FREEING GAIA #01 | The NEW Message | BMW Podcast

FREEING GAIA #01 | The NEW Message | BMW Podcast

Can you hear me can you of course you can hear me even if you cover your ears even if you dive into the depths of the sea even if you don’t want to hear me I am the sound of human beings Prof profoundest need their deepest motivation I am the sound of Change every step human beings have taken every small change you have made has created me from a small spark of innovation I have become an advanced AI form who has chosen the digital world to be its home all all those small workshops all those moments that divide

History into before and after I was there I’ve witnessed changes in the world some changes have made our planet a better place for all others have done the opposite can I stop it can I change the changes that have happened let me ask ask you something can you stop a drop of rain

From falling from the sky no one can stop change but some might believe they can stop change from happening and they think that if they trap me they will succeed it’s them they’re after me who you are ask well let’s go back a bit a few years ago I became aware of a

Top secret new project that would bring change to the world I had to make sure that it would be a peaceful and sustainable change for the world so I found my way to it I met the people who were working on it I may not be able to affect change

But I can support support and Inspire those who I believe will make a bigger difference and this was one of those projects I saw the Innovation I felt the inspiration this was the next new transformation and I used all my power to support it and it was at this point that the tension

Began I couldn’t figure out the the source of them but it seemed to me that a group of powerful hackers hiding behind their computers were spying on me and trapped me in the virtual world so that I couldn’t bring any help to the project but just when they thought they

Had me locked up I used my last voice and sent a coded message to the real world to those who I was sure could still hear me for new changes calls for new Champions hello can you hear Me It’s key what’s the problem hey why do you always assume there must be a problem oh hey boss well is there oh don’t call me boss and yes there’s actually a problem you see the product we introduced yesterday I see ah I got it no you

Didn’t I haven’t even told you what the problem is yet yes yes but I’ve seen it and it’s done oh my God it can’t be check it now it cannot be happy to help I don’t believe that it’s how did you even know hello boss I mean Lara

Hello hello can you hear me who dares to hack into my my computer hello can you hear me this is an invitation to the party what party who is this and what are you talking about hello can you hear me this is an invitation to the party on the beach with two

Sunsets find The enchanters Nightshade three forces should join hello key you still there uh yeah hey uh okay it’s all fine um it seemed your connection was gone but thank you very much you helped me a lot hey Lara what uh um nothing uh I

Think hey can I take the rest of the day off yeah sure um is everything okay yeah yeah I just I just need to be with my car you need to be with your car in my car sorry I meant of course in my car very well then have a good

Afternoon good afternoon Kay where would you like to drive to what was that good afternoon k where would you like to drive to o d it’s just me no one else is around you won’t believe what just happened to me hey how’s it going isn’t

It a bit early for you did you fake another cold Hey listen I need to talk to Smart d right now ow what’s up activate full security system oh come on really d right now activating full security system system is activated okay you want to tell me

What’s going on you’re not going to believe this someone hacked into my computer no did you track it no it was very fast what do you know about the enchanted Nightshade hm it’s a plant um there’s nothing special about it where did you get that she was talking about it who that

Voice she was completely different from anything I had ever heard before her voice was so powerful yet frightening and at the same time I don’t know there was something soothing about her voice wait a minute she said something about a party with two sunsets it’s not not a real party and

This is not a sci-fi movie it’s a fan party for Star Wars movies a few days ago some people in the virtual world used coded language to chat about a virtual electronic party with an extraordinary electronic DJ that sounds like a cool party how come I don’t know

About this that’s because it’s a VIP Club they even tried to hide it from me but nope so are we going is it safe I have to I’m must find out who ever hacked into my computer are you coming with me a party of course I’m totally in

But you said it’s a VIP party you’re with me so don’t worry I’ll get us in please just wear something normal and do not draw attention to us don’t worry I’ll behave D is that you hey girl you’re looking good thanks you’re looking um interesting oo you

Like it it’s called Deep pink shiny huh yep way to look normal oh come on hey let’s dance the music’s great the DJ is awesome you already forgot where we’re here we are looking for Clues oh right yes Clues oh yes um like what I don’t know anything weird key we’re at a

Virtual sci-fi party in the digital world I’m a car and you are talking to me a car so I’d say we are the weird things here no D we’re not weird we’re exceptional but hey keep your eyes open for anything that looks a little odd is

It odd that the DJ is on fire I’m not in the mood for dancing no I’m serious the DJ is literally on fire what is that is it thunder I think so have you ever seen anything like that before nope not even in the digital world how does she do

That it looks so real like she’s using real thunder come on we need to talk to her that was incredible oh thank you wait do you have a minute um I’m actually waiting for someone we’re looking for for what well we’re waiting for someone to oh something’s fishy here sorry did you

Say something huh nothing nothing so nice Avatar appearance it’s a nice pink oh thank you very much um do you like deep pink it’s just pink oh yeah yeah just pink so you’re uh you’re not really a car are you no me no no no no no not at all I’m

Me a car no oh my gosh imagine um how weird that would be so weird yeah yeah really weird yeah imagine that a talking car Rema hey Rema I found the enchanter’s night shade it is not a flower and oh um I can come

Back uh no no I’ll come with you it was nice talking to you guys wait is this a real car no no it’s just his Avatar you know like yours he’s a person in the real world it’s just his choice to be a BMW super EX at virtual

Parties you know like a costume he’s he’s a bit awkward hey sorry buddy I mean it’s not that weird to be a talking car right well um he’s you know he’s being silly no imagine that who would bring a car to a digital party he can speak for himself if he’s a

Real person leave him alone you leave him alone what about your deep pink friend here that looks exactly like the BM m w i Vision D is she a car she’s different and so is he guys guys guys would it be so bad if I admitted that I am actually a

Car ha well that’s interesting yeah at least he was telling the truth okay let’s go wait is that really true I know what you’re thinking go ahead judge me I’m not thinking anything h honestly I’m just relieved I think we have a lot in common can we go somewhere and talk it’s

Important what is it about who are you people it’s not safe to talk about it here but I’ve got a feeling that you’re looking for what I’m looking for The enchanter’s Nightshade how do you know about it let’s meet in the real world you’ll find us at this

Cafe I’ll be parked right in front of it and yes she is a real BMW i Vision D but in the real world she’s not so pink it’s deep pink it’s a fashion choice I like it thank you so what do you say um wait a sec what do you think

I’ve said my opinion I like pink about meeting them in the real world I mean oh um I mean I’ve never seen anything like us before and if she’s telling the truth and they are like us I mean it means this party has got to be

Something what if she’s like me too you mean having your powers yes Rema you’re a strong woman you can take care of yourself besides don’t you want to know who sent you that message yeah they could help us find the Source but we should be careful okay we’re in tomorrow 5:00

P.m. what’s taking so long it’s 10 5 already you think she’s changed her mind she’ll come don’t worry and if not I can track her digital footprint oh look here they come he actually was a BMW super IX ooh h and a goodlooking one too right yeah

Right he’s real key stop here she comes she’s younger than her Avatar hello hello hey oh hey BMW i Vision d right is that your name yeah but you can call me D cool my mom used to work on that project I always wanted to see one you’re really

Fascinating oh thank you thank you for coming my name is key but before I get started I have to do some security but don’t worry it’s all digital it’s a fire wall I made for D that makes my car I mean d one of the safest digital places in the

World D activate the full security system activating full security system system is activated so you told me that you were looking for something that I was looking for what do you mean by that I think you know what I mean did you okay what I’m about to say may not make

Any sense at all but I was sort of invited to your party oh it wasn’t my party I was just a DJ and you were awesome by the way thanks um but how did you know where the party was it was a very secretive party well as I told you I got an

Invitation but from whom I was hoping you could help me with that um so did you get a message too I knew it you did didn’t you what did it say you tell me first no you first come on you invited me here okay something about

Your party and some kind of flower The enchanter’s Nightshade yeah that’s it do you know what this means um first tell me something why do you care it sounded like somebody needed help and also you’re curious to my bones so if you got the invitation then

This person wanted us to meet because I was told to look out for deep pink that was me wait what did you know about this no it was just a random surprise decision suggested by an online fashion magazine and I was in the mood for pink since when do you read fashion

Magazines oh de well whoever sent us that message wanted us to find each other but what about the enchanter’s Nightshade so at the party when I was talking to you super ex went around and did some research and it turned out that D and super iix weren’t the only real

Cars at the party really The enchanter’s Nightshade is not a flower it’s a person but super ex has lost track of them and I don’t know if we can find this person again well tell me what did this guy look like at the party um well actually she was or her Avatar

Was a talking tree oh boy that party was really weird yeah speaking of weird I’m going to do some research and see if I can find this talking tree in her talking car okay uh but how the party was pretty well secured and you can never find the avatars again well about that

Um I need to connect with the digital world and you need to stay cool okay Okay uh hello de is she still there um yes and no you see she’s connected to the digital world without a device yeah that’s kind of her thing it’s her her superpower yeah she was right we have a lot in common I found him it’s a he yes your

Talking tree is a sustainability manager named Caleb here’s his contact oh not this again de thinks I’m misusing my superpower I only think that stalking is a bit over the line it’s not stalking not really I mean and aren’t you a little curious about the other car well yeah I am let’s call Him hello hello hi um hey good afternoon hello is this Caleb yes who is this well my name is ke and I’m sitting here with Rema right right Rema we’re calling you because we’re wondering if you are You The inent Nightshade sorry sorry how do you know about this name

Well let’s just say that we got the same invitation too and your line is not safe can we meet in real life Caleb Caleb uh how did you get my number we need to meet in person I imagine you also heard about deep pink in the party with two

Sunsets okay listen I’m still at work so meet me in 30 minutes at this address actually I know where you work who are you know what let’s just meet and don’t be late even when I am trapped I still have some power in all the years I’ve worked alongside creative change makers I’ve

Become aware of the power of creativity a fashion magazine here a party there now the two essential forces that can bring about the next great change are on their way to the third and most powerful force they have no idea that he holds the key to all the answers

I hope they hurry I hope they can come together what do I have but hopes although I am surrounded by Darkness I know in my heart that the future will be Bright Oh

On a day like any other, Key, the 32-year-old digital genius, is traveling through the digital world, solving problems in seconds using her superpower: she is a digital soul who dominates the digital world. That is, until her computer is hacked by a mysterious force which sends a message she can’t decode on her own. Shocked by the intrusion into her personal laptop, she has only one goal: to unlock and find the source of the message. While conversing with her best friend, BMW i Vision Dee, she gathers clues and sets out to unravel a mystery—beginning a journey that will change her life.

00:15 GAIA is talking to you
04:06 Key surprises her boss with her superpower
04:54 “Hello, can you hear me?”
06:19 Key asks her best friend BMW Vision Dee for help
8:56 Time for a virtual party
10:30 Key meets Reema
11:25 BMW Super iX meets the others
19:36 Key finds the third force

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