Electric Motorcycles

Unleashing the Future: Verge Motorcycles and the Epic Evolution of Two-Wheeled Travel!

Unleashing the Future: Verge Motorcycles and the Epic Evolution of Two-Wheeled Travel!

Now a lot of people find the idea of an electric car enough of a challenge but what about an electric motorbike we’re at The Verge electric motorcycle stand today at the LA Auto Show and they’ve got a piece of technology that’s absolutely blown my mind I managed to

Catch a quick interview with Marco the CTO of verge earlier and he explained more you won’t believe this folks it’s awesome hello guys I’m here with Marco who’s the CTO of verge motorcycles tell us more sure so yeah this is a verds Ultra that we announced earlier this

Year it is the most powerful electric motorcycle in the market um the very distinct looking feel that comes from the from the rear part of the bike is uh not just a gimmick it is a this a technology that has pushed us to this design so normally with electric

Motorcycles you have the motor right here and power transmission and the battery pack goes on top of motor and that’s problematic because uh battery PS are very heavy 100 kilo and uh so what we’ve done is that we moved the motor to the rear rim and we patented it so this

Is the motor this is the motor and it’s the most powerful motor ever put in a motorcycle and by doing that we’ve been able to uh remove all power transmission yeah and uh provide no no friction loss of any kind but also the entire body of the motorcycle is now available for

Battery so battery pack starts from the very bottom giving it the lowest center of gravity in any motorbike and that means maneuverability easy control it also goes 0 to 100 km per hour or 0 to 60 m per hour in uh 2.5 seconds which is reasonable it is very reasonable it’s

Like uh you need a like a Batman CL or something like that so powerful um it’s also um 233 Mi 375 km the maximum range it’s insanely powerful bike uh fastest starts time of any electric motorcycle with 25 minutes wow uh with supercharger also the longest range the fastest

Acceleration uh the highest uh Peak power and so forth so it’s really uh a super bike fantastic 1,200 new met of talk as well let’s not let’s not forget to mention that it’s crazy so you’ve got um is it three models yeah so we have the base model and then the pro model

Which is right there and this is ultra the high-end model yes and then there’s a M hacken yeah we have special editions that are basically based out of either the pro or the ultra models uh mikah hackin Edition is uh like carbon fiber and all the Formula One Aesthetics and

And and very special um mikah haaken in specific designs that were designed together with him he’s an investor and an adviser in the company uh and then today we announced the California Edition which is specific to the kind of our launch here in California uh which

Is this uh Poppy orange that that that we have right there so it’s um yeah it’s it it is three um kind of sub models and then there’s some variations uh like thematical variations of those and the burning question that our viewers are going to have is are they going to come

To the UK well that we’ve been getting a lot and um our CFO is from the UK our coo is out of the UK our chief program manager program officer is out of the UK so we have already quite a bit of engineering center in the UK as well so

I don’t think it will be too many months and sometime in the spring we’ll be coming to the UK okay great brilliant all right well great to meet you Mar thanks for your time Cheers

Embark on an exhilarating journey into the future of transportation as we delve into the ground breaking world of electric motorbikes with Verge Motorcycles!

Get ready to be amazed by the sleek design and powerful performance of Verge Motorcycles, leading the charge in the electric revolution. From the seamless integration of state-of-the-art battery technology to the adrenaline-pumping acceleration, these electric bikes redefine what it means to ride in style and sustainability!

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