Plug-in Hybrids



Oh man let’s see what’s cooking with our EVS once again beautiful people around the world just here to make sure you have an okay life I hope everybody is blessed well and healthy and that nothing but the best is going on in all you beautiful people’s life man we got

Some more news from charge drive I will leave the original in the description box down below GM and Ford once again we can already probably tell where this video is going EVS EVS EVS is EVS a scam comment down below do you own an EV are you in

The market right now for one how do you think EES will hold up in the future what does the next 3 to 5 10 years hold for us in the EV Market you guys with ev’s period comment down below it gets real spicy in these comment sections man so hey I love you

Guys let’s check out this amazing video let’s see what’s popping GM and Ford just abandoned EVS the true reality of EVS has just been exposed and GM and Ford now want an exit and again I am now seeing I’m telling y’all I am seeing a lot of Ford lightings in my area now

Y’all know my my area is Tesla populated like crazy over here in Houston Texas and um even me having my um model Y and I just did a video on um my renewal video and it’s actually doing pretty well you guys are actually showing your sharing your experiences underneath my

Video of people paying $11,000 to renew their electric vehicle now in Texas for me there’s a or and where I live in my County there’s a $200 electrical vehicle fee added on now to my uh to renew my tags so I paid almost $500 you guys to

Renew my Tesla you know license plate and stuff my tags so I just did a video on that it should pop up at the end of the video somewhere around here you can go check it out um I was a little fr frustrated in that video but you guys

Showed me so much love and also shared your experiences so if you have anything similar or anything you know share it in the comments underneath that video go check it out but man I’m seeing a lot of for lightens and new you know po stars in my community now riding around so

It’s pretty cool you know hey maybe we’re buying them down here cuz the last dealership we looked at they were sitting they had about 20 of them sitting customers aren’t buying dealers are begging the government not to push EVS so hard and GM and Ford have

Got no option but to give in to political pressure ignoring the needs of their customers completely what’s even crazier is that Ford’s ex CEO himself warned Ford saying EVS are bound to collapse but GM and Ford did not listen is it game over for Ford and GM why

Aren’t they listening to the consumers and what does the government have to do with the massive EV crash that’s coming ahead did you know nearly 50% of EV buyers are now trading in their vehicles for a hybrid the whole Market is going to crash and chances are if you miss

This video you might end up losing several thousand too let me explain more clearly so we’ve got Ford and GM both of these companies are industry leaders Ford is headed by Jim Farley who has made some bold decisions to push EVs and GM well GM is headed by Mary Bara and

People haven’t really been a fan of the steps she’s taken so far but let’s save that for later they’re ditching their EV dreams and scrambling back to good old gasoline cars let me break it down for you so GM and Ford went all in on EVS thinking they were the next big thing

But plot twist consumers are giving these shiny new EVS the cold shoulder dealerships are now like graveyards they seen them Tesla sales didn’t they they seen them sales they see oh Tesla oh we can make something better than that a model 3 Model y Model S

Oh we’ll drop our we we’ll drop ours and we’ll try you know we’ll make a Ford F-150 e electric everybody’s going to buy that thing it’s a Ford F-150 dude for unsold electric cars nearly a million EVS were produced by these companies this year but more than

700,000 EVS are gathering dust in dealer Lots some EVS remain unsold for as long as one year despite heavy price Cuts By Ford and GM in fact Jim Farley is so desperate that he’s willing to sell electric vehicles even at a loss of $36,000 per vehicle as for GM they sort

Of dug their own coffin first off marara goes and ends the production of their bestselling EV the Chevy bolt EV and then she refuses to drop prices and even allows dealers to charge heavy markups on the electric pickups she thought people would blindly buy an electric pickup no matter what the price was

After all they’re really trendy right now right but boy was she wrong and here’s the Shocker Tesla the EV bigshot sold nearly 11 times more than GM in the same period GM’s Cadillac lyrics sold only 1,348 units and the GMC Hummer EV pickup just 47 units sold which is a staggering

83% drop from last year so now both Ford and GM have decided we’ll stop burning cash on EVS only Hy RADS and combustion engines can save us from drowning now but there’s a bigger Force at play here someone who’s trying to force EVS upon the middle class and while you’re here

Listening to How EVS are being forced upon you the political leaders are trying to hide three more big reasons on why EVS are the wrong move first up nobody wants to talk about how EV range drops severely in colder climates secondly not everybody has the capacity

To charge their EV at home and lastly I’m going to expose the true reality of the charging Network so stay with me for a minute here now here’s the deal both of these companies are quietly trying we covered we cover all this we talk about this almost every single video hide

Their EV losses while making people think EVS are still the future and it’s not them who’s suffering this crash will hit the common folks too remember how I told you people are trading their EVS for hybrids well it turns out even companies are pulling back on EVs and

Favoring hybrids now too let me throw some numbers at you according to Edmonds a car shopping and information plat sales of traditional hybrid electric vehicles like the Toyota Prius are outpacing EVS in 2023 they made up 8.3% of US Car Sales while EVS made up only 6.9% plug-in hybrid electric vehicles

Are just at 1% hybrids are winning over customers because they’re less expensive and less of a headache than EVS the average hybrid costs about $ 42,3 181 this year while an EV costs around $59,400 plus with hybrids you don’t have to worry as much about running out of

Battery or finding a charging station big players like Toyota Honda and Hyundai are leading the hybrid sales in the US they’re actively trying to pump up their hybrid production and sales and even the Detroit automakers like Ford are joining the hybrid bandwagon but General Motors has sadly refused to do

This Mary bar is sticking to her plan of offering only EVS she did launch a hybrid Corvette recently but that’s about it for their hybrid lineup in the US now let’s talk about the workers Behind these cars the shift to Eves has been rough on the folks who spent years

Perfecting gas engines like Steven penovich who spent 36 years developing gasoline engines for family cars and racing machines last year he retired early because all the excitement in his job had shifted to EVS it’s a Bittersweet end to an Era for engineers like these if I tell you about Ford’s

Troubles alone you might never want to buy an EV ever first off Ford’s F-150 Lightning their big bet on electric truck trucks is hitting some rough patches they were all gung-ho about ramping up production even planning to make about 150,000 of these bad boys a year but guess what they’ve had to slam

The brakes on that plan they’re cutting the production of the F-150 Lightning by half next year yeah you heard that right by half the reason they say it’s because of changing market demand seems like they’re not selling as many as they thought they would but wait there’s more

Ford’s not just scaling back on the lightning they’re also pulling back on their big Grand plann to spend $12 billion on new e manufacturing capacity why it looks like customers in North America are kind of hesitant to pay the premium prices for Ev I mean electric

Cars are cool and all but they can be pretty pricey and not all of us want a $100,000 car but automakers don’t seem to get this gmm’s in such a panic they’re delaying production of electric trucks at their Michigan plant they were all set to roll out the electric Chevy

Silverado and GMC Sierra in late 2024 but now that’s been pushed back to late 2025 and then there’s the strike by the United Auto Workers against GM Ford and stantis this strike is about more than just wages it’s about the whole shift to making EVS the strike’s been causing

Chaos with an estimated $7.7 billion in economic losses in just the first four weeks that’s a massive hit to the wallet and seeing all this I know what some of you might be thinking if EVS are causing losses just stop making them yeah sure that’s a good idea but can Ford or even

GM do this a big no you see the Biden Administration with their strict emissions rules has almost made it impossible for car makers to make combustion engines Biden’s been pushing these new emissions rules right and man they’re not just any rules they’re super strict basically they’re all about

Making cars way way cleaner but here’s the kicker they’re so tough that car makers have no choice but to pump out more electric vehicles to meet these standards Biden’s crew the Environmental Protection Agency or EPA they’re proposing that by 2032 a massive 67% of all new cars sold should be electric

They want to push into electrification and go from 3% to 67% in just a decade even if the public is not ready for it and to convince you to buy more EVS they’re offering these cheesy tax credits but on the other side they’re also raising interest rates like crazy

So people end up paying more Biden’s got these huge goals for cutting down pollution and all that which is great and all but it’s like he’s putting all his eggs in the EV basket he’s betting big that EVS are the Magic Bullet to fix everything from climate change to making

The air cleaner but people aren’t ready to give up their gas cars for EVS that come with high prices and impractical ranges Ford and GM are trying to avoid a total Wipe Out by making a U-turn back to combustion engines after all it’s their combustion division which is

Selling well people are interested in buying cheap cars priced under under $25,000 that get the job done instead of buying huge wagons for 100k with useless Tech features so what’s the bottom line here it seems like the Auto industry is in a state of flux automakers are

Hedging their Bets with hybrids as a stepping stone to a fully electric future but for now the EV dream is facing some serious challenges it’s a wild ride and it’s not over yet are GM and Ford making the right move or is this just a panic reaction are EVS a

Scam let me know your thoughts down in the comments below down below man our e is a scam tell yall how how y’all feel man it’s getting crazier tell y’all it’s getting even it’s CRA getting crazier but it’s also getting sexier and y’all know why so comment down below let me know if

You’re in the market for one um if you riding that that that that that 2002 that 1995 that 2006 that 2010 you riding that thing with 200 300,000 miles on it long as it crank up you know what I’m saying from A to B C DG hey long as it get you where

It need to go comment down below man I love you guys happy holidays Merry Christmas and hey we are going to keep you updated we’re going to stay in the loop of what’s going on and I will catch you beautiful people in the next one peace and love you guys


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gm,general motors,mary barra,gm ceo,gm ev,gm electric car,gm electric cars,gm evs,gm ev cars,general motors ev,general motors ev car,ev news,gm ev car,gm electric,gm electric truck,ford ev,chevrolet ev,silverado ev,ev pickup,ev pickup truck,gm news,chevrolet news,gm ev production,ev production,ev,electric cars,evs,chevrolet bolt,chevrolet bolt ev,f150 lightning,silverado ev truck,no more evs,chargedrive,scotty kilmer

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