
Citroën x Secret Escapes – Discover a Greener Adventure

Citroën x Secret Escapes – Discover a Greener Adventure

Having three people in three places is perfect look at this it felt like a different trip each time One of those like surreal moments hello girls oh my God so it’s the night before excited about a UK road trip because I love going away and I’ve got to hopefully get everything in the car now one thing I nearly went without was my peanut butter I love any kind of

Opportunity for something different from a bit of an adventure Ollie my husband’s starting with me coffee the part in the car is as exciting as the destinations that you head into I was really excited when Norfolk was going to be the first place we were

Going to and quite nice to head out to the coast it’s been really nice to come somewhere while the weather’s been nice I’m excited really excited not paddleboarding before so I’m so excited nervous there was nobody else on the lake and we both just said like I’m having the best time

We don’t spend much quality time together normally it’s so pretty isn’t it to have the opportunity to come on the first leg of this trip together it’s been great and we both really felt like we’ve just had that really nice down time together that we’ve not had for so long

Off to pick my sister up who’s flying over from Spain and then head to the Lake District so I’m really looking forward to seeing her we uh we do tend to revert back to being kids when we get together We stopped to charge and we’d like come up with like stupid things to do while we were waiting for the car to charge like little games and challenges at one point we like dabbed in the car changed clothes and died back out so yeah we just made fun of it

To be able to join this trip with my sister was something so rare do you get past the teenagers life gets hectic do you remember when Instagram was kids as well it just Springs back so many memories to spend this time with her it was well like once in a lifetime

So yesterday was well quite unexpected way too for Sophie and Emma got in the car we were told we’re going to do some nice filming and in JumpStart ER oh my God We were absolutely shocked it was sad and says we headed off to coniston but this is my ideal day a hike and a sweat so good like private waterfall to ourselves This incredible exercise um work the breath we go through a cycle and I take people through a little journey just to get out the thinking Minds and it was the first time I’ve ever experienced anything like it was just one of those like moments yeah like what oh no it’s

Magical magical I mean you know those are the things you live for really And then the water paired with that but it’s nice and chilly like today you’ve got no choice but to get out your head Really looking forward to the last leg left leg just straight Vicki up ready and then we headed up to Edinburgh Soph and I know each other back from uni we don’t get to see each other that much she lives in London I live in Manchester lots of memories

Doing trips together is probably what sofa and I do the best so we mainly reconnect by going on trips oh my God this is so cool we’re in Edinburgh now and we’ve been given the opportunity to have some fun in the Army like a scavenger hunt we’ve tied a deep

Fried Mars bar we bought some haggis touched a big toe for good luck oh hello literally like driving a go-kart around town yeah we’ve had some good reactions people were really intrigued so it was the perfect way to spend the day so yeah that was good fun

It’s been a long week but in like a really good way oh it’s gonna spend time together we’ve packed a lot in and that always makes time go a bit slower which you never want these things to end so that’s been really good it’s just been a really nice opportunity

To spend time with people that I love the most it’s my dad isn’t it I think when you spend time with people sat in a car for a long period of time there’s very little else you can do than talk and catch up little moments we’re often

Distracted by our phones or by work so even when you’re spending time with people you’re not really spending quality time so being sat in a car when all you can do is chat is a really nice way to kind of reconnect

Discover a greener adventure with Citroën and Secret Escapes, thanks to the Citroën Electric Range.

Watch Sophie embark on a 500-mile road trip around the UK with the New Citroën ë-C4 X Electric, on a journey full of surprises.

Whether you’re heading to the coast, exploring the countryside, or want an urban getaway that’s kinder to the environment, find your perfect greener escape today. Get there in the New Citroën ë-C4 X Electric, perfect for your eco-friendly travels.

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