
Charge Around the Globe: Lexie Takes on Ford Advanced Driver Training

Charge Around the Globe: Lexie Takes on Ford Advanced Driver Training

Today I’m here in Lommel, Belgium, at Ford’s Proving Ground. And today we’re going to be doing some advanced driver training to get me ready for my trip around the world. Hello., Lexie, I’m Alfredo and I will be your instructor today. It’s so nice to meet you. Okay, let’s see what we can do.

Let’s do it. Alfredo taught me all about the physics of driving. I have been driving for about ten years, but I still learned several new techniques from him. I was excited to get on the track and try it all out. This is easy because the car is actually on the ground.

But later I will lift it up and it will be very slippery. Are you ready, Lexie? Yeah. You will be fine. Okay. So try to listen. If you hear the tire screaming, that means loss of adhesion. So you need to work with it. Don’t worry. Don’t worry.

It’s actually locking wheels because you’re going faster now and you brake quite late. I like that. Very good. Need to break counter steer. counter steer. Oh, whoa. That’s so different. I know. Oh, my gosh. Counter steer. Counter steer more. More. Whoa. So you hesitate. So really use it. Wow, that’s really fun, though.

But you are doing good! Counter steer. More. More. See? That’s it. Yeah. Now you got it. More. Counter steer. More. Straight. Now really? You. Oh, really? Good. Very good. Wow. So see how quick your progress is? Yay. Good. Thank you. That was so fun. Wow. Here we go.

This is exercise is actually to feel a bit comfortable with electric vehicle. Open the steering and apply power. There’s some more power. More and more and more. Come on Lexie, more. That’s electric. Wow. Enjoy also this easy. It’s so silent. This thing goes fast. Yeah, absolutely.

And then we got slalom, actually. So let me say that we start now at 60 kph. Okay. Now we are getting somewhere. Come on, come on, come on. Keep going. Don’t release. Don’t release. That’s it. Now you’re driving 60. That’s it. Wow. Very good. That’s so fun.

Again. Your car position is perfect, so don’t change it. That’s it. Balance. Oh, yeah. 65. Your fast enough. Very good, Lexie. That’s it. That’s it. Keep going. Keep going, keep going, keep going. Way to go. That was 80 at the end. At the end. Very good. Wow, that’s so fun.

You understood it, and you can feel now you can actually have some fun with the vehicle. Yeah, definitely. The handling is amazing. Perfect. I’m sure I’ll be driving in some pretty unusual locations and on some challenging surfaces as I travel around the globe.

While the expert training Alfredo gave me, might not cover everything that I could encounter. It certainly taught me a lot. My time here has given me the confidence to take on just about anything in the Explorer as I embark upon this epic adventure. Wow. Well, Lexie.

We are at the end of the training. I have to say I’m impressed and I wish you a lot of luck with your journey. Oh, thank you so much. Bye bye. Wow, that was quite an experience, getting some advanced driver training in the Ford Explorer for my upcoming journey around the world.

If you want to see where this amazing adventure takes us next. Don’t forget to subscribe to Ford’s YouTube channel, and we’ll catch you in the next one.

Lexie Limitless (@LexieLimitless) visited Ford’s proving ground in Belgium ahead of her epic adventure, #ChargeAroundTheGlobe, for some advanced driver training in the electric Ford Explorer with instructor Alfredo de Simone.
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