Electric Cars

Honda Civic Type R Vs MG4 X POWER Twin Test | What’s The Ultimate Hot Hatch?

Honda Civic Type R Vs MG4 X POWER Twin Test | What’s The Ultimate Hot Hatch?

Oh hello welcome back to buckle up my name is Rob Wilson and I am in the best hot hatchback ever the Honda Civic Thai bar fl5 it’s the best because it’s got a absolutely fantastic VTEC turbocharged engine at the front it’s married to the the best

Manual gearbox of all time it’s so pure traditional it’s just [Applause] right oh no it’s not this is the mgx power and it’s from the future forget about your manual all gear shifts your boring old ice engines those should be consigned to the pages of history books

This is the future this is an all electric all-wheel drive hot hatchback and it’s got 100 more horsepower than than Rob’s puny little Japanese toy and it’s cheaper to buy and it’s cheaper to run so it’s a better hot and it’s a better hatch and that’s an end of it all

Right I I suppose we better pull over and try and work out who’s right it’s me you idiot what do you mean look this is clearly the best hot hatchback that you can buy nowadays oh oh right yeah how isn’t it well number one you can’t buy it you can

Buy it and number two even if you could buy it it’s how much r right I’m a man of the people it’s 50 Grand I’m a man of the people and I’m here in the reasonably priced option how much is it this one less than £40,000 Rob yeah do you know

Why it Illuminate Me okay it’s an excellent bad with the sporting history so is this no that’s a Japanese economy car this is a British icon a a British icon at the side of the road with a man going oh why why did I buy this that’s that’s the history of

That badge well that’s the history of all old car it’s not the history of old Hondas well they didn’t come into the country until the late ’70s what do you mean I’m talking about cars that were made in the early 2000s by that badge do you know do you know do

You know why Honda engines are in the cars backwards no because they went to the moris factory in the 1950s and they stole the blueprints but they stole a mirror image and they made a mirror image of a moris engine and all of the all of the car’s engines up until the

Late ’90s were backwards compared to the rest of the world because they were incapable of doing anything original the difference the main difference between the backwards engine models and the Morris models these ones worked we’re getting bogged down in company history here I think okay okay we we’re getting bogged down talk about

The cars in front of us okay well my car is a proper hot hatchback because it has a 2 L turbocharged VTEC with a manual gearbox a manual gearbox not only a manual gearbox but the best manual gearbox ever it’s a delight to use we’ve got front wheeel drive as a hot

Hatchback should be you’ve got space in the back you’ve got the biggest boot in class it’s doing everything right biggest boot in glass so you like this because it’s simple Back to Basics yes do you know what’s even simpler than a sixspeed manual gearbox what no gearbox

At all but no but there’s no driver involvement look here’s the base of it Rob I don’t think any amount of of seat vibrations giving you a crisis can be worth another £12,000 for a slower car it it can have you have you have you seen Porsche’s entire model

Lineup yes then you know that if you want the best which is manual purest you know all of the portion knowledge it ends up very similar to this in its philosophy yeah if you just want a turbo with your four-wheel drive and your dopple clunk gearbox that’s that

This is a GT3 RS that’s just a turbo and what do they sell more of doesn’t matter more turbo but because it’s cheaper it’s not it is isn’t it I don’t think so I thought it was I thought it was cuz the the GT3 RS is like nearly

200,000 well I think just the normal GT the normal GT3 might be the same as the us we’re getting off track anyway I think for what most people want from a hot hatchback which bearing in mind that people buy Gars they buy copras they buy things with Flappy paddles and all-wheel

Drive they don’t want this they’re done with this no one buys cars like this anymore no one makes cars like this anymore and there’s a reason people make cars like this well the the reason is because of emissions laws the the Toyota giis has held its value incredibly well this is holding

Its value incredibly well so far cuz they’re not allowed to make them if they’re allowed to make these cars people would buy them they have the g g has had a 2-year waiting list this is it’s almost impossible to get one because of how good it is they’ve already sold them all

Yes I could go into an mg showroom tomorrow and buy one of them yes I don’t really see how that’s a downside Rob cuz no one wants one have you seen what’s happening to electric car prices at the moment well that’s not entirely mg’s fault is it it’s not mg’s fault but have

You seen what’s happening yes yes sir I’d like to spend £50,000 on this electric car oh I’ve walked outside it’s now worth half that amount this is £38,000 yes but it’s it’s an mg4 which you can buy 435 Bri horsepower but that’s all that’s doing is the oh

Okay right that’s now what there’s no driver involvement you drive it okay you drive that I’ll drive this yes you’ll need the key probably I think the key is in that thank you sir are you coming in with me yes I’ll come with you so you

Can’t just lie to the camera okay right let’s go then okay so first things first I’m the realist no this interior yes is exactly the same as the normal mg4 right it’s not really very exciting is it it’s got contrast stitching it’s got Allen it does have Allen Allan

Canara it was already a great interior there’s a brilliant use of space here it makes it feel very very big and Airy and open yeah this is the got you your plint with your wireless charger on yeah can confirm that’s not a good idea if you go

To accelerate hard yes I was to say but yes it’s very modern just like all of the great VW Tesla everything’s in the touchscreen are you saying that with a straight face look I’ll be honest that’s it’s a downside it is a downside of the

Car mhm but I have set these up properly so if you want to adjust the temperature left and right for fan up and down for temperature so you can do that on the wheel and this side is Drive modes so we want sport then yes okay so you don’t

Have to Bugg about with the screen for that you do have to go into the screen for stuff like your heated seats yeah which I’m not a fan of but it is what it is Drive I think Drive is probably good and in sport yes and

It’s on cuz it’s an electric car it’s on I’m sitting in it with the key should we go that way if you want or should we just go for a loop go for a loop let’s go let’s do a loop well this first of all as well now

That we’re driving steering wheel is square well it it’s quartic it’s it’s almost six sided yeah it’s like it’s it’s it’s like an Alro yes is that a good thing well I like the whole it’s it’s a two spoke with the with the thing on the bot I like two spoke

Steering wheel and it’s not is it sporty it’s it’s not so not round that it’s irritating M the flat Bottom’s sporty I’m not so sure about the flat top yes yeah but it is it’s very easy to get in and out of you know well it’s quite high

Up I feel like I’m sat very high up yes but in terms of being a hatchback which is an important part of being a hot hatchback yeah he’s getting it out of you got great visibility yeah yeah it’s very comfortable yeah I’ve got all on

The seats I’m G you’re not but the yeah well you you you can try the buckets when we get in the uh Civic I I think the seats are not as good in this but I I’m look I’m not going to say that this is is going to go around a track faster

Than a taiar but I think in terms of a car a normal people to live with and be fast yes this is better for more people I don’t know I don’t know I feel like people who are watching this YouTube channel like cars yes and people who like cars will

Like the Civic Type R more than this maybe uh you haven’t fled it yet no saving that till you haven’t driven it fast under Corner yet either it’s you I think you’ll be surprised well we have to see what it’s like in a dable situation and right now

It is is very comfortable I won’t won’t deny that it’s very quiet but it’s quiet necessarily what I want in my hot hatchback 95% of the time it is not for me Isn’t but maybe it’s for other people so there’s no one behind us I’m not going to do a full should I

Do a full launch go on I’ll watch some there’s someone behind us oh no they’re turning in well stop then I’ll I’ll watch the camera and then move it back into place if it moves too much okay ready y oh flipping heck and that’s the speed limit yeah so

That’s not 60 in 3 not 62 in 3 8 seconds not to 63.7 okay so that is very quick it’s very quick um there’s ABS no denying that I’m not going to deny that it’s faster than the Civic typ R in a straight line in a straight line

But I feel like I’ve done that now yeah and that’s well we’re on a straight road we’re going onto a twisty Road next yes so we can try because if you accelerate in a normal hot hat back and then drive down a straight road it’s also a wrick pony

Seemingly the civic’s not slow though no no it’s not no but what I mean is at this point in the Civic you also wouldn’t know how well it handled so just just be patient okay okay I’m being patient and appreciate the loveliness of the ride it’s yeah it’s very soft which

I’m thinking might not be the best when we’re going around corners also the tires on this are quite tall I think very soft might be due to you having been in a Civic typar this week well this feels like a Rolls-Royce at the minute yeah I can tell you it’s it’s a

Lot stiffer than my daper for example okay it’s not as soft I need to recalibrate my brain yeah it’s not as soft as a normal hatchback oh my gosh yeah so it feels like it does actually have a bit of torque steer on that front axle yeah

It’s got 200 horsepower in the front axle okay and then what is it to the Back 2 240 okay and then it evens out to 2 three 435 somehow okay so that yeah the mass doesn’t quite work but it it’s yeah it’s like I guess it’s where the power curves

Line up yeah so the peak power is 435 okay well that’s very quick yes and it’s handling it isn’t it yeah I’m not getting too much feeling through the steering if I’m honest compared to the Civic M but it’s not bad I think you’re getting a lot more

Feeling than you’d get from a normal hatchback yes I am I am I won’t deny that it’s it feels so softly sprun compar compared to the Civic but it has got a lot more side wall in it yes so that’s probably helping a lot as well as the softer

Suspension yeah the steering wheels not the right shape okay so you okay well that’s fair enough you you don’t like this doing I’ve only I’ve only driven the mg4 in its more basic forms the long range and the extended range yeah and you’re not really on it when you’re

Driving those cars so you don’t necessarily notice the steering wheels a weird shape but when you’re having to do quick Maneuvers um it’s not necessarily in the right so settled down this road it’s tucking in well it’s damped it’s damped very well it’s damped very well um you can

Press this around corners and it I’ve I’ve had fun in it yes which I think I I did in the normal one um because it’s rear wheeel drive and therefore is just by Nature slightly more fun Wayward this obviously having the all-wheel drive I think just means it’s got lots

Of grip but I think the the weak point of the tires perhaps it’s a good laugh but it’s not a laugh like a traditional hot hatchback it’s it’s almost a laugh more like a muscle car it is very muscle carry because it’s not as composed in the corners partially due to the weight

Partially due to the way the power is delivered yes it’s not as stable as a Type R but you can you can push it and feel it it’s not disappointing it’s just not a Civic type disappointedly it’s just not a Civic typ bar right well let’s let’s go in that

We’ll have a go right come and have a go in this keys in it can’t believe you left the key in it while we went for a drive very IR responsible I’m on the floor Rob how you should be okay Rob I’ve got my foot on the

Brake paddle and the car has not started so um because it’s a proper car what’s wrong with it where’s the power button behind the steering wheel on the right but no you need to put your foot on the clutch do you remember clutch pedals put my foots on the

Brake yeah see doesn’t that immediately just satisfy yeah it’s all right it’s good install it yeah oh the Turning circles are bit crap well it’s cuz it’s a saloon car it’s too Long how do I change the drive mode I think is it in there you’re in r+ it’s good isn’t it yeah I knew it the gear box is excellent isn’t it yeah it oo I’m holding the steering wheel oh he justes do stuff like that occasionally this brake pedal’s quite

Firm Rob so I’m just concerned that Jasper would think it was too aggressive in a 330 horsepower hot hatchback yeah oh no what everyone’s coming oh yeah that’s that’s quite nice it’s good in it yeah what do you think of the Interior well the interior of the normal civic’s

Lovely so the interior this is lovely but in terms of directly in front of me it’s not that much changed other than The Red Badge here the big changes are the seats and that that that’s um it’s a bit of all right isn’t it yeah isn’t it just the best manual gear

Box you’ve ever used it’s uh it’s it’s yeah yeah I think it probably is Rob yeah and and you’ve got these amazing red sports bucket seats yeah these are brilliant and they’re so comfortable cuz a lot of bucket seats they do the they don’t do the comfortable very

Well a lot of them have rigid um Side bosters by your legs oh actually I’ll wait because people are always coming in and out of the garden center yeah there’s also I think people behind us but yeah I love the shift lights yeah I thought

When I first saw that it had them I thought oh that’s a bit gimmicky and then once I started using them I was like this is excellent why don’t all cars have shift lights I feel like leis Hamilton yes it’s it’s really it’s rather good

Fun so it’s a bit more stiff than the um mg yeah also overtakes very easily yeah I I I can see uh the back it especially feels quite stiff yes it’s very very stiffly sprung but we are in the stiff mode yeah we’re in we’re in r+ yes well

Plus r as as it’s written here and yes it isn’t as quick off the line it’s not as quick but but also are you wanting for more speed H well here’s the other thing um it will be quick around a corner yes undoubtedly yes CU that trick diff that they’ve got at

The front is astonishing yes um we won’t be testing the limits of it today no cuz we’re on public road we’re on public roads but we’ve we’ve driven it previously in the old version the fk8 and it was fabulous there and this is only improved upon On the beep you need to change up but but but changing gear is such a pleasure in this car yes you just find yourself doing it like even around town I’m like oh I’m just going to go for second here yes when I’m going 12 miles

You know like I’m sort of disint Ed that second gear takes me to 60 MPH because really I want to do more changes before I hit the speed limit but I also want to bang it against the red line yes and it goes to 7,000 which is just lovely there aren’t

Many modern cars that do that now especially turbos yes I’ve got to admit this uh it feels more special than the mg yeah inside it feels more special because I I do I do there I feel like I’m driving a saloon car is that a bad thing it’s not a bad

Thing but it’s sort of it’s kind of morphed Beyond being a hot hatch it’s but it’s so accomplished it’s yes it is but it’s but so was the Ford M st220 yeah but you can’t argue with the fact that it is a hatchback no I know it

Might look like a saloon car it’s well it looks like and is as big as one yeah it’s marginally bigger like you think about how long the golf has got now well I know it’s not actually that much bigger but we’ve driven a golfer the new one

Yeah are you telling me that this is as good as it is I really like the golf in in its stiffest mode I don’t think it’s bouncing I don’t think the Golf R is less bouncy no I don’t think this is more uncomfortable no those brakes are good yeah the

Feelings good through the pedal as well but this is this is what I mean this so as a track machine as a yeah sports car yeah they see is a better sports car than the mg4 yeah the mg4 is more of like a a barnstorming muscle car um point and

Squ yeah this is Nimble light on its feet direct a joy to use yes um and but that suits my personality much much better H I like that element this is optimistic yeah the the the Turning circle is pretty Dreadful it’s very very impressive uhhuh but I don’t know that it makes sense for most people to spend all that extra money does to me it does to you I know but we we rob we’re important motoring journalists who provide useful consumer advice here yeah we couldn’t

Possibly just say that that the best sporty car is the best car overall so we’re in agreement the sportiest car is the best yeah it is I’m I’m sorry guys but the mg is a great car mg is a good car and for the price that it is and

Don’t astonishing and don’t write it off for being electric no no no it’s it’s it’s a genuinely fun car not not fun for electric no no fun fun yeah full stop actual good fun hot hatchback but however this typar might be the best front-wheel drive H hatchback ever made

Yes and I just can’t and it can’t it can’t as good as the mg4 is you can’t not give it the win this C Type R well no one and and the mg is is it’s just a a a heated up version of a normal car but it’s not this has been expertly

Designed by people who’ have been doing this for 25 years and this is the Pinnacle of whatever they’re going to create yeah and they’ve thrown everything at it and that is why it’s so expensive yeah but it’s worth it absolutely I would have no problem anyone who hasn’t driven one

There’s no way if you like cars that you not going going to like this car no it’s it’s really properly excellent yeah yeah it’s the only conclusion that we could come up with because that is so damn good yes the mg tried its best but it was really

Outgun yeah and and and the thing about the mg is it provides hope yes for an electric future there is an electric future that can be fun yeah that’s the first time i’ probably experienced that it’s it’s not like any other electric car I’ve been in it’s not even

Like a the the really fast really expensive ones that are also fun to drive yeah but that it’s a different it’s a different thing yeah see fast forwards H yes it’s it’s speed for the common man yeah but this this is this is everything to everyone all of the time

This is as good as it’s ever going to be I think so with that thank you very much for watching we hope you enjoyed the video we very much enjoyed making it yes uh if you enjoyed it please do give it a like comment down below let us know do you

Think we’re idiots for picking the Civic do you think the mg 4X power is much better in every way you’re wrong um but most importantly please do subscribe to the channel and hit the notification Bell so you never miss an upload also go down to our description where you will

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Or all of those things and with all of that being said I’ll see you next time bye-bye bye A

This week on Buckle Up, Rob & Harry review the latest version of the Honda Civic Type-R and the new MG4 X POWER. Is the FL5 the ultimate hot hatch or does EV power best old fashioned ICE machinery?

Up against cars like the VW Golf R, Mercedes A35 AMG, BMW M140i, Audi S3, Hyundai i30N, Ford Focus ST.
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