Electric Motorcycles

My E-Bike Garage Plans Feat. SteadyRack + The Hollywood Racks Recall

My E-Bike Garage Plans Feat. SteadyRack + The Hollywood Racks Recall

All right I got a lot to talk about today we’re going to discuss a few things one being the garage layout I’m changing some things I’m going to tell you about what I plan to do it’s a little cramped in here now uh as we have

To charge the car of course but we’re going to talk about the steady rack a little bit this is going to be a separate video but I just want to kind of introduce you to this this is the ebike version which allows you to Mount Your ebikes up on the garage I think

It’s going to be useful I’ve heard a lot of things about the fenders not really working with this system I’m going to try to install it with Fender see what happens uh see if I can make any adjustments or offer some advice I don’t know that’ll be coming up early next

Year so stay tuned for that one also going to talk about the garage layout and some of my plans everything that’s kind of like on the wall scattered around is really temporary I do plan to do a lot with the space I still got my Royal infield meteor year 350 I haven’t

Been riding it very much it’s now getting to be winter time even though it was 62° out today in December almost Christmas I have another ebike video coming out this is the mock wheel Messa light in blue it’s not unboxed yet but it will be soon I probably won’t do that

Till after Christmas we got a lot going on you’re going to be seeing a video about the moon cool in a couple days so it’s going to be a pretty good video my wife didn’t get a chance to ride it yet but um maybe in the warmer months and

The garage plans let’s talk about that I’m probably going to replace these lights eventually they’re really cheap uh I just I got them in here just for uh as a temporary purpose to help light things up they’re super bright they they don’t cause flicker on this camera at

This frame rate but some of my other cameras like all of my security cameras some of them flicker I don’t don’t know why I’ve heard it’s because the cheap bulbs cause that to happen uh if that’s the case I’ll probably be upgrading them one day it doesn’t bother me too much my

Garage is still kind of unorganized I just have bikes everywhere and boxes and boxes of stuff I’m waiting for a couple things well one of those things came in I got a ladder to get up to my attic over here it’s one of those uh extendable ladders which is right there it kind

Kind of looks like it a bomb went off in here there’s things everywhere literally no organization yet other than my tools are in here paint stuffs and these uh more tools over there things like that once I get my toolbox and can organize some of my tools I can get rid of these

Boxes I can move some things up in the attic uh or move them down to storage if I need a cooler environment so my plans are to first put up the steady wreck somewhere I’m not not really sure where I’m going to put them yet maybe over on

This end and that’ll allow me to vertically put up two of my bikes probably my two favorites dep I guess it just depends on which ones will fit on the steady wreck I don’t know if all of them will work or not we might try the

Kepler and the grizzly cuz that’s a 20x 4 in and a 26x 4 in two different size bikes we are planning on running 20 amp outlets in here getting more electric so I can run my saw over there my miter saw then I can start building stuff and

Creating my tool bench and all this stuff to make make things easier but I’m really excited to try those steady racks I’ve been looking at them forever they were nice enough to send me those I can’t wait to try them out that will be a future video I do have to still staple

Up the wires over there I haven’t been able to get to them but they don’t really bother me everything else is stapled up to the wall and nice and neat I got it all pretty clean I added these lights here uh they are LED same color

Temperature as the rest of them so it looks really good in video you might see some flicker just holding the camera straight to them I don’t know I can only really tell it in editing but I have two extra lights that I’m going to throw up

In the attic uh we did run electric up to the attic with 15 amp circuits so I can plug in my batteries and uh charge stuff in the garage when it’s nice out I am am planning to get Heating and Cooling in here I’m more worried about

The cooling part than the heating part because I’m looking at Mini Splits They Don’t Really offer too much heat advantages it might help this garage cuz it’s kind of small especially when I insulate that’s the other thing I’m going to do I am going to insulate all

The walls I’ll probably throw drywall up all the way around uh insulate all up in there come spring or summer I hope we’re finally ready to move forward with running Mini Splits up to our garage and the Second Story uh to cool off my office we’ll see what happens I am

Planning on hanging more things as well as building a tool bench all the way around here uh I currently have a bunch of stuff mounted and there was a bunch of stuff already left here by the previous homeowner so the real reason and the whole reason I started to make

This video is because of this and of course I’m going to blur out my address when we talk about it um but I wanted to talk about this today because it’s a very important thing and you don’t have to do this it is a voluntary recall but

I want to make sure you guys know about this cuz I did review the Hollywood rre destination e and that’s what this safety recall is all about so let’s open it up and read what they have to say important safety recall this notice is sent to you in accordance with the national traffic

And motor vehicle safety act Hollywood Rex has decided that a defect which relates to Motor Vehicle Safety exists with the Hollywood Rex model HR 4500 the destination year rack Hollywood Rex is initiating a voluntary recall of this product and strongly urg you to register for a free repair kit they

Found an issue with their device and they’re going to be mailing you out a repair kit if your destination e needs it if you have a destination e with a green sticker or any color sticker they might have used different colors than green as it says

Here you need to not worry about this recall I don’t know if I have a green sticker I have’t even looked this is the first time I’m reading this and we’re doing this together basically it says to verify if your bike carrier has the original or new replacement cam lever

Eyebolt assemblies flip open the cam lever on the rack if the inside surface has a color non- removable adhesive sticker then it is one of the new replacement assemblies if it does not contact Hollywood rexs immediately for two new cam lever eyebolt assemblies so as you can see my lever here doesn’t

Have a sticker on it so I am part of the recall so I get to show you the process it’s 5 mm hex uh you just need a hand one you don’t need anything special and they may even send you the tool I’m not sure how they’re handleing it but once

You get that off you’re going to take this knob off and you’re just going to spin it all the way okay there we go so then that actually takes this free and you need need to be careful so you need to have this installed until you get the

Replacement part or if your rack’s off for the winter um you can do that as well as you can see mine’s not off yet then when you when you get it in place tighten it up pretty tight you don’t have to tighten up tighten it up all the

Way but this part’s threaded it’ll just screw back on and then you take your Allen key put it in there good and hold on to the lever and tighten this bad boy up so if you go to the URL in the recall notice it will take you to

This page where you can go and fill out the form uh it has the same information as it did in the recall notice you’ll just put your information in here fill everything out you’ll need to get the serial number and they have instructions on how to remove the part so uh sorry I

Didn’t look at this first but that’s how you do it it gives you all the instructions there’s a QR code to scan to watch the video I do want to thank my buddy Dan for letting me know about this I looked it up on their website and

Everything checked out and I got an email and then I got this letter in the mail so uh I will let you know the outcome to all of this in a future video so I appreciate you guys for watching this has been a video about my garage in the Hollywood Rex destination

Please Subscribe if you haven’t already like this video If you appreciate the information and I’ll see you guys in the next video thanks for watching oh and merry Christmas happy holidays Happy Hanukkah all those good things I’ll see you guys next year I have one more video

Coming out uh that will be posted on the 23rd which is Saturday I’m going to be baking Christmas cookies with my family so I hope you guys enjoy yours and uh I’ll see you guys in the next video video thanks for watching

May your day be filled with holiday cheer!

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