
Citroën x Citizen Zoo x WeAre8 Changemakers

Citroën x Citizen Zoo x WeAre8 Changemakers

Foreign Jamie and I’m Camilla and we’re here at Hogs Mill River visiting rewilding organization Citizen Z and we’re here today to learn a little bit about their waterfall project so let’s go check it out So guys tell us a little bit about citizen Zoo communities at the heart of our conservation program so enabling people to be conservationists in a world where humans and Wildlife can coexist together not just in rural environments but also in urban environments like this too how does your partnership with

Sitchin help support your work so it’s actually been amazing they’ve given us this fantastic electric van in which we can put our Tools in to go out to put our volunteering event and sometimes we even carry species around in here like potentially waterfalls and grasshoppers so without this van all of our

Conservation programs have been compromised it really is an integral part of what we do yeah we’ve been hearing lots of amazing things about your waterfall project we actually saw a really cute Bowl on the back of this van went to the beaver it’s a really incredible project it started back in

2017 really when waterfalls went locally extinct here on the river waterfalls have the unfortunate title of beating the UK’s fastest declining mammal as little as 77 000 waterfalls across the country when they should be found in their Millions since then we’ve had about 350 local volunteers get involved

With the project with everything from helping us survey the river right through to the actual reintroduction itself are we going to see something are you hopeful they’re very cryptic species but we reintroduced 101 of them just last year just over there we’re sort of expanding out and doing their thing so

We might there might be a chance of spotting them and how can people support you or get involved we have lots of volunteering opportunities on our website so you can sign up to a volunteering newsletter to hear all about those and then also if people would like to support citizens D we’ve

Got a membership scheme where you can become a member and help to financially support some of our projects going forward we’re really excited to So this is what called pedunculus sedge and they will actually use that to nested which is quite quite handy yeah This is one of our floating rafts we open this up as anything runs through this tunnel they will step onto this and they’ll leave their Footprints at least it specifically built for things called American mink non-native species that come in and predate on water bottles you’ll be able to see ourselves they’re

Triggered by heat and movement and so we can see what’s running through here but also what’s going on Oh good stuff guys thanks so much for having us that was like really good fun yeah such a good day honestly it made me feel a bit like a kid again just being able to help out with some of those little activities and getting in touch with Wildlife

Talking about being a kid again we’ve got a one and a two-year-old at home I think getting kids involved I know Mel would love this and obviously Nora’s that grow up planting that seed in the Next Generation while they’re young to do amazing things like this well it’s

Been amazing to have you guys out today and you’ve been fantastic and we’ll be welcome back anytime you and your children to get yourself out in the river definitely thank you thanks guys great [Applause]

Citroën x Citizen Zoo x WeAre8 Changemakers

At Citroën, we believe in striving to create a ‘better everyday’. That’s why we’ve launched our new partnership with Citizen Zoo, a Social Enterprise dedicated to rewilding in the UK.​

Citizen Zoo work with a network of volunteers to restore nature, helping species and habitats thrive. ​

Citroën have provided Citizen Zoo with an all-electric ë-Berlingo Van to support their rewilding activities. The ë-Berlingo Van will be used to support several of their rewilding projects over the coming months, including releasing Beavers into west London, and Large Marsh Grasshoppers into various sites across Norfolk, as well as the restoration of Kingston’s largest nature reserve. ​

Additionally, having released Water Voles onto a southwest London River last year, the van will be essential for transporting vital equipment to monitor the population and further improve their habitat. ​

The partnership will allow Citizen Zoo to travel around the country to support their project with zero-tailpipe emissions.​

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