedics

How Ford Mustang Mach-E is the Perfect Match for Paramedics

When a call comes in, we turn up first on scenes so we can bring specialist equipment and other tools very, very rapidly can be vital in a patient’s recovery and survival. The Mach-E has the perfect kind of built the acceleration the instant kind of torque you have

produces this amazing pull through traffic. Darting through gaps, the handling As a fast response unit car, it’s perfect. I think it just looks great as well. It’s a fast car. That’s definitely an essence of what a rapid response vehicle is. But what differentiates the Ford Mustang

From many of the other cars we could have bought on the market is both the speed of the acceleration and the battery range. These cars have a range of about 300 miles before they need recharging. It was really important to us to choose an electric vehicle

Where the life of the battery meant the entire shift, which is 12 hours, could be delivered on a single charge. A lot of the components and electrics are a lot more kind of high tech. We have our system of dispatch navigation integrated to the Mustang’s central screen here.

So the SYNC Integration Module has been introduced by Ford into these vehicles as we’ve changed the technology completely. Our standard ambulances and rapid response cars prior to this, would have a separate multi-data terminal built into the vehicle as well as a SATNAV on top of that, plus all of the radios

And extra communication equipment that the ambulances carrying. What the model has done is try and integrate all of that into the one screen that’s in the vehicle already. Nine, nine, nine mode activated. The same screen that works as the radio also works as our computer system and our SATNAV.

It all runs through that one screen. It changes for the click of a button and it’s very easy to use. So we’re slowly looking at introducing that into all of the Ford vehicles that come into the fleet now. All of our comms electrics and stuff down there.

All of our dispatch software is intergrated into the car system. Absolutely. Wow. We want to have the lowest emitting fleet of emergency vehicles that we can. These Ford Mustangs are an integral part of how we’re going to do that. And we are delighted to have more than 40 of them in operation.

And we believe that is the largest electric fleet of vehicles of any emergency service in the United Kingdom.

Find out why the London Ambulance Service chose the Ford Mustang Mach-E to serve as Fast Response Unit (FRU) vehicles used by solo paramedics. Beyond the range, speed and handling, learn how Ford innovation also created a special SYNC integration module to make paramedics’ lives even easier.

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