
Know Your Lexus | Battery Electric Vehicle: Charging Schedule

Know Your Lexus | Battery Electric Vehicle: Charging Schedule

– [Narrator] The Charging Schedule feature of your Lexus Battery Electric Vehicle enables you to charge the vehicle’s battery at the specific dates and times of your choosing. For example, you can set the charging schedule to have charging completed by a certain departure time, start and stop charging at set times,

Or to be carried out at the same time on selected days. Or, you might schedule charging to take place during off-peak hours, to take advantage of lower electricity rates and reduce the cost of charging, if applicable in your area. To set the charging schedule, first, select the “Vehicle Customization” icon located

On the left side of the main display screen. Then select “Charging Schedule.” Select “Add.” On the “Add Event” screen, choose between “Start at a Set Time” or “Start and Stop at Set Times.” Select the “12:00 am” time shown and adjust to your preferred time and select “okay.”

If you would like to repeat the charge event for additional days, scroll down the “Add Event” screen and choose the desired days. Select “OK.” Then select “Save” and your charge event is scheduled. To make changes to a scheduled charging event, go back to the Charging Schedule screen.

Select “Edit”, and then select “Edit” again. From the list, select the charging event that you would like to alter, make the desired changes, and then select “save” and you’re done. It’s that easy. Whenever you turn the vehicle off, a “Next Charging Event” reminder will appear, providing details of when the vehicle

Is scheduled to start charging. You can also select “Charge Now” if you prefer to begin charging immediately once the vehicle is plugged-in. When you connect the charging cable to the vehicle, the green indicator light will either flash to indicate that a charging event is scheduled and charging will begin at that time

Or turn solid green to indicate that charging has started. For additional information on your vehicle’s charging schedule feature, please refer to your Lexus owner’s manual. Thank you for watching this Know Your Lexus video.

The Charging Schedule feature of your Lexus Battery Electric Vehicle enables you to charge the vehicle’s battery at the specific dates and times of your choosing.

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