Electric Cars

Rivian R1T Max vs Large Pack 10% EV Road Trip Challenge

Rivian R1T Max vs Large Pack 10% EV Road Trip Challenge

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To you by Magna forward for [Applause] all hello good evening and welcome to another out of speec reviews video you join us in Loveland Colorado where we are going to do a 10% challenge of not just one vehicle but actually two of them we have two pretty much identical

Rivan r1ts here one that has the normal large battery pack that we’re familiar with my truck has this most rivan have it but they just launched a new bigger battery pack we’ll talk about that called the max pack and so many riew owners for years have been waiting on

Their order to get Max pack and a lot of them have been lured into getting the existing large battery pack what we want to do is find out the differences between the two batteries both trucks are pretty much identically optioned both on the 21in wheels both with the

Dual motor drivetrain so it’s the newer drivetrain system not the quad motor system like you’ve seen on my truck this is the more efficient oil cooled Enduro drive units and what we’re going to do is run a 10% challenge simulating a road trip range between the max pack and the

Large pack I have some explaining to do about some Tano covers we’re doing our best to get it as even as possible we’re going to walk you through the testing procedures and then we are going to send it at 80 mph to see how much road trip

Range you can expect to see if the max pack is even any faster on a long road trip guys you all know the drill you we can simulate in a lot of our testing and we do full charge range that’s from going 100% to zero and we do that and

It’s a great way to get an idea of how far an electric car goes on a charge and we can also simulate how long it takes to charge from 0o to 100% so we know the entire charging curve of a vehicle the problem is no one does either of those

Things in the real world so I developed a test that I think is a more realworld realistic use case of electric vehicle the idea is when you’re on a road trip hitting charger after charger after charger when you’re in the middle of the country we all know the max pack is

Going to go farther on that first charge as an example but when you’re hopping charger to charger typically we find most drivers are comfortable pulling into a DC fast charging station like the Electrify America station behind me at about 10% state of charge now if it’s me

Or Jordan wa we might be down to 1 or 2% if it’s my mom she might be at 20% But ultimately we settled on 10% and I think that’s sort of an industry standard now for charging so what we do is we are actually going to drive these trucks

Down to 10% the battery temperatures are identical everything is going to be as identical as possible I even took the spare tire out of the max track uh Max pack truck to even the weight difference which there really is no weight difference between them

Um so what we did is we’re going to plug it in 10% state of charge we’re going to juice up both vehicles for exactly 15 minutes at the highest power we can get thankfully this station we have dedicated power for each post so each truck has its main feed where it doesn’t

Share power and we can get full 500 amps to each truck and we’re going to let them sit for 15 minutes exactly after 15 minutes we’re going to unplug them jump right on the highway right down the road at 80 M an hour and see how far we can

Go in a loop to counteract elevation thankfully there’s no wind tonight night but it is cold this is a cold weather 10% challenge but the batteries are warmed the trucks are preconditioned this is really to simulate what happens in the middle of that road trip and I don’t know what’s your prediction Jordan

Here I think they’ll be really similar I think they’re going to be almost identical actually driving here we came from Wyoming down here um just ran the truck side by side at 70 mph and the efficiencies were identical nears makes no difference and um I mean here’s the

Thing the max pack and the large pack it’s the same battery pack the only difference is a chemistry change and it’s $10,000 for that chemistry change and you get 50ish more miles According to rivan which we’ll test but yeah that’s that’s when it’s full charg this

Is like 350 miles EPA that’s 410 yep and that truck does display 410 at 100% cuz when I picked it up from rivan it was pegged up at at 100% um so what we need to do now is I think I’m at 16% at 19% we’re going to

Re precondition to the charger just drive around the area until we get to about 11% we’ll meet back here let the trucks drain down from 11: to 10 on the heaters plug them into the dedicated power we’re doing this late at night so you know we have open roadways and we

Can sit at 80 mph the reason we chose 80 mph is because our 70 mph range tests are just a little bit too slow it’s good for comparable stuff um but ultimately most people drive faster than 70 and even the speed limits around here are 80

Mph if you go just a little bit north of town so that’s a very average American road tripping speed and that’s why we run every car it’s my favorite test that we do it’s a lot of prep work to explain this to you but uh let’s let’s show you

What’s going on back here so this is the manual Tano cover first time I’ve seen it and this is our friend’s truck and I’m going to leave the link to his business in the description I believe it’s called I’m blanking on the name but I don’t want to Jordan do you remember

The name of it my electric home something like that hold on my electric home.org I wasn’t going to miss it you’re great and Jason yeah was was great to lend us this truck and it’s it looks really good this silver color is nice okay let me tell you how epic Jason

Is when I was picking up the review truck from rivan he was there and this truck is like 3 days old it has when we got it when you picked it up this morning at 100 123 miles 1 2 3 123 miles on the odometer we have since broken in

The tires broken in the truck ran it up into Wyoming it’s got a few hundred on it now and Jason’s just like I’m going on vacation have my truck for a week so you can compare it to the max pack and that is such a cool thing that he’s

Doing not only for us of course but also to the rivan community because this has been the age-old question so many people want to know should they have waited for Max pack should you upgrade should you even spend a couple thousand difference to get a Max pack over a large pack and

Here we have identically option trucks pack for pack now what I did was I asked rivan for the longest range truck they had and that’s this one and this manual Tano cover is from this truck but I didn’t want to like mess up Jason’s brand new truck so I used an experiment

On the rivan truck and what I did was I needed another Tano cover and if you take a look here hold on let me unlock the truck really quick um rivan app hit unlock okay thank you I went to Home Depot did a little cut twice measure once situation and I cut the

Um you know sort of boards of wood to be identical to fitting inside the tracks for the Manuel Tano what I really didn’t want was to have one truck without a Tano one truck with I wanted both and I called rivan earlier today cuz we this all happened this morning getting both

Trucks sorted Jason was so cool he I made a post in the Colorado rivian group and he’s like yeah take my truck I’m like dude this is epic and um yeah basically I was scrambling around running to Home Depot got this contraption sorted and they do the same

Thing they weigh about the same all I really wanted was the air blocked off from going in the bed so that’s why this is literally just ply board but it works it’s solid we’ve had it up to allegedly triple digits and it’s held on and hasn’t flown off so that’s great um in

Terms of the battery pack differences not in this video but in a future video I will run through the capacity differences of both batteries that is always the big question and I’ve actually set up a rig where I have a trailer on the back of my rivan r1t the

Quad motor large pack with a winch on it where I’m going to run both TR trucks full to dead and then see how many kilowatt hours I can pull out of them and we’re going to do that on the same day in the same conditions like we’re

Doing now and uh Jordan is behind the camera helping me with all these crazy ideas like we did when we had our first rivan review truck it was rivan week we didn’t really sleep and this is not going to be as crazy because we already yeah we’re sleeping we already know I

Mean I live with this I’ve put 50,000 miles on my rivan you’ve driven my rivan a bunch like we know the truck what we’re trying to do is a evaluate the dual motor which will have the whole video coming we’ve we’ve been learning a lot about the dual motor Jordan your

Truck broke down today yeah the uh rear motor just disconnected and it was like please service it and you were like pulled over turned off turn back on again very it you did a a reset um but like that’s a brand new truck that just threw like a major drivetrain fault

Earlier today this has been clunking around on the rear end I really like the dual motor especially during my time at normal I made a whole video review of it but my impression is maybe it isn’t definitely isn’t it like this truck makes different sounds than that truck

Yeah like there’s something weird going on with the dual motor stuff I just have to be transparent which is why we did that efficiency run side by side coming down here because if the efficiencies were way off we would have canel all the tests but it seems like whatever we’re

Hearing is not affecting the consumption of the vehicles yeah um okay enough said let’s go drain these down we’ll keep the charger in the map to precondition and uh then we’ll we’ll set it up load it up oh a cona got here dead too nice proper out of speec arrival at like

5% that’s great nice um yeah good let’s go let’s go run them down well it looks like I beat Jordan back here but I did see him in the parking lot circling around the battery pack temperature is exactly where we want it very close to the middle 76° f

One little trick with rivan you can always do actually they’ve changed it you now have to go into settings vehicle service and then service mode for any of you like rivan owners who try and gatekeep this code we’re it’s out there everyone knows what it is so it’s no big

Deal tap the top bar five times hit ride tap five times 33748 rivan will probably change it I hope they don’t I think this is important information for drivers to have it will tell us everything about the battery pack temperatures and you can see our maximum battery temperature is 26.6 De C

And it will tell us if the charger is derating everything we need to know for this test so I’ll set both trucks up with this make sure all the Chargers are operating at their fullest capacity and then we will be ready to rip but the trucks are preconditioned I’m at 11%

Right now soon as Jordan pulls around I’ll rip the heater on high pull it down to 10 then we’ll start the test we are at the Chargers Alysa thanks for swinging by yeah you won’t be joining you have your rron over there we honestly should have used it to block

The spot but it’s okay Jordan got it oh what are we at now 11% still yep okay waiting for it to dip down to 10 we got the heaters on full send you have your fog lights on we’re 75 2° difference I would say this is pretty close Jordan

Pretty darn close pretty darn close as good as we can get it this is only our second attempt today I swear think I didn’t plug into that station I know Jordan pulled into the 150 Kow I’m like what is this guy doing gra the chat of my hand [Laughter]

And mine has just hit 10% I shut everything off I am down there officially and uh Jordan shouldn’t be more than another couple seconds to hit 10% I don’t think you still at 11 still 11 I there was more granular yeah no it should only be a couple seconds then

It’ll drop down Jordan So the plan we are both at 10% now they completed within 1 minute of each other so that was great um battery pack temperatures are within 2° as we’re as close as we can get it uh we’ll run everyone through the drive modes but with all of our 10%

Challenges we are going to time roughly the handshake process and then they will charge for 15 minutes exactly now fingers crossed we don’t run into any charging issues this is our second time doing this this is our second time doing the test today and in theory this site

Has three power modules feeding three high power chargers and then the ABB one has a separate one in there so technically four power modules chargers for four dispensers uh I would say say let’s freaking do it yeah yep and we are started 5 seconds later payment’s been initiated how about your

Side initiating charging okay keep an eye on the screen on the truck that’s where it’ll show when it starts to charge I think contactors have not gone yet and so we’re just about to start charging come on baby did your start y okay Jordan started mine is started as well so we’ll

Charge them for the exact amount of time I mean they really can started within 2 seconds of each other that was awesome so now are you in service mode Jordan Let’s uh if you can film everything from this point on your truck I think the viewers would like to know charging

Speeds and all that stuff so you can see my charger is indicating it can give us the full 500 amps 498 in this case we’re already up pulling pretty much full power and we’re at 385 volts doing 197 KW at 11 % so let’s uh this is good I’m

Going to let this puppy run we have climate control on typically when we do this I have to set it on in Jordan’s truck we’re going to run 72° on auto and I feel like that’s pretty comfortable let’s roll up the window so we don’t lose any efficiencies again we are

Trying to simulate how you would drive on a road trip 200 Kow at 11% that is pretty dang good um maybe even slightly higher voltage I don’t know let’s take a look at Jordan’s truck with the large pack all right as Kyle mentioned we have service mode pulled up here on the rivan

Which gives you all sorts of crazy fun data uh you could literally probably pour over this for hours and maybe we’ll make a video on that in the future um but there’s a lot to unpack here going into the high voltage section we can actually see that it can accept up to

500 amps from this unit which is correct which means nothing’s being limited by the charger uh and that means we should be seeing let’s see we’re pulling 400 amps currently and that math checks out to about 167 KW so still kind of ramping up and um the

Timer is we’re just 1 minute into our charging stop so uh yeah we’ll see how much juice we pull in the next 14 minutes remaining so you’re not we had the same battery pack temp you’re slightly warmer actually and the charger says it can give you everything gives me

Everything and so it is the truck requesting less power at the moment yep and I’ve seen my large pack do this sometimes really where it takes a couple minutes to go full send my truck went straight to 500 amps really yep so SL we have to do a lot of charging tests here

Um holy smokes yeah cuz you’re just sitting uping yeah right on 400 400 amps and these are unlined Chargers again because they’re both communicating they can do 500 amps Jordan’s at 170 Kow this should shoot up here momentarily within just a couple seconds I would think based off

Of my truck’s behavior my truck is the same battery pack is the large pack in there but you can see here already we’re 207 KW um so I much prefer this obviously plug in right to full speed at 10% um and again the battery temperatures are the same the charger

Saying it can do everything so it’s the truck that’s asking for Less power this is fascinating still just sitting at 400 amps yep wow just bouncing around right around there so yeah 175 is like the highest brief Peak I saw but yeah it’ll it’ll go a little bit but

Let’s just see what happens I’m sure you’ll bump up to 500 amps here momentarily we’ve reached 500 amps so we’re now pulling just over 200 KW finally that took a little bit for it to ramp up and figure out what the heck to do to itself and our temperatures right

Here battery maximum cell temperature 32° that is celsius if that reaches 55 in our experience that means it will actually derate which is what we’re trying to avoid one uh proponent of us filming out here in the cold um might hurt our range a little bit but it will

Possibly improve our charging which maybe like a near as makes no difference situation or give and take however you describe that um so maybe we’ll get slightly Les less range out there but then faster charging it all kind of adds together we’ll see this is why we do

These tests at all times of year too we’re we’re great in Colorado out here we do get all four seasons more or less so these colder weather temperatures I mean it’s it’s the second day of winter right now this is what we can expect clim a little bit there 33° but full 500

Amps um yep it’s just bouncing around just 500 slightly under very very bouncy and that’s kind of what we expected so just over 200 Kow yeah so Jordan’s truck is now hit 500 amps which means I’m about a 2 kilowatt hours ahead of him we’re at 11 point something he’s at 10.5

We’re at 12 so we’re about a kilowatt hour and a half Advantage here because this thing just shot straight to 500 amps or so and you can see it’s not quite doing 500 amps 490 or so um but it is just doing 202 205 KW a little bit of

Fluctuation but both trucks are doing it so I would say that’s pretty normal the worrying part here is the hour 25 minutes to 100% this thing really I’m guessing top charges poorly I’m not 100% sure what the chemistry change is between the trucks but uh there

Definitely seems to be it and that seems to be the only difference the cooling is the same the pack structure is the same it is just a chemistry change Lucid has also just introduced a new chemistry train for the gravity and I imagine they’re using these cells just a guess

Um because the lucid dream Vehicles were using the same cells out of that battery pack as well the Samsung cells as we come through here we’ve charging for 5 minutes now our battery pack voltages are the same as we are at the same exact state of charge uh actually Jordan’s at

18% I’m at 19% but voltages are pretty much identical um and Jordan what’s your take shouldn’t have rivan done 800 volt for Max pack and gone big send that would have been so great cybertruck’s gonna win on that yeah cybertruck’s gonna win on that however the the recent screenshots I’ve seen of cybertruck

Charging have been pretty bad yeah maybe it’s not going to win I don’t know this still a great truck I love my rivan and I don’t know I don’t think I’d get rid of it for a cyber Tru I would add a cyber Tru because it would make great

Content it’ be a good obviously business decision to try and get one and we are trying to get one and a Hummer and a lightning yeah I want them all Alysa loves the Hummer she’s like we got to get one anyway we’re still ripping my maximum battery pack temperature is up

To 35.6 what are you at there Jordan uh 35.8 oh we are the same maximum cell temperature little blips at 212 but otherwise it’s mostly at 209 to 210 and we’re climbed up to 38° C now still pulling the full amount of amperage from the charger itself which is great um so

Yeah just stay at pretty basically max max speed for now but um about just over halfway into our charging session and we’re at 24% St charge I am at uh I don’t know what percent 27% and I just came off 200 Kow I’m now down to 180 I

Was doing like 210 so this must be the this is my first time charging this truck um on a full speed charger so this must be the first ledge of the max pack Jordan how fast are you charging I just hit 420 volts and I’m at uh 213 KW right

Now so you’re charging faster now yep okay interesting again the charger can deliver full typically we see rivan won’t derated until about 55° C so this is not a charger or truck limit or charger limitation this is the truck’s requested charging curve at 28% which means Jordan uh might start

Catching up here as we get close to the 15minute mark unless he tapers here pretty soon 28% now you’re at 28% I’m at 29% but I got more capacity at 29% that’s true how much more wait for the next video we’re going to go full charge

To dead and see how much extra capacity this has so we’ve definitely hit a ledge here definitely different charging performance you would expect different charging performance from a different cell chemistry going to leave that door just crack so the climate control stays on let’s uh pull star two rental car

Pulling in bunch of those around let’s see how we’re doing over here 34 oh we’ve delivered the same amount of energy now Jordan is still ripping 215 Kow here 34.5 kwatt hours delivered 35 kwatt hours here 186 Kow so we are slowing down and uh the the old large pack here Old

Faithful honestly I have beat the crap out of my battery pack on my truck and it just rocks yeah charger shows 217 I’m doing 184 in the max pack wow I did not expect that I thought this would hold 500 amps longer it should I hit it earlier yeah than you

Did so perhaps they have like a 10-minute boost that’s possible but I’ve never experienced that on my truck but this is also new software yeah we still got 425 volts now still full amperage yeah if you taper I mean I’ve that’s the thing you’re following what I see on my

Truck and uh this all looks normal from from your side here yeah the max pack can’t sustain the power wait I’m down to 155 now yikes what what is going on here Jordan’s doing 218 Kow on the large pack in this particular one and I’m down to

154 what is going on yeah charger still says 500 amps maximum allowable temperatures are fine 150 KW at 33% is there something going on not looking great at the moment for me all right right after we rolled off 35% it also rolled off the maximum charging speed so we’re now just under

200 kws uh basically yep it’s requesting 450 amps now instead of 500 so that seems to be the ledge of the uh the charging curve that we’ve reached the next section of so just um about a minute a little over a minute left before we jump off hit the road and see

What we can do okay within 1 minute remaining I’m about 10 seconds behind Jord and we’ve determined 38% state of charge and we are right about to hit 15 minutes here it’s like watching a pot of water boil 39% I think I’m catching up to you I’m

At 37 wow I’ve already passed you yeah but more capacity you have more range yep most likely okay I don’t know this is not what I expected 155 KW this is terrible and 15 minutes okay that means I’m only a few seconds behind 15 minutes

Stop so 47.2 KW hours on mine and you got 50 50 so you got more energy yep wa what the heck this thing rips wow okay so let’s shut off uh climate control and then I’ll run everyone through the the setup for the trucks okay Jordan we

Don’t have much time but let’s just go through the truck setup together if you can hit exit service mode there on the left side uh so yeah what we’re going to do is we’ll go to to um because this is the dual motor variant there is no

Conserve mode it has its own clutch disconnect on the rear axle that will automatically disconnect by the way to the viewers we already set tire pressures um so disconnect on the rear axle it will do that automatically we’re going to force the trucks into low suspension we’ll run headlights without

Fogs 72° on auto we already tested this truck 81 mph indicated is 80 GPS y same with this truck and your battery packs at one 17 let’s take a look at what this one’s at did not even get close to where it would drate based off temperature turn

Off service mode I’m at 108 so your battery got warmer so I wonder if this drates for a better top charge if it wants to do deeper charges that’d be interesting that would be not the out of speec way all right to the folks please don’t

Spill your coffee when you get out of your car because I’ve been slipping in and out of this for the last 20 minutes um okay in the truck we go I’ve forced the truck in low allp purpose we’re going to kick 72° Auto as soon as we

Pull out of here Jordan you ready to reset trip a yep I just reset trip okay reset trip a boom your climate’s on yep mine is officially on auto Now great let’s go also little bit of a software bug no lines on this particular one I

Got to do a little soft reset to bring them back I think and I can’t change the camera angles so all good into to drive got to turn the headlights on to Auto there we go let’s do this thing we are off and we’ll see what we do I’m very

Very curious to see these two trucks side by side I think these tests are a bit more interesting in the comparison Space versus the individual truck still good testing individually but very fun to have them side by side going to jump over to the highway here we are again in

Levelin hopping on 25 North here we go pulling out of the parking lot in the max pack Jordan is just ahead of us and um I have to say my initial Impressions on that charging performance was weak weak weak week I that was not a $10,000 upcharge experience from my perspective

So I’m going to come alongside Jordan here we’re going to jump on I25 North head on our typical Loop they’ve actually now finished all the constructions so we can do 80 as soon as we jump on the highway and um dang that is nice truck filming

Inception did I miss any settings are we all set up the same I think so I think we’re good we’re good all right gentle accelerations gentle acceleration world’s lamest drag race normally we’d be sideways Jordan would crash into a curb have some fun around the corners

But no we’re testing so we got to go nice and gentle we made both green lights and we are now merging onto the highway a little bit busier than I would like it is Christmas weekend um and we are going to maintain some speed around the corner here gentle acceleration up to highway

Speeds we are locked in at 81 mph indicated you can see we are running just front-wheel drive because the truck does not require wow autopilot or whatever this thing is called driver plus really likes to hug the right lane I had to pull it to the left um you can

See it just needs the front axle the rear axle automatically disconnects in the quad motor trucks there’s a physical clutch disconnect that you have to click a button for for conserve mode this one has a physical clutch disconnect inside the motor and it is automatic and you do

Feel it clunk in and out occasionally ah yeah this section of I25 is not mapped so we’re just going to set cruise control and do manual steering and uh all is good we’re going by the Tesla superchargers in Loveland just over here Jordan’s far enough away behind where he’s not getting an arrow

Advantage so let’s do this thing the fan was running because the battery was so warm we have already cooled down a little bit here uh the battery’s dropped 10° F already which is fantastic we have now made it to the other side of Fort Collins you can see Jordan’s in the uh

Large pack there in the left lane so he doesn’t get any drafting ability we’re really trying to do this as properly as we can again just sitting right at 80 M an hour so um the good news is we well I guess two things bad news we’re gaining

Some elevation going this way good news we’ll turn around and gain most of it back uh so what we’ll probably do is go just a little bit more than halfway I would say and then we’ll turn around and come back still rivan gives you a mile estimate when you arrive to a charger

With with the navigation system I really wish they would show me percentage on arrival the rated miles in rivan really don’t mean much to me especially when you’re traveling at such high speeds if you drive 65 70 mph you can match EPA and rivan a lot easier than other cars

Uh but most people don’t drive that slow so uh we’re going to knife our way through some of this traffic right up here I also want to mention we will be preconditioning to the next charging station uh when we make the loop back we’ll precondition back to the EA

Station the reason we do that is because that’s what you’ll do on a road trip is preconditioned charger to charger and it uses a bit more range and of course external factors do play into this uh but it is cold outside 34° right now Fahrenheit so almost freezing and so

This is definitely a cold weather 10% challenge but the only time we can run these tests without traffic is at night and well it’s December end of December so this is what we have to deal with uh but we get winter time and maybe we’ll run run it again in the summertime we

Should see a little bit better results in the summertime just because the air will be slightly less dense and and um and of course well I would say heating makes a little bit of an impact but yeah just minor in this case since everything’s already up to temperature

And actually what the rivan’s going to do is rather than heating the battery for the next stop it’s actually going to be cooling it down because it targets that low to mid 70° temperature range on arrival so most preconditioning in rivan unless it’s really cold outside um and

Your truck is Frozen is actually cooling the battery charger to charger and uh um in the case of heating it it uses the motors to heat the battery pack most effectively so if you ever see your rivan motor temperatures go into the red that is because it’s using the waste

Heat from the motors running them inefficiently uh to heat heat up the battery through the high voltage cooling loop I know I throwing a lot at you in this video but um hey I don’t get to make rivine videos every day only every other day so got to keep you all updated

I’m going a set speed this person has been traveling next to me for 5 minutes I’ve tried honking hitting my turn signal saying dude don’t drive next to me the guy behind him’s been flashing him he just wants to drive right next to us anyway I’m ready to make a quick

Evasive maneuver if he falls asleep at the wheel you join me later on we have now switched spots I of course no one’s behind me but uh he just wants to go our exact speed he cut right in front of me and I had to W move over so that I

Wasn’t drafting him so uh okay maybe he’s also doing an 80 mph efficiency test in his vehicle I don’t know how he would have caught up to me pretty quickly too but he did um anyway uh I was just calculating at what point we want to turn around and in theory if we

We were on flat ground we would turn around at about 24% indicated that would get us back with 10 but since we’re gaining a little bit of elevation now and we’re going to turn around and lose it I think we’ll go maybe one exit past where we hit 24% there aren’t many exits

Along this route so we kind of have to take what we can get we may make get all the way into Wyoming and then turn around and come back but we do lose quite a bit of elevation on the return so we’ll do the best we can given there

Aren’t many turnaround options here uh the one thing we really can’t do is go south of the lelin charger though because at that point uh there’s just too much traffic of course we’re going to cross 10% while we’re cruising at 80 mph and who knows maybe this guy will

Make the loop with us and he can join us for the adventure we are coming up to our exit point right over here so I’m going to scrub 1 or 2 m an hour just so we can make our exit and um Jordan and I are going to swap positions his truck is

Just slightly more efficient I just got off the phone with him and that is uh as expected because on the way down he was also just slightly more efficient and I think I have a estimation as to why I’m not really totally sure but um okay

We’re going to pull off here as soon as we’re on the uh overpass we are going to oh we’ll say goodbye to our friend in the GMC Terrain see you later dude we’re going to program in the EA station swap positions and uh head on back and at

This rate I think we may actually have to go past the charger in the other direction a little bit but that’ll be okay interestingly I’m at 24% and he’s at I think 27 28 you’ll see in the video of course interestingly just got the B of Kyle I guess he is a

Little bit lower state of charge than I am and I seem to be a bit higher efficiency with 1 Point 69 m per Kow hour oh there goes my water bottle so there goes Jordan going past nice just swapping positions let’s go here to navigate to Electrify America

Simulating a road trip where you precondition charger to charger as we merge onto the highway we’ll do gentle accelerations back up to 81 mph indicated you can see battery is preparing for fast charging now so it is actively cooling the battery whether it’s using the chiller or just letting

Some of the outside cold air flow into the coolant Loop I’m not 100% sure ramping back up to highway speed and to our 81 indicated sl80 GPS verified speed and there we go very good locked and loaded back we go 1.6 is mesp go hour is not incredible um

But it is 32° actually down 30° now so we are in that slightly about or below freezing temperatures and the higher speeds um these are not our 70 mph range test speeds as kle mentioned these are slightly higher more typical Midwestern road trip speeds so a lot of people will

Be seeing this as kind of a quick road trip Junt um just to see what you get in 15 minutes which some cars like the tyon absolutely rip and get a ton of range other cars like the uh BT 4X yeah not even close we are cruising on the return

Now and you can see our efficiency is just going through the roof as we lose some elevation that’s why we always run a loop style test it’s not perfect of course I’d love to be in a laboratory on flat ground but here in the real world

The best we can do is a loop to counteract any wind or elevation and uh all is going well here our speedometers are perfectly calibrated uh of course the rivan is picking up Jordans all the way up there but it’s not uh you know doing any adaptive cruise slowdown or

Anything like that so we are navigating to the charger and I am precond conditioning I’m assuming Kyle’s doing the same thing uh just hit 20% state of charge uh still cruising down we now have this private Express lands fantastic so very consistent speeds which is great and for efficiency’s sake

We are looking at just under 2 m Kil hour totally decent for 80 M an hour that’s really honestly quite good for for the temperatures and the speed if you ask me we have made it to our second turnaround Point we’ve gone past the charger where

We started and I’m at 133% right now and I think down here in the valley is the loves we can turn around and head back up to the charger uh checking with Jordan it sounds like our efficiencies are pretty much dead on which you would

Make make sense I think he’s just a hair ahead but that’s okay looks like we’re going to be ex exiting here so regen down and off by the way even Under full regen at highway speeds it leaves the rear motor disconnected so uh cruising wise that

Rear motor is mostly off and it runs front-wheel drive the majority of time the thing is certainly around town you feel it connecting and disconnecting a lot more so looks like large pack is doing quite well if you ask me here in our efficiency you can see we are just

Under 2 m per Kow hour as a total which is uh again pretty good uh that’s where I’m at and that’s actually pretty comparable to where Kyle is at as well and we just hit 10% right before the exit that’s incredible timing and exactly 1.95 m per Kow hour 85 mil on

The dot on the nose whatever you those saying is uh that’s really I don’t know pretty impressive and I think Kyle is getting off the highway which means probably about the same thing 10% 84.4 miles 1.97 m per Kow hour we used 43 KW hours and we have hit it a half a

Mile from our exit that is perfect freaking timing totally could not ask for a better test than that and uh temperatures here at 32% that was awesome I’m assuming Jordan hit it because he’s exiting here okay okay so perhaps he just hit it as well um that’s really close between the trucks if

That’s the case we’re going to compare our results when we get back to the charger but that is exactly 10% Challenge and we have arrived battery temperature at 78 degre and I can see Jordan’s is at 77 wow we really nailed that one Jordan so what what was your

Final result um so 85 mil on the nose and 1.9 93 was it I I filmed it but yeah same here 1.9 I don’t know okay almost 2 mes per K hour but just under I think we were must have been identical yeah which is crazy so the charging was wildly

Different I had a big head start and then it died and you kind of took off gentle and then ramped up yeah I thought I was a goner when we first started I was like well that’s it yeah I was like well that’s where all the money’s going

Into this thing and then we just had the same road trip experience just now I’m just a little bit lighter cuz I lost 10 grand yeah I have a lot more money for lunch is on you okay that’s an amazing result so I think we’ll leave that there we’re going

To do some charge testing on them now that they’ve gone through again the same thing we’re going to charge them we have to go drain them to zero charge them to 100 then sneeze range test and then after the range test I can’t believe my Tano is like Perfection by the

Way um we’re going to do range test and then capacity test yep and then I think we’re pretty much good on the testing it’s a lot it’s a lot I really wish it was summertime but whatever we need to work in the winter too A lot of people

Want to know what happens in the winter so yeah winter time I I I guess uh we have some pretty solid numbers in the winter we can just rerun the same exact thing on a low wind day in the summer yep wow this is so cool okay well again

Shout out to these guys link is in the description and um if you need a home charger installed in the Denver Colorado area this will probably be the truck that goes and uh does that and I actually think I’m going to have them come and rewire my house because mine

Keeps exploding Jason knows a thing or two he bought the right rubies yeah and Jason this isn’t his first electric car he had Teslas high miles that he’s been piling on so yeah this this dude knows what’s going on and he was just so cool him to loan us his literally brand new

Truck and again thanks to rivan for loaning us this one um even though they knew I have to give props to rivan they knew I had reservations about the max pack and they still let us have it to test it and it still is a bit more range

At home like if you’re charging at home and you need that like little bit extra it still has a bit more I mean and we’re going to see what that little bit more actually is yeah okay yeah well I think we’ll end this video now let’s go drain him to

Zero in another video do a charging test

Big thanks to Jason Altshuler, of My Electric Home, for providing the Large pack Dual Motor R1T! If you’re in the Denver area, check out myelectrichome.org for your home electrification needs.

00:00 Hello and welcome
00:31 Testing procedures / differences between trucks
10:13 Charging up
25:40 Driving
38:38 Final results

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