Electric Motorcycles

YOU be the Judge – LECTRIC XPEAK EBike Review & Testing

YOU be the Judge – LECTRIC XPEAK EBike Review & Testing

Well today we’re taking a look at the X Peak from Electric ebikes now as the name X Peak might imply this is a e mountain bike but do you have to be a mountain biker to fully enjoy this x Peak absolutely Not it turns out that everything that electric has put into this bike to make it a fully capable e- mountain bike also makes it a very safe and enjoyable and accessible just everyday bike and it’ll take you wherever you want to go what do you think Melissa smooth ride super

Comfortable um hop on it and go and I didn’t even have to think about it I’ll let you be the judge whether this is going to be a good fit for you but it’s really all about um the riding experience to me you know what’s it

Really like to ride this bike in a variety of different um conditions and you know terrain and all that stuff well have to say this bike rides sidewalks very well even with the ups and downs you know it’s very stable it’s just very uh very enjoyable we’ve

Uh put a lot of miles on it and I want to share with you what it’s really like to ride this bike on trails and paved roads for long distances uphills here comes a hill let’s take a run at it woohoo reading one bar on the top and yeah 41

Volts we’ve done all this testing and I want to show you what we’ve gone through and let you make up your own mind whether this is the right ebike for You the X Peak is a completely new design from Electric and not being a folding ebike it doesn’t have all the hinges and design features that allow it to collapse down into a smaller size so what we’re left with is a kind of a Sleek looking frame that starts to look

Like a regular full-size bike but being a fully capable e- mountain bike and you know capable of going off-road and doing all this stuff it’s got some really nice uh equipment on here as well that we’re not going to see on other electric ebikes that they’ve released to date

Despite all of that uh stuff it it still kind of retains that familiarity of uh an ebike from Electric you know the display and the controls are all pretty much the same and it also has that uh the latest in electrics uh controller and you know pedalist assist

Control software and technology so you know it’s really a still a familiar feel when riding this bike I want to show you how this performs on and Offroad and give you a sense of what it really feels like to ride this bike but we’ll also

See how fast it’ll go and see how far it can go on a single charge of the battery and then we’ll talk about what your options are for actually transporting this bike you know can you actually take it on a long trip or even take it in

Your RV with you now before we get into it I do want to point out that the model that we’re actually testing here is a pre-production version of the step through model now this is a white step through uh model and there’s also a high

Step a gray model of the X Peak as well now last year I had a chance to uh ask Levi over at electric you know would you ever consider putting out a full-size ebike and his response was like h I don’t know but the reasoning was um it’s

Difficult to ship uh a full-size ebike without disassembling it to some degree and and electric really wanted to be able to ship a completely fully assembled ebike to their customers they don’t want the customer to have to be the bike shop is what they would say so

That was a lot easier to do with the folding ebikes and with all the folding pieces to it but now I think they’ve solved that because we’ve got this x Peak full-size ebike fat tires and everything and it’s very easy to uh get together and start riding

This thing without having to do any real assembly you got a bike frame and everything’s intact except uh the front tire and the seats and And a couple of uh pedals so you really don’t need any tools to put those things on the bike frame itself because it’s all designed to be kind of quick release removable and I’m going to show you how easy it is to set this up now the first thing I would do

Would be to take some of the packing material from the uh the box and use it to set the the forks on and next thing I’ll do is to take the display here and just kind of maneuver it and adjust it down a little bit and take this this

Finger thumb control and just kind of tilt it down a little bit because I found that it’s easier to work on the front tire with the bike inverted we can take the bike and flip it over onto the handlebars like that and with everything flipped over

Like that we’re not going to do any damage or anything now the front wheel has this through axle which slides through the middle we’re going to take that out and then carefully place the tire in here aligning the uh brake rotor within the brake calipers here so you’ll just kind

Of get it aligned there just right where the ends here line up and then we’ll take this through which is a threaded end on this end and then we’re going to slip it in here until it goes all the way through now on the other end here is threaded so we’re going to

Start turning it so that it starts threading in the hole and you’ll see this slowly kind of get closer I don’t know if you can see this but there’s a little Notch here on this uh this ring that you can can position this this little arm inside the Notch and it gives

You a little bit of Leverage to be able to move this this through axle in there and that comes into play also when we want to remove it when it’s really tight because then you can just kind of position it in that Notch as opposed to just being out

Here lay it like that and then you can use this as a lever to loosen it up we’re going to tighten it for now just kind of get it all the way threaded in I’m just going to do a nice little hand tight and then once we’re tightened down

We can just lock it in place like that and there we go now our wheel our front wheel is perfectly positioned now with the bike in this position we can go ahead and insert our removable pedals now they’re clearly labeled as uh R for right L for left and

Yeah you can see these are really nice pedals or metal they’re a little bit larger and you got these little spikes on here so you’ll really get a good grip with your shoe you just kind of lightly kind of rotate it until it sets in there like

That and then once it’s in there just push this up and it’ll pop in and now it’s locked in place let’s flip the bike over just going to go ahe and stand it up using the handlebars and then flip it around make sure you got your nice little uh

Kickstand out and we’ll just move this around and we’ll go ahead and insert the seat post now there’s nothing fancy about this seat post and uh this locking mechanism here so we’ll just release it here and you can tighten it and loosen it here if it uh seems a little loose

For you but we’ll just loosen it up we’ll insert the seat post and you can just adjust it to your comfort level you can see here’s where we’ve already kind of ridden so we’ll set it to about there and then lock it down and now the seats in

Now when you get the bike the controller is probably going to be disconnected here just for shipping and that’ll be this plug here it’s a weatherproof plug and it has a little notch on the inside here you want to line that up with the little Notch here and just get it to

Where it kind of fits right there move it around if you have to you’ll feel it and then you can pop it right into place now normally you could just use the power button here and hold it down and that’ll turn on the display here but uh the battery actually has a

Timeout on it and it’s probably going to be disengaged uh when you actually get it so before we can actually turn on the display we’re going to have to um hit the button on the battery itself so I’ll show you how to do that all right to

Activate the battery we’re going to have to actually remove the battery from here and the there’s a button on top of the battery that we’re going to have to press so we’re going to need our our key for this so make sure you don’t lose those you should get two we’ll stick it

In here and we’ll just turn it to release the battery now it’s not completely released yet there’s another tab on the bottom of the battery itself that’ll release it from the from the neck here so it’s located right here on the top underneath and I’ll show that to

You when I take it out so push it down and then the battery just kind of slides out you kind of see that tab right here see that okay so here is the button that we want to press this is also a status indicator so there’s a different color

Code depending upon how much charge is left in the battery but I’m going to go ahead and press the button and you’re going to see it settles on one of the colors which is blue in this case which is fully charged green is kind of in the

Middle and red is you’re getting low so yeah you can always press that at any time and get a status so here’s the locking mechanism here that’s released with that and this thing here so we’re going to go ahead and snap it back in starting from the

Bottom and then just kind of give it a good little firm push in there and now your batter is back in here and you notice the key also popped back into place so now you can just remove it and you don’t need to leave the key in here when

You’re writing it which is nice with the battery activated now we can just press and hold this button here with our left thumb and bike comes to life and we’ve got our typical electric display here and you know we can see our speed when we’re riding here’s our our battery

Level at that time and our pedal assist mode indicator is here we can shift those up and down using the up and down buttons on the controller and down here it’s showing us our total odometer reading and we can change that display by just tapping on this power button and

We have a trip meter we have a voltage display and a current display so it shows us how much energy we’re drawing from the battery at any given time and we have a trip meter shows us how many how much time since the last time that

We powered it off and back to our odometer now something to keep in mind is that uh is that the battery actually has a timeout feature on it so if you uh let it sit for say a day or two it’s possible that you know the uh controller

Won’t turn on the unit and that’s because the battery has actually gone to sleep essenti entally so you’ll have to repeat that procedure to kind of Pop the battery out hit the button and then you know you’ll be able to turn it back on again you could disengage the battery

Just hit that button again if you don’t want anybody to be able to turn on your bike so just uh pop the battery out hit that button again until there’s no light and then reinstall the battery and then none of the controls will actually work until you return to your

Bike now another thing you can do if you’re going to be gone from your bike is to actually remove the pedals as well so since they’re removable take the pedals away uh just stick them in a bag and um you know turn off the battery so

You won’t be able to turn on the bike you won’t be able to do any pedaling and U you know it just makes it a little bit more difficult for somebody to to quickly get away with your bike now on the right hand side here is where things

Look a little bit different and the main difference here is is that we don’t have a throttle here on on the on the grip itself used to have a Twist throttle on the other bikes but now this uh bike has a thumb throttle down here so you just

Kind of reach down and there it goes and you just give it a nice press and it applies the throttle there and you can you know push harder or or push a little less and and then uh from here you can shift gears as well shift up with this

Button here shift down here has a seven-speed transmission so you have seven gear years and yeah beyond that you know we have a our hydraulic brakes the right brake controls the the rear brake and the uh left brake here controls the front now our first impression of this

Bike when we first took it out was quite positive you know the first test is actually to get out of our our road it’s it’s very Steep and not all bikes hand very well U but we had plenty of Power with this guy just I think in pedal

Assist two or so just able to kind of Jet right up the steepest part of our Hill and once we started getting out on the road you can definitely feel the difference between you know a full-size Fat Tire Bike and say the uh the 20-in smaller size just it just tracks

Smoother you just feel like you have a lot of control over the bike because uh you got more Tire in front of you and you can just kind of swerve in and out confidently and and just uh it just feels uh more natural you know overall it was it was a

Really soft ride you know you can definitely feel the difference with the suspension and I even started to get used to using the uh the thumb throttle at first you know it was kind of weird because you know not having it here on the uh on the handle with the twist here

I I just kind of forgot forgot about it so I didn’t really use it much and then I realized oh yeah it’s right there and I can use it and once I started to it I I started to prefer having it there on uh on the thumb as opposed to on my

Fingers here because you know there are situations where you might grab the handle and accidentally you know grab that throttle and twist it and you know like oh shoot so yeah it was a very positive uh experience I feel so much more comfortable uh on a bike with

Wheels that are this size or much bigger I tend to grip the handle bars and be a little bit more nervous uh just about stability with these I mean I was on it for 2 minutes I took a hand off just to kind of see very comfortable I didn’t

Feel wobbly I felt completely supported um so this just feels sturdy you look good on it I feel good well there are a couple of uh really big improvements that we noticed right out of the gate and they have to do with the motor now it’s a pretty powerful motor

To drive this bike it’s a 750 wat motor that I believe can surge up to 1300 Watts so it’s got plenty of power to push this bike along and then uphills and all that which we’ll see uh soon what really surprised this was how quiet

It was you we just kind of get used to that little weing sound that we hear from the other rear Hub Motors and even the mid Drive in the X premium kind of has a has a sound but you can barely hear this thing even when it’s pushing

Hard and you’re cruising along or going up a hill you don’t really think about the motor so much because you can’t hear it so that was really surprising um and definitely something unexpected now the other thing has to do with the uh just the way that the the pedal assist and

The power is managed Now to control the the smoothness and the shifting and that that whole accelerating and shifting up and shifting down experience it’s very smooth now compared to what it used to be I found that when I say I backed off and I’m not pedling and it’s in either

Pedal this one or two that when I went to Pedal again it just smoothly went there wasn’t that jerk that wasn’t uh pulling you faster than you’re ready for it seemed to EAS in and also when you stopped it seemed to ease off um so that again made it more comfortable where I’m

Not afraid to increase my pedal assist and then back off and go because it’s not just going to kind of launch me now my preference is to actually ride this bike in class 3 mode which gets you up to a 28 M hour speed uh you can also set

It to class 2 mode which is how it may actually arrive when you get it which just gives you a a maximum speed of 20 mph so there’s a setting in here where you can actually change it back and forth uh depending upon how you plan to

Ride now it’s actually quite easy to switch between Class 2 and class 3 mode you want to get into the program settings by holding down the plus and minus button here and this is program one we want to go up to program 8 we just press the power button till we get to

Eight and we’ve got two settings here we got 32 kilom I believe that is and we want to hit the plus to get to 100 and hold down the power button and it saves that so this is class three mode and then to get out we’ll just press and

Hold the uh plus and minus and we’re back to our main screen and then you’re good to go we’re in class three mode I like to have that speed uh capability available to me when I need it so I usually have everything set to class

Three and of course I have to do a speed test to see you know how fast I could actually go okay speed limits 25 there we go third gear fourth gear give some pedal assists a concern that keeps uh popping up more and more lately has to do with

The uh the safety of ebikes and you know other batterypowered uh small Vehicles like scooters and things like that now the good news is that the X Peak here is actually UL listed it’s a UL 2849 uh certification the whole drivetrain and the battery and the charging system have all been tested you

Know and you know all the other equipment that you have in your house is all UL listed so it’s on a very short list of ebikes that actually carry this uh UL listing and this certification so that’s really a great thing that electric has gone through that process

Of getting this bike UL listed so you can be assured that it’s it’s safe to ride safe to charge and uh keep around now if you’re planning on using this as a mountain bike you know there’s also u a a safety certification that they went through for Mount mountain bike use so

It just basically tests the uh the components and the the shock absorbers and everything to make sure that it can handle the uh you know the the punishment that you’re going to put on it in a mountain biking riding uh situation so it’s also gone through this emtb certification and has been

Certified as safe to ride as a mountain bike as well now the X Peak comes with these really nice rst Renegade shock absorbers with the front suspension here and and they have 80 mm of travel here so there’s quite a bit of room here to absorb any shock so they work really

Well but there is an adjustment on here that I do want to show you so on the left hand side of the fork there’s an adjustment here that says preload so what that’ll do is it’ll uh adjust the the firmness of the shock absorber so if

You find that it’s just a little bit too soft for you you know maybe if you’re a heavier or two you might want to uh to turn this to the right and it it gives you a little bit more resistance in the shock so it doesn’t feel too soft for you so you

Just turn to the right if you want to increase the resistance and if you would want to decrease it back down to its kind of softest setting you would just turn it to the counterclockwise I like to have it all the way and it seems to be nice and

Comfortable you know when we’re riding so it’s nice and soft now on the other side of the fork there’s this lockout setting so you want it all the way down if you want to actually use the shock absorbing properties of this uh Fork but if you do

Want to just shut it off you can turn it all the way in this direction of this arrow and then it actually it locks it locks the shock all together normally you would just kind of keep it completely unlocked so that you can kind of get the benefit of that uh

Nice suspension all right well I’m going to take a run at this hill behind me it’s uh actually pretty steep and long and quite Rocky it’s probably about as uh about as technical as we’re ever going to get all right well I made it back down safely it actually went uh pretty smooth

You know I did bump the pedal assist up to uh to three as I got towards the steeper parts so I didn’t have to really crank it too hard but yeah it cruised right on up without any problem and U there was one time I thought I’d just

Apply the throttle so I hit the throttle and then it just kind of gave me a nice little boost too so that’s good to know as well and then coming back down it was actually quite steep with a lot of rocks and stuff but with the fat tires and

They aired down to about 9 PSI right now it uh it felt very stable and I didn’t feel like I was going to be out of control it all rad the brakes a little bit and uh yeah Cruise right down without any problem all right I’m going

To going to head up a couple of long steep hills and I’ll go down a couple miles and then the next one’s going to be really steep it’s like the steepest hill that I know around here it starts off kind of like this and then it goes

Up and then it goes really steep so yeah we’ll head up this one first just kind of keep it steady and see how we do the batter is actually at about um I don’t know 60% right now so we’ll see how it does getting a nice little workout but not working too hard

Steadily pulling 10 amps of current at a boat okay no problem all right well I made up the first hill without any trouble was actually nice uh pretty leisurely ride up second gear third gear pedal assist 2 is probably about the max battery kind of took a hit it was up

There a little while ago now it’s slowly coming back to life at about 47 volts right now so I got a long downhill ahead so hopefully it’ll uh it’ll get some of it back by the time I hit the second Hill all right well I’ve

Made it up to the uh second Hill which is behind me up here and uh it it’s hard to really tell maybe from the camera but uh it’s pretty steep it starts out like this and then I gets towards the top it really kind of starts to get steep so

We’ll see how we do sitting at about 47 volts and it’s just a little over half let’s go I’m going to turn my light off maybe give me more power okay it’s getting a little steeper right here go to four how much we drawn yeah 16

Amps all right made it to the top of the hill actually it handled it quite well um you I was down in first gear as I started to kind of get in the steepest part and you know pushed it up to pedal assist 4 and yeah climb right up that

Part no problem uh yeah it did much better than uh I’ve done on other bikes in the past well I’m heading up for a bit of a range test to see you know just what a long ride is like on this bike it’s kind of a nice Cruiser so I’m hoping it’s

Going to be uh fairly enjoyable but it’s it’s cold out it’s about 40° so I’m layered up and uh um just about good to go what I did is I swapped out the seat here for the uh the Comfort seat so it’s got a little bit more padding in it for

Me and uh since I’m going to be riding on the roads I need a I’m going to put a little mirror on here so I can see traffic coming up behind me but uh yeah I’ll get this done and then we’ll hit the road underneath

Here I actually have a heated vest on so I can already feel it uh starting to keep me warm so yeah let’s head out see if we can do 20 30 miles see how it Goes tiny Hill no problems cruising right up had about pedal assist two just kind of mooving between third and fifth and sixth gear and that’ll keep me around between 15 and 20 M an hour the only thing really cold right now is my uh face okay let’s take a left turn Here rides sidewalks very well even with the ups and downs you know it’s very stable the fat tires yeah up down up down just kind of absorbs it even the even the rough little bumps in the sidewalk here very smooth I like it yeah see he down up usually I avoid this

Stuff this is one of our favorite running routes back in the day when we do a lot of running very pretty look at that not too shabby huh limit sign oh there we go 21 it’s about right 21 mph like a pine trees lining the winding

Road I’ve got a name I’ve got a name like a singing bird in the croing toad I’ve got a name I’ve got a name moving down the High rolling me down the highway moving ahead where life won’t pass me by here comes a hill let’s take a run at it woohoo

You’re up behind me all right well I found a nice place to uh stop for a minute yeah we’re at 16.4 miles right now and yeah it’s it’s been good and I’m just going to probably turn around here and start working back in the direction that I came from

Waiting for the battery to catch up you can see here that you know I’m coming back up with a few bars I was uh cruising along and it had uh dropped down to you know about just below half and um you know it typically does that the gauge is actually based on voltage

So when your bike is working hard and that motor is cranking then the U the voltage is a little bit lower so it uses that to to uh to show the uh that little battery gauge so when you uh stop and the battery has time to recover then it

Comes back up again so I’m just waiting for that to happen yeah find this nice place to stop off and uh enjoy the uh the view for for a few minutes and then I’ll start heading back also have to say that um this heated vest that I have on

Under here I have it on low and it’s keeping me nice and toasty but when I’m riding I don’t really notice it uh so it’s just keeping me normal but when I stop I know noticed that I really start to get warm and I have to uh kind of get

Back on the road again I noticed that it just keeps bouncing up now I’m just one bar down but yeah the voltage is uh is at 48.5 yeah still got another 10 miles or so to go so the U odometer is sitting at 22.7 so far for this trip when I start applying pedal assist it it drops down to one or two so should be plenty to get back but yeah it’s still very pretty

Here so I’m just going to keep it at a pedal assist two or so you know head back along the main road and then we’ll uh we’ll make it back probably time to spare see what we have left on the battery but so far it’s been a very enjoyable ride okay we

Are almost 29 miles in nice little downhill here yeah batteries getting pretty low 4 miles to go and there’s a couple of hills in here let’s do this it doesn’t feel like uh the bike is helping me much I just bumped it up the pedal assist too cuz the voltage is kind

Of low kind of it’s pretty low reading one bar on the top and let’s see yeah 41 volt BTS it’s giving me 3 amps of current right now so just going to keep on trucking I still got this pretty good Hill and then one more oops didn’t want to do that

Bumped it down to zero let’s do this yeah I don’t think pedal assist is doing a whole lot for me right now all right regular bike mode Now I’m starting to get warm working pretty hard here still in first gear just kind of barely Trucking up feels like I’m in regular bike mode here should level off here in a little bit okay that was the worst of of it for this hill I got one more have a feeling

I’m going to be pedaling up that guy too it says it’s delivering three amps two amps sometimes normally it’s like uh in two it’s like 10 amps so right now it’s barely giving me two to three but going to lean into this and go see

If I can make it up this hill try going to take my mind off of things and admire people’s Christmas decorations and now think about the fact that I’m working hard here all right so um just to confirm that I’m not really getting any help I just tried to

Uh hit the uh the throttle just to see what it would do and it did absolutely absolutely nothing and I was U on almost a flat area so pretty sure it’s just a Brian power at this point all right well the total uh distance for this ride was

33.7 Miles and I don’t think that counts as all bike powered um Miles because I was uh mostly powering it myself I think for the last miles or so so let’s call it about 28 29 miles uh for rains just kind of average riding uh you know

Obviously we don’t live in flat country here there’s ups and downs Hills uh so I think that’s just a fair test and you know I was probably keeping it at about two pedal assist three sometimes and shifting gears and uh yeah so I’d say we

Got about 29 good miles out of it is this a long range bike I would say no I mean not not at this point you know but most of us aren’t going to go 30 Mi uh you know but if you’re out you know for

10 mile 15 Mile and you got you know varied terrain uh you know it’s going to do good for you and it’s got a lot of power and it needs it to push those big fat tires around now at some point you’re going to want to pack the bike up and take it

Somewhere to ride or maybe you um are like us and you want to take it in your RV and travel with it so that you have it along for when you want to go on a little bike Adventure u in either case uh you’re going to need to uh figure out

What works best for you now we have a a bike rack that we keep ebikes on on the back of the RV so that’s how we’ll probably do it if you do do that uh we uh need to do something about this space here especially for for the uh the step

Through model you know if you have any kind of Step through this one included you’re going to need to get a crossbar or something like this and it hooks on here and hooks around here now what that allows you to do is actually clamp the uh the bike rack clamp on the

Top of it or if you have a bike rack that it hangs from you would actually hang it from the bottom so this this one’s actually specific to uh our bike rack works pretty well I have this other one that I use on our other bike

Selectric has their own as well that you could buy from their uh from their online store you can also take it apart and uh put it in the back of a vehicle or a truck and I’ve done that as well you know having the removable front wheel is super convenient and being able

To also remove the pedals is also convenient because then you could lay it on its side and you can turn the handlebar like that with the wheel off and be able to slide it in to the back of your truck for example if you have a

Truck or the back of a a hatchback or you know some some vehicle that has some storage now in order to do that you’re probably going to want to know what that distance is between these two points to see if you actually have the space to

Kind of roll it in lay it down in the back of your vehicle so let me measure that for you real quick so now we can to take a measurement from let’s just say here where the light is to the back of the tire and it’s

About 58 in the height here is about 29 about 29 in here and the fork to the top of the handlebar is about 31 to 32 in now since this is just a uh a Bare Bones version of the uh xpak step through it doesn’t have a lot of the the

Bells and whistles and and accessories and add-ons that are available or that are going to be available so I know electric likes to put together these package deals and and bundles and it helps uh you save money actually if you can figure out what what it is you want

And pick one of the bundles and the best way to see what’s available if you’re interested is to go to Electric’s website and you if you uh got some value out of this uh video then I would uh suggest that you use our link when you do that it’s rvi tio.com

Electric now just tells electric that you heard about them from us and that we helped you out and you’ll end up buying us a beer as well if you end up making a purchase so what do you think of the uh X Peak so far you know I I think it uh

Really checks a lot of boxes U you know it’s a just a good allaround ebike that you know it’s safe to ride you know whether you want to just kind of head out for a little casual ride with friends or you want to take it out

Into the boonies and uh and do some adventuring you know it’s uh it’s very capable and sure I think it’s got some room for improvement I think the 25 to 30 mile um range is probably the extent of you know what you can do with this with unpredictable terrain you know the

Price you really can’t beat the price it’s a it’s a premium ebike at a nonpremium price in fact if you’re uh thinking of buying a uh an XP 3.0 for a th000 bucks and now you have this x Peak at this introductory price of $12.99 I think it

Is you know with a bunch of uh with a bunch of accessories included that’s a that’s a big choice so I’m curious to know what you think about all this you know what you U think you would do uh but yeah let me know I I um also know that I

May not have touched on everything that uh you might have uh been curious about if I didn’t answer a question or whatever please uh leave it in the comment section and I’ll I’ll do my best to uh to give you an answer because you know we have one and I can take some

Measurements if you need and uh just answer something that uh you’re curious about so I hope you enjoyed and I appreciate you watching all the way to the end and uh let me know what you end up doing and I’ll uh see you later

🚴In-depth review and testing of the LECTRIC XPEAK e-bike – A premium e-bike at a NON-premium price. We test the unique features of the all-terrain XPeak e-bike, riding off-road / on-road riding, on hills, and for long distances until the battery dies.

*Buy us a Beer* when you shop for a LECTRIC EBike (Affiliate Link)

*A List of E-Bike Equipment Mentioned in the video (affiliate links)*

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*Video Topics*
00:00 Who is the LECTRIC XPeak ebike for? Just Mountain Bikers?
04:00 How to assemble the LECTRIC XPeak ebike?
12:29 How does LECTRIC XPeak perform Off-Road
14:45 First Impressions of the LECTRIC XPeak ebike
19:08 How to set switch LECTRIC ebike to class 3 mode?
19:54 How fast can the LECTRIC XPeak go in class 3 mode (speed test)?
20:25 Is the LECTRIC XPeak ebike SAFE to ride and charge?
21:50 How to adjust RST mountain bike shocks?
24:57 How does LECTRIC XPeak ebike perform on hills?
27:18 How far can the LECTRIC XPeak go on a single charge before the battery dies?
37:28 How to transport LECTRIC XPeak ebike?
39:55 How much does the LECTRIC XPeak cost?

#rvwithtito #ebike #ebikes

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