Electric Cars

The Deadly And Sinister Truth Behind The EV Insanity – Fire Investigator And Media Caught Lying

The Deadly And Sinister Truth Behind The EV Insanity – Fire Investigator And Media Caught Lying

Okay so in this video I’ve got something insane and deadly something downright Sinister and an update on our new shop but I’ll save that for last because I don’t want the people who clicked on this video for the EV content to have to sit through the Vlog so we’ll get to

That all right the insane and the deadly last week we did a video on that Hyundai ionic ique that needed a battery replacement it was a new car guy hit something in the road it dent the battery cover and nobody wanted to touch this thing and Hyundai wanted to charge

$61,000 for a new battery so the insurance company comes and the total thear right off just like that and by the way we learned about this incident from a channel called motor mouth and I neglected to mention them in that last video my oversight guys I’m sorry about

That but motor mouth didn’t an update yesterday I believe it was yesterday the day before and evidently this Canadian Hyundai battery Fiasco is is a thing because after they posted their first video somebody else in Canada gave them the exact same story with receipts they were driving down the road

With their Hyundai ionique and a muffler or part of exhaust system something fell off the car in front of them they ran over it it dented up the battery cover same situation and it was the same deal they brought it to the dealer the dealer

Says nope no good we got to change this $61,000 all right this is complete Insanity and you say to yourself well you know I don’t care about Hyundai I would never own a Hyundai why do I care that these people are you know good for them right you

Miss on a couple of points the first is that we all pay for it when you have new cars brand new cars that are total out because of a simple Common Road obstacle Road obstruction Road issue okay they ran over something in the RO they dented

The bottom of the car when you get brand new cars that a total for that situation we all pay the insurance company doesn’t just hand you a check and say come on let’s go rast some marshmallows now no the insurance company doesn’t they don’t play games they don’t party okay they

Make money they’re there to make money so if they’re taking losses on these cars because of these minor hits they’re going to pass it on not just to other people not just to other motorists if if one division is losing money well they’ll just hike rates your homeowners

Goes up because everything goes up because of this it just makes the world that much more expensive that much more sensical now let’s let’s recap one of the reasons why the battery cost $61,000 on these cars is because Hyundai doesn’t stock these batteries they sell cars in North

America but they don’t stock crucial replacement parts to keep them running the battery in all of its size and weight has to be imported from Korea okay crazy so that’s why this battery costs as much as it does they they don’t stock it now what I also found out is

That the problem with the Hyundai batteries extends to their hybrids because they don’t stock the batteries for the hybrids either you have a problem with the hybrid same situation the B it’s not as expensive as full EV battery but it’s still much more expensive than the typical and it has to

Be imported so you have a problem with your Hybrid battery and the car is laid up forever now why can’t they fix these batteries well because the technology you know repair them because the technology the common technology to repair these things isn’t in the hands of mechanics yet and there’s a Fear

Factor see nobody wants to touch this thing the dealership doesn’t want to touch it they don’t want the liability because dent in the battery you know a problem with the battery wof so that’s why just replace it okay the body shops don’t want to touch it because a

Liability nobody wants to touch these things because of the liability involved now read between the lines okay if the professionals who are supposed to deal with these cars don’t want to deal with them because they could explode at any time once the battery has been compromised how many of these cars and

Similar cars are out there right now going through life electric cars going through life and hitting stuff in the road or running over curbs or doing whatever people do with cars that have dented batteries and now this thing is a Time bump right there was no indication

With either of the either of the days that got total there was no indication by warning lights or anything like that there was a problem with the battery how many EVS are out there right now all over the road all over the world with dented undercarriages dented battery

Covers or dented batteries I should say that are a liability that could explode at any minute the dealers don’t want to touch them the body shops don’t want to touch them but yet people stick their families in these things and send them off into traffic if that’s not Insanity I don’t

Know what it is you know the F thing thing about Hyundai is that I remember when they first started importing them to this country and they were you know they were a little silly they were very plain they were very humble cars but I remember they were extremely reliable

And they were easy to work on and people were getting crazy mileage out of them and actually started to become fond of them and it’s like you know you look at the Hyundai from that era and you look at what they’re producing today and it’s like completely

Opposite I can keep going on this but I won’t I got to move on to the next one so this is from video on a channel called M guy Australia now if you think I’m anti EV you ain’t seen nothing yet this guy’s like over the top M guy M like letter M

Guy gu y Australia this guy’s over the top all of his videos are are anti- EV and he does a lot of really good ones so he posted a video this day before yesterday I believe it was that I think everybody should watch everybody should see this video if you’re concerned with

This this whole thing Pro and anti- both sides need to watch this video because it concerns an incident now I’m going to paraphrase all of this I’m going to put the link to his video in in the description of this one so you can go watch it yourself I’m just going to

Paraphrase so this is an incident that happened last week in New Zealand Cooks Beach or Cooks Point whatever it was so there was a fire house burned down and the initial reports of the house burning down was that there was an EV in the garage being charged an IT Court fire

And it burned down the whole house all right you know you expect this stuff right EVS all right so that was the initial reports and this is what the news reported right away later on like that same day where within 24 hours they changed the story

The new news changed the story and said that the fire had been investigated and they quoted an official a New Zealand official a fire investigator is saying that the fire didn’t start in the garage it didn’t start in the EV it actually started another in another section of

The property towards the back of the property meaning like the exact opposite place where the EV was and that’s was now this is a New Zealand Fire official and and his name is in the video all of his details are in that video so M guy contacts the news

Organization one of the news bureaus there and questions them on the details of this incident and they say yeah the investigation found no connection to the EV the fire started someplace else there’s a problem with this and the problem is there was one of the neighbors out taking video with their

Phone when this fire first broke out and you could see the fire before it spreads to the rest of the structure you can actually see through the structure you can see through through the windows it’s clear there’s no smoke there’s no nothing but halfway in the garage

Halfway in and halfway out of the garage is a flaming car and a burning garage all right now this is on video this is one of the neighbors that shot this on their phone the neighbors video contradicts not only the news reports but the official the New Zealand fire

Investigator his report right the fire started in the car the fire investigator lied about it the news media Li about it does this come as a surprise to me no not even a little bit because I understand how this stuff works of course I’m always called a conspiracy theorist and oh you nuts

But no this is exactly how it works and if you if you have any doubts go watch this video watch it all the way through if if you still don’t understand just how Sinister this whole thing is keep watching it over and over again until it

Sinks in he covered all of the major points he made it very clear and it’s like there’s no debating that there is just lying that is my biggest problem with the EV thing it’s it’s the deceptions it’s all of the deceptions and it’s from the government it’s from

The media it’s from the corporations they all work together and they all follow the marching orders of these NOS you know you think that the people who you vote for are the ones who make the decisions or the ones who are in Congress orever think they’re the ones

That make the decisions it ain’t like that guys it’s the NOS non-government organizations led by like CLA and Company those are the people who set the policies those are the people who run the media that run the corporations those are the guys who run the world

Don’t take my word for it look into it for yourself enough of that stuff let’s take a look at the shop because well I’m I’m a little bit in limbo right now we’re running I guess about 2 or 3 weeks behind but they fin finally got the back

Of this thing framed out so let’s go take a look at it they were working on it yesterday so here’s the addition that looks good nice doorway and what that a bathroom see I told you to be a bathroom and there it is forming right before our

Eyes all the Comforts of home have all the Comforts of home so so that’s the side entrance the bathroom the main entrance into the shop is going to be here the doorway into the shop is going to be here okay so keep that in mind for to go on the other

Side nice window this area right here is going to be the office SL Studio space so we’re going to go so so I have something I want to try we’re going to try it this year and I need good sound I need a good Sound area to do it with so

We’re going to go out of our way to make sure that this this space right here is capable of broadcast quality sound you know everything we shoot indoors you know it well it all sounds like we’re we’re talking at the bottom of an oil drum with all the Echoes and whatnot so

We’ll have this place here wired for sound or or I should say prepared for sound I have some interesting stuff and we’ll talk about it in another video so that’s that’s what we got here and hopefully within the next couple of days they’ll have this all closed

Off now I’m still in a bit of Limbo with the front because they’re storing they’ve got the doors and window and everything that they’re going to use back there stored in here so I picked up paint I picked up some shelf brackets but I really can’t do any work in here until they’re

Finished but I can give you the plan cuz the last time we were in here I says I wasn’t really sure how I was going to set everything up and we need to maximize it all so and this is a little bit a little bit more unique than

A typical setting up a typical shop because there you’re only concerned with getting the work in and out and here this is a YouTube shop so I’m mostly concerned with being able to get around stuff and have good lighting and all of that so the way things are positioned

And the way you you we have to set this up is a little bit different you would with a typical shop so as I picked up paint and shelf brackets um and we’re going to keep this pallet rack we I’ll get to that in a second so

Here here’s how this is going to go uh slay camera is going to going to get parked there and bottle rocket is going to get parked here slag Hammer to the back because it’s a little bit wider and the nose of bottle rocket is relatively narrow and it’ll

Fit this space right here give us enough room to get around the passenger side of the car and it won’t really uh intrude into the doorway very much and there’ll be enough space front to back with the cars park front to back that they could each be maneuvered out of the way without

Disturbing the other one so that’s important this corner of the shop is going to be set up for our longer term projects so anything that’s going to be laid up in here for you know weeks or months will be in this this spot right here that’s what this is going to be

Dedicated for and then the front spot front part of the shop will be for In-N-Out floor space is crucial here because you’ve only got so much to work with and again we have to be able to get around everything so we can’t have any shelving that sits

On the floor so what we’re going to do is we’re going to run a shelf 6′ high around the entire perimeter of the shop so that’ll eliminate the need for standup shelving and get all the small things and whatnot up off the ground now we’re going to keep this pallet rack over

Here the bottom will be uh you know heavy stuff engines Transmissions cranks that have to be stood up and whatnot all underneath there this level will use for you know tires and wheels and the cylinder heads you know things that aren’t that bulky and then up top we

Have a like we have a lot of tents and tables and chairs and stuff like that so that will get stored up on that top level there there and I think that pretty much I think that’ll make this as workable as it needs to be for our purposes and then

Of course outside we’re probably going to put up a lan to out there too because like I says I do like to work outside and it’s good for film outside so we we’re going to be setting up outside as well but that’s it that’s the uh that’s

The update on everything that’s going on here now and the eeve insanity it just keeps getting crazier and crazier and there’s a lot of sinister involved in all of this that’s my gripe with it all my gripe isn’t my problem isn’t with electricity power and cars I’m not

Afraid of being the interion engine being like replaced and all I’m not worried about that I don’t like I don’t like the I don’t like the lying I don’t like the lying and and it’s it’s it’s institutionalized corporate lying it’s it’s Sinister in a lot of ways wake up I see you tomorrow

We reported on the ridiculous situation concerning a new Hyundai Ioniq that was totalled after the battery received a minor dent. Well, turns out another one just met the same fate.
But, that’s not as bad as the situation in New Zealand where a fire was started by an electric car charging in it’s home garage, burning down the whole house in the process.
The media and an official NZ fire official claimed that the EV had nothing to do with starting the blaze, but a video taken by a neighbor shows the exact opposite, proving them all to be liars.
New Zealand (Cooks Beach) Fire: Media claims “EV not to blame” | MGUY Australia : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maXP086bPn4
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