Electric Cars

Tata EV Showroom | First Electric Car Showroom In India | Detailed Walkaround | autoX

Tata EV Showroom | First Electric Car Showroom In India | Detailed Walkaround | autoX

Hello and welcome to Auto X and i’ like to begin this video by saying changing Styles bring Changing Times and with that I’ve come to the first tata. EV showroom which is tataa Motors dedicated electricon showroom so what’s it all about and how is it different from a

Conventional car showroom I’m curious to find out as well so let’s check out the first signs of Changing Times for tataa Motors now before I show you around let me start with this startup Motors claim that the entire showroom well that’s based on three key pillars the first is sustainability next is technology and the third is community let’s deal with the sustainability part first as as you can see the entire showroom is lined

With glass panels now that has been done to ensure that there’s a lot of Light which gets through a lot of natural light which gets through and that will ensure that they save electricity now another interesting feature is that if you can see all the fixtures and the

Decorations which have been done to decorate the showroom well those are also done from recycled materials this for example this is made from unfired clay material and well it as you can see it’s all around us all of it has been made from recycled material now all the

Glass panels which you can see they have sensors in them so that if there’s lot of light outside the lights LED lights which have been used in the showroom those dim thus saving more electricity and once it gets dark obviously the lights come on and the LEDs are still an

Eco-friendly way to light up your showroom now another interesting thing which I’d like to show you is that the plants the plants are sourc from local manufacturers and that is done to ensure that there’s no transport carbon emissions while getting these to the showroom so overall a lot has been done

To ensure the sustainability and the eco-friendly nature of the showroom and with that we come to the second pillar of what the ethos of the Tata EV brand stands for and the showroom which is technology now here you have an online configurator which can ensure that you

Can see exactly how you configure your EV Vehicles down from the paint to the features to even the trim which has been used inside first and formost you can choose the vehicle which you want now here in the electric only car showroom the Tata EV showroom well you have three vehicles

Which are available which is the ot. EV the Thiago and the Nexon now the Thiago EV is obviously the most affordable vehicle which they have starts at 8.69 lakh goes up to 11.54 lakh then you have the igore Eevee igore Eevee starts little higher around the 12.49 lakh area

Goes up to 13.75 lakh for the XZ Plus Lux variant then finally you have SUV the brand which basically established tata. EV as a legitimate electric brand for TARTA Motors this is the most popular vehicle and now in its second generation well that starts at a price of

14.74% that takes no time the thing with online configurators sometimes it get it’s slow to react you get uh little agitated a little irritated but here everything is at the touch of a button now first and foremost you can see the car from each and every corner now even

If there’s a variant and a color option which is not available in the showroom well supposing I want to see the red variant of the empowered version of the Nexon Eevee well I can see how it looks how cool it looks next you can even step

Inside now you can even check out what features you want supposing this one uh gets the sunroof you can check that out then you can even it’s so highly detailed you can even check out the stitches and the seams of all the body panels you can go to the back check out

How the view is from the back now supposing you’re happy with the variant which you chose and the color you chose and basically you want to tell tell the staff that this is what you want and you want a summary well all you have to do

Is tap on that and what you get is a QR code which you can sign you get a PDF form which you can directly show and that’s how you can configure and book your nexon.net Come to community now it’s natural that once you have a community which builds around the electric platform which they have the to. evv showroom where you have Chargers DC Chargers which you have outside which you can use to charge your vehicles you can come in you can sit

With like finded customers in know to share your experiences you even have coffee roosters blue toai coffee roers which can serve your favorite cappuccino now all of that goes into building a community you can the adults can come sit discuss things you even have a kids section right here so

That your little ones are kept busy while you exchange notes while you talk to the service Personnel now supposing you were also in the mood for planning out an long trip or even wanting to know what this showroom stands for basically it’s about information what I feel is the differentiation part between a

Conventional car showroom and electric showroom is the information that you have on that wall you got an online configurator here you have an information panel supposing I’ve just bought a next Eevee and I’m planning out a trip from gooda all the way to Pune all I have to do is get rout

And what I have is a root map of directly from gurugram to Pune and the charging stations along the way what this will help me is if I tap on them I’ll know exactly the charging stations which tata. EV has tied up with along the way plan out my root map accordingly

All the way to my end destination and this basically also helps build a trust factor with the brand you know that they care about you second you also have a menu which can help check all the savings you can do with your electric car you can check

How much fuel cost uh you would save if you had a ice vehicle instead and as you can see if I spent 97 rupees an average of 80 km per day I’m saving 2 21.16 million G of CO2 and 73470 rupees of fuel cost over 5 Years now as part of the community pillar they also have something called the testimonial wall now if you are a customer not sure about your next purchase of an electric vehicle well you have testimonials from existing electric vehicle owners now these are the people who trusted tataa motors with the

Hard-earned money and now here you can check out all the existing owners and the stories which you have you can scan the QR code know their story directly from them and I think it’s a pretty cool touch in building a Goodwill and building a community around these

Vehicles now just to summarize you had three pillars which was the sustainable part the technology part and the community part in terms of sustainability I think they’ve done a good job in basically planning down to the minute detail of everything everything that goes into a sustainable space to do business second was the

Technology I think they have it in the cars the configurator the planners the Chargers everything I think it all encompasses the whole technology part of the whole showroom then you had the community part obviously the market is much smaller compared to Conventional vehicles and as such you have a

Community building fast and quick and they’ve also done a good job in incorporating a whole society around their product so ladies and gentlemen that was what Tata ev’s first electric only car showroom had to offer and if I had to summarize the whole comparison between electric only showroom and a

Conventional showroom well first and foremost you have the information the staff and the information which you get is electric only which means the buying part selling part repairing maintaining everything well you have all the information here much better than a conventional showroom Personnel trained to sell electric cars now second this is

A definite move towards a Greener future for Tata Motors they want to be carbon neutral by 2040 and this is the first physical manifestation off that Journey now I want to know from you what you guys think of this move do you think they should stick to Conventional

Showrooms and not have electric only car showrooms tell us in the comment section down below my name is Karen Ma I’ll see you guys real Soon

Taking it’s first step towards a greener future for automotive showrooms, Tata.ev has opened its first showrooms in Gurgaon. Built as the first physical representation of changing times for the company, it definitely has a lot to offer. We take you through a detailed walkaround to understand how it differentiates itself from a conventional car showroom.

Also Read –
Tata Motors Inaugurates First Dedicated EV Showroom In Delhi-NCR

Presenter: Karan Mathur
Cinematographer: Sunil Chauhan
Editor: Mayur Tonk

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