Toyota Motor Corporation New Car Presentation

Toyota Motor Corporation New Car Presentation

Thank you Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign foreign Foreign Kenya Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Centuries Good afternoon everyone thank you well today marks a very special moment for a car at the very Pinnacle of the Toyota portfolio the century our century is a singular automobile representing the height of Japanese sensibilities born as the pride of Toyota Century has become the pride of Japan

It takes a nation to build a century and that nation is changing but to understand the future we must first understand the past every great product is created by great people and through those products they Inspire ever greater accomplishments century was named in honor of one of those individuals

First introduced in 1967 Century commemorated the Centenary of the birth of sakichi Toyota founder of the Toyota group the principles of discipline creativity that sakiti lived and worked by Remain the core principles of Toyota to this day enjoying the first development of the first century in the 1960s Japan was

Still a rising economy Toyota was yet to compete with the Exotic imported luxury cars and when shoichiro Toyota commissioned Century it was a huge Gamble for over a year should we chosen work day and night embedded in the century team led by chief engineer Kenya Nakamura a cutting-edge technology alone it wasn’t enough

They needed to embrace Japan’s Heritage and cultural values to create something completely new and unique the philosophy that gave birth to Century was handed down from generation to generation and throughout this time remained personally involved in the development of all three generations of century most recent sedan in 2018

I was fortunate to witness that attention to detail firsthand over 90 years old at the time his single-minded vision for century was unclouded I remember being taken aback by the detail of his questions right down to the exact position of the rear seats but millimeter by millimeter degree by degree

He led us to see what he saw and to explain this Focus I need you to imagine a day in the life of a Century customer often an individual for whom Public Service extends to every movement in every moment that they are seen where a rival and departure are the

First and last Impressions that they imbue the Elegance of the transition from public to private Realms is an art in itself Century’s role was to make that transition as natural and as seamless as possible and his greatest lesson to us was that the key to the finest attention

To detailing car making is to show the finest attention to detail in customer understanding and that customer is changing new generations are leading new Industries with new ways of thinking and new ways of working Akio Toyota was acutely aware of this he knew the century had to change

But he also believed that it had the potential to move with the times without sacrificing what it stood for he inspired us to embrace those Changing Times and take a more adventurous path a century that was dignified but bold a thoughtful but confident and subtle but expressive centuries Phoenix Motif could not be

More fitting the opening of a new era ladies and gentlemen a century for the next century [Applause] foreign Thank you well I think you’ll agree that this is a bold addition to the century Legacy I remember when we first showed the car to Akio his reaction was a very very simple wow a completely new Direction but still very much a century and together with the sedan

The new vehicle was worthy to stand at the Apex of Toyota the two wings of the Phoenix so how do we get to this answer well it all revolves around the requirements of a unique group of customers they need space to work but also to rest they want space to converse

But also to escape they seek space to think but also be inspired and they value privacy but at the same time they Embrace public life that is we needed to create a car that allowed the customer to curate their own personal experiences both practically and emotionally

And the result is a flagship like no other it’s uniquely Japanese this architecture allows customers to seamlessly move between experiences by the minute and in the moment and at the center of this world is the rear seat when concentration and productivity are a necessity everything you need is at

Your fingertips but it’s never a new way and not only practical elements but also creating just the right distance for privacy between passenger and Driver but productivity also requires inspiration and creativity space to think and relax as the quietest car we’ve ever made century is the perfect environment at

Any speed occupants who Converse naturally without raising their voice with a plug-in powertrain the majority of everyday Journeys will be silent and zero emission and this together with four-wheel steering four-wheel drive will allow professional drivers even greater control over vehicle Dynamics providing an even smoother ride for all passengers

Within this Serene environment you can freely choose the lighting and Acoustics to suit your mood from electrochromatic glass to an audio system that Taps into Japan’s experience in creating some of the world’s finest musical instruments but there are times when sleep is the only answer take off your shoes fully stretch out

And recline into a cocoon-like environment your own private Oasis and these features just the start naturally every Century can be tailor-made to your requirements whether that’s color or materials or seat configurations or even down to how you choose to alight from the vehicle on arrival in other words you can even choose your

Own door whether that’s the ultra wide swing door or maybe something a little bit more dramatic how about that for an entrance rest assured when your journey comes to an end you’ll step out a century refreshed the opportunities are only limited by your imagination if you want to drive the vehicle

Yourself at the weekend the grmm will certainly not disappoint the possibilities are endless and open to discussion at Toyota we believe in the value of freedom of motion for everyone whatever their situation or position within this the role of chauffeur-driven Mobility it can’t be underestimated the car is an expression and an

Extension of customers values whether that be the Sleek Elegance of the zero emission fuel cell Crown sedan or the ultimate power and space of the alpha Bell fire we provide the opportunity for people to choose how they wish to express themselves Century sits at the tip of Toyota’s vision for chauffeur-driven Mobility

It’s bold and dynamic but still retains its Discerning taste it’s inherently simple but it also has great depth it’s modern but still has a connection to its heritage Century embodies everything that’s good about Japanese Sims abilities both aesthetically and conceptually the heritage of tomorrow is the innovation of today

Let’s change the future of cars thank you very much for your time [Applause] all right Foreign

Live stream details
– Date / Time: Wednesday, September 6, 1:30 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. JST
*The ending time is subject to change depending on the circumstances.
– Language: English
– Toyota attendee: Simon Humphries, Member of the Board of Directors, Operating Officer, Senior General Manager of Design, Head of Design, Chief Branding Officer
– Event detail: Presentation
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