
Taking on the 2023 endurance racing season in the Porsche 963 from Porsche Penske Motorsport

Taking on the 2023 endurance racing season in the Porsche 963 from Porsche Penske Motorsport

This is the Symphony of our Season go go Go T’s going to force his way in there he’s going to get elbows out from day one at Daytona to the flying colors of lar and Beyond and although it sometimes felt tragic and downs for por we kept pushing for another Chorus on the greatest stage of all our Crescendo never came but this music will play on this symphony is unfinished

Relive every heart-pounding moment of the 2023 endurance racing season with the Porsche Penske Motorsport team. From the debut of the Porsche 963 at Daytona to the gruelling challenge of Le Mans and beyond, you’ll get to experience the power, the glory and the adrenaline as we chart the car’s journey throughout the year.
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