Electric Cars

TEN (Transport Evolved News) Episode 465. The EV That Drove From Pole to Pole!

TEN (Transport Evolved News) Episode 465. The EV That Drove From Pole to Pole!

Today’s Show is sponsored by the electric vehicle association join up to support the electrification of transport and get the help you need to finance your own EV or clean energy future and by energy Sage visit the link in the description to find local verified solar experts and Community projects in your

Area and by Atmos Financial Bank better with a financial technology company that’s powered by a portfolio of clean energy Investments welcome back to another episode of te transport evolved news thanks for joining me before I get on with today’s show two quick Corrections from last week first during the segment on

Cybertruck deposits I wasn’t very clear about cybertruck deposit refundability the $11,000 additional deposit being asked for by Tesla for early cybertruck customers isn’t refundable as it’s used to commit to a Tesla cyber truck but you do get $1,000 knocked off the final price second I wasn’t very clear about

Volvo ex30 reservation delays the delay to reservations is in the US for ordering not globally sorry we start today with some great news for those who are fans of the transition to Tesla’s next connector namely that it’s now an official SAE standard J 3400 as promised the Society of

Automotive Engineers has managed to certify KNX as an official standard in record time with the organization confirming on Tuesday that it has completed the process while it’s likely that most people will continue to use Knack or Tesla Supercharger as the name for the standard the actual J 3400

Document is a lengthy one and includes support for 277 volts as per Tesla’s original design meaning it will be possible for charging providers to take a three-phase 480 volt Industrial Supply and split it into three destination charges without extra electrical work Kate and I got our hands

On the J 3400 standard this week and yes there will be a video coming next year with the first Chevrolet Blazer EVS now on the road we’re starting to see reviews for the same trickle in and while we’ve not been able to get our hands on one others have this week two

Reviews went live and neither were good the first came from inside EVS which detailed how their press loer Blazer EV suffered a plethora of problems with its android-based infotainment system A system that seems far less reliable than the Android auto and apple carplay system it replaces not to mention DC

Quick charging faults meanwhile Edmonds which purchased one of the first Blazer EES off the lot earlier this year detailed in a post this week that in just two months the car has suffered 23 different problems that have required dealer attention you might want to hold off buying one with just over a week

Left before the end of the year Mercedes-Benz has officially updated the EPA range of its 2024 model year EQ family of EVS like Tesla Mercedes-Benz has been making consistent revisions to its vehicles and for the 2024 model year pretty much every EQ branded car gets some form of range boost while some

Models like the entry-level eqs 450 plus get aiga 2 miles 3.2 km of range increase some like the entry-level rear wheel drive EQ even get a slight drop in range most other models in the family are getting somewhere between 2 and 10% increase It’s Curious that Mercedes-Benz

Is choosing to change the range ratings by just a few miles in some cases but when we know what caused it we’ll of course share Trevor Milton the founder and former CEO of Nicola Motors has been sentenced to four years in jail and three years of supervised release for

Three counts of fraud relating to the company Milton was found guilty last year on one count of Securities fraud and two counts of wire fraud after Federal investigators found that he made false statements to investors about the company prosecutors had called for his senten to be 11 years identical to that

Handed out recently to th’s founder Elizabeth Holmes for similar crimes but his sentence which included $1 million wines and forfeiture of his Utah Ranch was much smaller prior to his sentencing Milton a member of the Mormon Church spent some time quoting bible verses to the court and still maintains that he’s

Innocent of all crimes this year has been marked by some pretty consistent news stories about how autonomous vehicles aren’t as capable as we were once told they’d be with everyone from Tesla to Cruz re-evaluating their autonomous vehicle targets and development this week however wh Mo bucked the trend confidently stating

That it self-driving vehicles are up to 10 times safer than human drivers using data it’s collected from its own Fleet of self-driving cars weo says that it has reduced the number of accidents reported to the police by 57% and has reduced crashes that caused any bodily injury by 85% when compared to its

Previous performances since the start of August it’s reported three separate accidents that involved a bodily injury to the US national highway traffic safety administration one each in August September and November let us know though if you’d like us to dig deeper into this sizable report because we’d like to earlier this month General

Motors stated that stability issues in Apple carplay and Android auto led to increased driver distraction and as such had decided to go with its own incar infotainment system and while that decision doesn’t look very good given how poorly the infotainment system system has been performing in the Chevy

Blazer EV Ford took the opportunity this week to cash in on GM’s bad luck by stating it’s all in on Apple carplay and Android auto talking to reporters this week Ford CEO Jim Farley reiterated that Ford is committed to offering the smartphone connectivity features in its future models given that apple is

Readying a new carplay system that will allow it to take over dashboards to offer customers fully customizable setups in their vehicles we really eager to see what’s coming down the pipe for Ford Kia has enjoyed quite the year when it comes to Global EV sales with some

Really really great growth but one story from Canada suggests that KIA is artificially slowing down deliveries enter Canadian news network CBC which published video footage this week that shows Kia Regional sales manager Vince capoto telling 100 or so Kia dealership Representatives that Kia Canada has already hit its sales targets for the

Year and thus isn’t rushing to deliver many more cars before the end of it doing so He suggests could jeopardize Kia Canada’s marketing budget for next year instead CBC alleges that Kia Canada has a sizable stock of new cars including Kia EVS sitting in storage Lots in Ontario Vehicles it alleges it

Won’t be delivering to customers until the start of next year if you are in Canada and you’re waiting for a new Kia EV we’d love to hear from you in order for us to a little deeper sticking with Canada that kind of game won’t last for long though because the Canadian government

Has just announced it’s shifting all new vehicles to zero emissions by 2035 and it’s published a road map for the same published this week the new electric vehicle availability standard states that all automakers should have 20% of their vehicles be zero emission by 2026 rising to 60% by 2030 and 100% by

2035 it also includes a new credit system similar to the Zev Credit Systems in some US states something that automakers could potentially game but as you might expect the Canadian automobile industry is furious about the rules and argues that the goals are quote too ambitious end quote given Canada’s

Massive size and relatively low population density we expect this one to go to court we’re sticking with vehicle mandates and Emissions a little longer with this next story namely that according to the US EPA automakers are improving emissions and fuel economy publishing its annual Automotive Trends report this week the government agency

States that new vehicles today emit 10 grams of CO2 less per mile than they did in 2021 and an overall corporate average fuel economy Rose by 610 of a mile per US gallon but the reality here is that this change isn’t anywhere near quick enough to make a meaningful impact and

To be clear it is caused mostly by an increase in EV sales which raise average fuel economy and Emissions far more than anything else automakers could do based on our own research most internal combustion engine Vehicles today are barely better than they have been in previous years

When it comes to emissions and fuel economy and SUV sales are rising but EV sales are thankfully tipping the scales while more and more cars coming to market now offer some kind of semi-autonomous driving assistance system Mercedes-Benz became the first automaker this year to offer true level three hands-off functionality but

There’s been a question nagging us and others in the industry for some time how can you tell when a human is driving versus when the computer is driving now we have an answer thanks to Mercedes-Benz it’s just received permission to activate special blue marker lights on its vehicles in the

State of California and Nevada the two states where level three Drive pilot is legal to use when the car is driving itself it’s a fantastic idea because it shows other Road users who is responsible for the vehicle at all times but of course it only works if other

Drivers know what it means and it only works if people don’t abuse it with aftermarket lighting kits short shorts are coming in a second but first a little word from one of today’s video sponsors energy Sage which now offers a heat pump Marketplace in select markets alongside its solar service energy Sage

Helps homeowners connect with local very ifed solar installers across the US and now heat pump specialists in select markets who really know their stuff and can help you navigate the process of installing solar panels help you join a community solar program or get a heat pump installed I used energy Sage when

We were looking for installers willing to help us put solar panels on the roof of our home and our energy Sage verified installers were professional knowledgeable and even put us in touch with an amazing Credit Union to help us Finance our solar panels for as low a monthly payment as possible follow the

Links below to sign up for either of energy sages free no obligation services and get the ball rolling today if you do choose to use an energy Sage installer for your project we will get a small referral fee so you’ll be helping us out too and now it’s time for those short

Shorts Tesla has confirmed that it is working on an inductive wireless charging solution for customers cars earlier this year it acquired a company that specialized in wireless charging and then sold the company off again after it hired all of said company’s former employees Hyundai is readying a

New vehicle that it says will sit below the ionic 5 in its electric vehicle lineup according to Hyundai’s VP of marketing for Europe the new model will be called the ionic 2 and is going to be sitting somewhere between the id2 from Volkswagen and other similarly sized Vehicles one half of all Buick

Dealerships in the US have opted to choose buyouts and lose their franchise status rather than go on to sell electric vehicles that’s according to Buick which confirmed this week that only one half of its current dealerships are interested in EV sales General Motors Factory zero P was closed on

Tuesday night due to a fire that halted all vehicle production GM confirmed that the fire was unrelated to a vehicle being made at the facility but the local fire department said it was an autonomous vehicle fire which we’re going to infer means one of those little robotic vehicle transport things that

Moves equipment and vehicles Round the factory watch this space after we heard plans that Hyundai was going to be shutting down on an engine plant in order to accelerate its transition to EVS we heard of a second plant closure planned for the future the two facilities will close in January and

October as a brand pushes towards Eves instead of ice Vehicles Toyota has recalled more than 25,000 bz3 electric vehicles in China to rectify a problem with affected car cars battery pack estimates according to reports in local media affected cars aren’t accurately reporting remaining range leaving some owners stranded Ford confirmed this week

That one half of its dealerships in the US will sell electric vehicles next year while the remaining half opt out the company claims that 86% of US citizens will be within 20 miles of a Ford EV specialist but we think that basically means most urban areas forget about rural customers Squad Mobility has

Announced it’s developed a new variant of its Solar City car for the US market while European market variants are capable of up to 43 mph or 70 km per hour the US version will be limited by law to no more than 25 mph a nio et7

Fitted with a 150 KW solid state battery pack has traveled 648 M 1,44 km on a single charge its speeds are around 52 mph 84 km per hour impressive Hyundai has published an enigmatic press release promising that it will reveal its quote vision for hydrogen and software Beyond

Mobility end quote at next month’s CES 2024 it seems to suggest the company is readying another hydrogen fuel cell push also at CES superal a company that’s owned by the Hyundai Motor Group says it will showcase a brand new Evol craft at the same event alongside the design for

A future vertiport the photos shared are a little enigmatic but we’ll know more very soon Volkswagen says it’s bringing an electric GTI to Market in 2026 the company’s design boss took to Instagram this week to say as much while he didn’t give any details away he shared a sketch

Of the original Golf GTI alongside the ID GTI concept so watch the space sales data for us analyzed by Kelly Bluebook shows that in November the average transaction price of new electric vehicles was on average 8 5% higher than the overall average transaction price across the Auto industry as a whole

Prices of EVS need to come down rivan has taken another step towards starting construction at its new Georgia production facility picking construction Specialists clayco as its preferred building partner of choice the company is due to begin construction work in Earnest early next year the upcoming vinfast vf9 a triple row fullsize

Sibling to the vf8 has received its official EPA range ratings despite a massive 123 kwh battery pack it averages 330 Mi combined in its most efficient variant Zero Motorcycle has confirmed that it will offer European customers unlimited mileage 5year warranties on all of its 2024 model year bikes the

Company is currently battling much more affordable electric motorcycle models in Europe so this could give them a leg up Nao is set to unveil the et9 sedan this coming weekend just before the holidays while we don’t know a whole lot about it we understand it will feature a 900 volt

Battery pack and will use a quote wire controlled chassis end quote so bit like what we see in the Tesla cyber Tru immediately after the SAE made the j34 charge standard official the US Federal Highway agency said it will soon open up a comment period on modifying its Nev’s

Funding requirements to take the change into consideration ultimately though it could result in fewer CCS charging stations the 150 KW power solid state battery pack I told you about earlier from Neo in an otherwise standard production et7 is due to enter into high volume production as early as the second

Quarter of this next year that’s according to the Pack’s actual manufacturer we lion it’s official data from the US Department of energy backs up what most of us suspected when automakers give free charging to new EV customers they spend longer charging the bad thing it’s usually because they’re

Trying to fill those cars up to 100% even at fast charges the UK government announced it will spend 4.8 million pound sterling to support four different vehicle to Grid or bidirectional charging pilot projects across the UK the goal of them is to help set the groundwork for future Nationwide v2g

Programs Volvo is already working on bringing two new models to Market in large volume the ex90 and ex30 but this week we learned it’s now working on a new model that will be effectively called the ex9s sedan sibling it’s actual name will be the es90 and we’ll

Learn more about it next year nine Anonymous sources close to Tesla cybertruck production line in Texas have claimed this week in interviews with Reuters that Tesla is struggling to produce enough 468 form factor cells for cyber Tru production given Tesla warned about this exact problem not so long ago it’s hardly surprising rolls-royce’s

First production electric car the alsoo expensive Spectre EV has been given an EPA range rating of 291 M 4 68 km in its most efficient gu that is $1,443 of MSRP per mile of range Audi has officially slowed down its Eevee rollout plans and like its sibling company Volkswagen appears a little less

Enthusiastic about ev’s compared to this time last year next year the company has confirmed it now plans to launch four models two electric and two ice according to Tesla’s design manager for charging infrastructure Ford and GM vehicles will start to gain access to Tesla’s supercharger Network in North

America in February next year this perfectly matches the rumors we’ve been hearing on the Grapevine and will be testing adapters early next year angered by the quote unquote woke nature of Disney Elon Musk has pulled Disney’s plus streaming service from Teslas it’s the latest move in Elon musk’s transition into a more right-leaning

Political figure and comes after a public spat online with Disney CEO Bob Iger and finally for the segment Volkswagen has it appeared learned that people prefer physical buttons and thus it’s confirmed that it’s almost completely capacitive and touchscreen displine of the early ID Vehicles did a

Lot of damage to the Volkswagen brand as a consequence apparently buttons are coming back and those are your short shots there will be more next week our final two stories are next but first a quick word from one of today’s video sponsors Atmos Financial imagine a bank

Where you’re save not only grow but also go towards Growing a Greener World that’s exactly what Atmos Financial does for you and with Atmos every dollar in your checking and savings account is funding projects that light up lives with solar energy rather than fossil fuels Atmos is banking that builds a

Better tomorrow with every swipe of your card because they’re committed to investing 100% in clean Equitable and sustainable progress with 3.5% savings rate FDIC insurance and a mobile app your finances and the climate go hand in hand it charges no monthly fees and there are no minimums keeping you awake

At night and it offers accessible solar loans for those who want to give the fossil fuel industry the ultimate middle finger by joining Atmos through the link below you’re not only choosing a smarter way to bank you’re also planting seeds for a healthier Earth and every sign up

Supports our channel so we can keep bringing you the content you love I am a customer and I love knowing that my money doesn’t end up going towards funding the fossil fuel industry and now it’s time for those last two stories and as this is our final live show of the

Year and let’s be honest the year has been one with lots of ups and downs I wanted to finish on two epic stories on Eevee adventure to warm the soul the first one comes from a Swiss team called Peak Evolution which has just celebrated setting a new altitude record for EVS

Climbing to the western edge of oros dealo the world’s highest volcano at 62,000 M or 21325 ft above sea level in Chile in and all electric AB VT 450 transporter charged exclusively by 7.4 Kow of peak solar panels that They Carried with them the climb wasn’t exactly quick with a

Team stopping every 93 miles or 150 km to charge but they made it and congratulations to everyone involved and finally finishing off our adventures for the year we bring you great news from our friends Julie and Chris Ramsey who set off on an epic adventure back in the

Spring to travel from the Magnetic North Pole to the South Pole in an EV we caught up with the pair when they were driving their lightly modified Nissan ARA through Oregon and I’ve been keeping track of their progress where possible via text message but on December 15th

They officially made the final push to the South Pole becoming the first people to drive from pole to pole in any vehicle electric or otherwise while the team did have support at times during the polar parts of their travel the rest of their trip was largely on their own

And honestly I am so happy that they made it safe and well congratulations guys well done on being the first people to drive poll to- pole and here’s to a lovely Christmas to you both and on that note we are in fact done for the day and

The year as always a huge thank you to the electric vehicle association for sponsoring Today’s Show they’ve been advocating for electric vehicles since 1967 and firmly believe that our future depends on us making the switch to clean green electric cards today the Eva can help you find someone near to you that

Can help you make the switch to Electric it can help you become an EV educator and it can point in the direction of monthly meetups for like-minded Ev fans plus if you become a member you’ll gain access to a clean energy and EV Loan program set up between the Eva and the

Colorado Clean Energy Credit Union so find out more by heading to Electric auto. org and thanks to energy Sage follow the links below to find out how easy it can be to get verified trustworthy solar and heat pump experts helping you make the step towards energy self-sufficiency either with solar on

The roof of your home through a local community project or by getting a heat pump installed and thanks to Atmos Financial Bank better by following the link below as usual we’d love it if you’d consider supporting us from $1 a month on patreon about $108 a year and

This year our patreon support has kept us going as YouTube Revenue has tanked and if you want to know just how important it’s all been keep your eyes peeled for our yearly Financial Roundup next week and if patreon isn’t your thing remember you can support us using

Kofi Bitcoin our swag store or just sharing and interacting with our stuff we also offer consulting services for those interested there’s a link on our website as this is our last live show of the year next week we’re going to be doing a Roundup of some of our top stories of

2023 then in the first week of January because I’m off being a diant dog and the last time we got her presenting the show there were isue yeah right I’m afraid you’re going to be uh getting a bit of a special from the team rather than a round up show but our

Next real Roundup show will be in about two weeks time so mark your calendars and we will be back despite everyone taking a harded break though we do have a full schedule of content planned throughout the holidays and we will be publishing every Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday and Sunday as usual so all

That’s left for me to do is to pass on our Heartfield season’s greetings to them where ever you happen to be in the world and whatever you are celebrating and to wish you a very happy peaceful and prosperous 2024 thanks for your support love and engagement this year

Here’s hoping to a good one next as always keep Evolving

Welcome to today’s show!

This week, Tesla’s NACS charging protocol becomes an official SAE standard (J3400), Kia Canada faces accusations of delaying deliveries until next year, and Chris and Julie Ramsey make it to the South Pole in their Nissan Ariya EV!

These stories, and many more on today’s show!

Here are today’s show sponsors:

– Electric Vehicle Association – Head to https://www.myeva.org

— EnergySage – Start your journey to a cleaner, greener future by heading to https://www.energysage.com/p/transportevolved

– Atmos Financial – Bank better at https://www.joinatmos.com/?ref=c-TE


Support the show:

– Take a membership out with the channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/transportevolved
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– Buy some TE Exclusive swag (including our new Pride 2022 Designs) at https://www.redbubble.com/people/TransportEVd/
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Interact with the show:

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Subscribe to our second channel, Transport Evolved Take2 at https://www.youtube.com/transportevolvedtake2


00:00 – Start
00:32 – Welcome!
00:38 – Corrections from last week’s show
01:16 – Tesla NACS becomes J3400
02:18 – Both InsideEvs and Edmunds have terrible experiences with early production Chevrolet Blazer EVs
03:08 – Mercedes-Benz tweaks the range of its EVs for 2024
03:57 – Founder and former CEO of Nikola Motor goes to jail
04:48 – As 2023 draws to a close, Waymo makes some pretty big claims about its self-driving vehicle crash safety
05:42 – Ford says it’s sticking with Android Auto and Apple car Play as GM continues to suffer the consequences of ditching the same
06:32 – Kia Canada accused of manipulating 2023 sales data by hold cars – including EVs – in transit until next year
07:31 – Canada lays out its plans for ramping out ICE vehicle sales by 2035
08:25 – EPA says automakers are hitting improved efficiency, fuel economy levels – but it’s mainly down to EVs
09:23 – Mercedes-Benz gets permission to activate special blue indicator lights on its self-driven vehicles
11:14 – Tesla confirms it is working on wireless at-home charging for its cars
11:32 – Hyundai readying a new car to cross shop against the Volkswagen ID2 and others, called the IONIQ 2
11:52 – 1/2 of Buick dealerships in the U.S. opt to lose their franchise rather than sell Evs
12:09 – An automated vehicle causes a fire at GM’s Factory Zero
12:32 – Hyundai confirms plans to kill another internal combustion engine plant in preference for EVs
12:51 – Toyota Recalls BZ3
13:07 – Only 1/2 of Ford Dealerships will sell and service Evs next year, the company admits
13:26 – Squad Mobility confirms solar electric runabout for the US
13:41 – Nio ET7 fitted with 150 kWh solid-state battery drives a long, long way
13:57 – Hyundai makes enigmatic statement about hydrogen ahead of CES 2024
14:14 – Hyundai-owned Supernal promises new eVTOL craft and Vertiport design for CES 2024
14:30 – Volkswagen executive confirms an electric GTi is coming
14:49 – Data from Kelley Blue Book shows the ATP for EVs was 8.5% higher than other cars in November
15:06 – Rivian picks its construction partner for new facility in Georgia
15:20 – Vinfast VF9 Ratings aren’t exactly great
15:37 – Zero MOtorcycles announces unlimited mileage warranty in Europe
15:52 – NIO to unveil the ET9 just before Christmas
16:09 – U.S. FHA announces that it will be opening up for feedback on J3400
16:27 – Manufacturer WeLIon confirms volume production of 150 kWh solid state battery for Nio is coming in Q2
16:43 – New data shows that free EV charging for new car buyers encourages them to hog charging stations
16:59 – UK government announces funding for four projects to examine V2G
17:14 – Volvo working on all-electric Sedan sibling to the EX90
17:31 – Reporting suggests Tesla is entering its second production hell – this time with Cybertruck
17:49 – Rolls Royce Spectre EV gets its EPA ratings
18:06 – Audi slows down its EV rollout
18:22 – Ford, GM to start getting access to Tesla Superchargers in North America in February
18:39 – Elon Musk abruptly removes Disney + from showing on Tesla infotainment systems after spat with Bob Iger
18:56 – After feedback, Volkswagen readies the return of buttons
19:21 – Sponsored Segment: Atmos Financial
20:25 – Swiss team set a new altitude record for an EV
21:19 – Chris and Julie Ramsey become record-breakers as they arrive in the South Pole in their Nissan Ariya EV
22:10 – Thanks, and Goodbye!

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