Electric Motorcycles

NEW CAOFEN 2024 FX ELECTRIC MOTORCYCLE #caofen #electricmotorcycle #motocross #dirtbike #aimexpo

NEW CAOFEN 2024 FX ELECTRIC MOTORCYCLE #caofen #electricmotorcycle #motocross #dirtbike #aimexpo

Hey guys Patrick your brand ambassador for Calin electric motorcycles I’m here at the factory I love this place it’s kind of dark cuz it’s getting close to the evening and a lot of the factory workers have taken off but I’m still here and I wanted to make a special

Video just for our dealers and also the people who actually own Calin bikes or maybe considering buying one because I want to show you the new one for 2024 I’m going to sneak in I’m not going to sneak in here they know I’m here so there’s the factory floor it’s all

Closed down but yes look at this this is I mean I don’t know if you can hear the angels singing but every time I see this thing I touch it I think I hear Angels this is the new FX o60 okay we’ve got a lot of people

Calling us and messaging us saying hey we want a a a electric bike that’s got a little bit taller uh a little bit taller seat and so they redesigned it a little bit made it a little bit bigger bigger tires bigger aggressive knobi tires the height on this bike is

9910 mm so to give you an idea I’m 5’8 so I’m a little above average I guess and when I sit on this bike I’m Tippy toed and it reminds me of my uh my Honda 450 that I had about 10 years ago and uh

It’s just got that same beefy feel to it this thing has an amazing amount of torque to it 12,000 watts of power it’s like to me it reminds me I don’t if you’ve ever written in a Tesla but a Tesla has just an unbelievable amount of torque this

Does too not so much that you just feel like you’re going to fly off it’s manageable it’s controllable but it is I mean it just grips your heart and uh takes you along with it it’s just just a phenomenal bike I’ve been riding this bike a couple of the other bikes today

We did a little filming uh for 2024 some introduction videos some dealership videos oh as a side note we are uh going to Las Vegas on in 2024 February 6th through the 8th it’s the aim Expo and we’re going to have this bike probably a couple more of

These bikes and some of the other bikes as well the road versions and uh this way if you can make it out you’ll be able to touch and feel these things up close to see what they feel like they are some beefy bikes especially this one and I really like it

And I’m excited for our taller individuals that really have wanted one of these bikes but just wanted something a little bit more taller and and sturdier and here it is the 2024 Calin FX I’m going to do a little flyby for you guys uh there’s the the

Battery right there of course and you’ve got the uh the electric motor there you can see the aggressive more it’s more of a angled shock absorber because this is for the off-road and it’s angled a little bit more to take the uh the hills a little bit better and give you a

Little more cushy bounce to it look at that huh you got the hallogen lights we’re also uh these don’t have keys they have a key fob so that turns it off that turns it on you can clip it on here to keep it with you or put it in your pocket so you

Don’t lose it and Calin is actually known for its design its frame here sorry for getting so close to you guys but the frame is made of aluminum magnesium kind of a combination and it’s all one piece it’s not welded together like a lot of our competitor bikes are one piece when they

Tested this they dropped it from several meters and it didn’t crack it didn’t break it stayed together and that just what that simply means for you guys is a safer ride a more sturdy ride and a bike that’s going to be with you for a very

Long time let me show you something else too real quick that I like are the foot pegs you know a lot of times we we have to we when we buy a new bike a lot of times we’ll buy these aftermarket foot pegs and you won’t need to with this

Bike I don’t know if you can see it but it is it’s got some pretty sharp I wouldn’t say sharp but uh it’s got u a lot of grip to it so your feet aren’t going to slip off of this guy seat is comfortable nice and cushy

It definitely has a a dirt bike feel to it what do you think huh I love it I just just love this bike it is so much fun to ride well guys this is what I wanted to share with you like I said as a reminder

We’re going to be in Los Vegas uh in 2024 it’s called the aim expo aimim Expo from February 6 to February 88th and we’re going to have a bunch of our bikes there so you can check them out we’ll probably have some paraphernalia some Trinkets and stuff that you can take

With you uh to remind you that you need you need one of these bikes one of the saying that they have here is they’re not just motorcycles it’s a lifestyle and this is a great lifestyle to have in your garage and you’ll have the you’ll you’ll be envious all your

Neighbors will be envious of this bike so check it out check out our web website at Calin bikes.com if you want to become a dealer feel free to reach out to Vera v r a at Calin bikes.com and she be happy to answer any of your questions about coming becoming a dealer

And the website too also lists all the dealers where they’re at so if you’re interested in in checking one of these out then you can call your local dealer and go out there and take a ride on it that’s it for me today I hope you enjoyed this video hope you guys are

Doing well uh be safe ride safe and I hope you have a wonderful 2024 I think this will make it even better so am I trying to sell it yes I am I’m trying to sell it I love these bikes thank you very much and we’ll see

You in the next video take care

Hey all…I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted a video. I’ve been super busy with many fun projects. This video is one we did for CaoFen electric motorcycles. It’s not really related to my channel content, but I thought you’d like to see what I do for fun.
It’s a casual promotion video for their new off-road version the FX OR 60. The big selling point is the larger tires and seat height of 910 mm. Tall individuals will love it.

if you’re a motorcycle dealer or someone interested in purchasing a CaoFen check out their website at www.caofenbikes.com
email Vera at vera@caofenbikes.com

(I was not paid to post this video on my channel. The people at CaoFen are first class people and I want them to succeed.)

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