
The GT4 e-Performance inspires motorsport enthusiasts in Japan

The GT4 e-Performance inspires motorsport enthusiasts in Japan

We’re here at the POR experience Center in Tokyo and for us this is the first Dynamic event in Asia to introduce the performance of the car but of course also the big picture behind the development of Electric customer Racing The idea of the gd4 E performance tour has always been to establish a dialogue with the various stakeholders that we have in our business we are running a workshop together with media we are introducing the concept to customers of the experience Center and we will also meet opinion leaders of the carea cup

Japan and discuss their expectations about the Future we are in the beautiful nature of kisarazu we are really involved in the local community so we really try to have as little impact to the nature as possible that’s why we use the natural geography and that’s why I think this car with its thought of sustainability this fits together Perfectly Japan has a very unique and a very Individual Car culture and a very long tradition in Motorsport it’s a very good input that we can use to make sure when we develop the electric future of customer Rising we also do that with a focus on a and in particular also on Japan

The Porsche GT4 e-Performance continued its global tour in the Land of the Rising Sun. Here it captured the attention of racing drivers and motorsport enthusiasts alike, demonstrating its capabilities on a series of co-driver rides, and heralding an all-electric era in customer racing at the prestigious Porsche Experience Centre in Tokyo.
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