Electric Cars



Ford and GM are done we’re about to be hit by the biggest e market crash in history destroying both these companies forever but hey if you watch carefully you just might save yourself thousands of dollars just when we thought EVS were the future the market started crashing

Hard Ford and GM once the biggest automakers are now begging the political leaders to stop the EV push why because customers aren’t buying dealers are begging the government not to push EVS so hard and GM and Ford are bleeding money like crazy why did the common man

Go against EVS why are all EV buyers trading in their EVS for hybrids and how can you save thousands of dollars by not buying an EV here’s what exactly happened Ford and GM’s poor EV sales just got exposed earlier this year Joe Biden had even helped them out with A9

Billion funding thinking the public will buy EVS at any price but boy was he wrong so picture this you walk into a Ford dealership and what do you see rows upon rows of Ford Lightnings and Mustang Mach e just sitting there and those price tags huge I’m talking about

$80,000 for a Ford Lightning and let’s not even get started on the Mach e this isn’t just at one dealership it’s a nationwide phenomenon on the other side Mary bar also did something similar with GM first she refused to lower the prices of EV pickups and then the lady even

Refused to pay Fair wages to her workers now that no one is buying GM is in big trouble and this is where it gets crazier Ford’s ex CEO Mark Fields even had warned Jim Farley who is the current CEO of Ford but he chose to ignore him why because the political leaders don’t

Want you to buy combustion cars anymore but before I tell you their Shady truth let’s look at how you can save thousands of dollars from this car crash most recently Ford show showcased their earnings report which clearly showed that they are under a big loss their

Stock price also went down and is likely to keep going down this year now that the Cyber truck from Tesla is out when we zoom in on GM Ford and Tesla we see them grappling with their own challenges GM for instance has been pushing its ultium batteries for new EV models but

Things haven’t been as smooth as they hoped they even decided to phase out the Chevy bolt which was their best-selling EV that move surprised quite a few folks Tesla the big name in Eves isn’t immune to the market changes either although they’re still leading in North America

Their market share has dipped to the lowest since their launch of the model 3 sedan back in 2018 it seems like even the leader of the pack can feel the market pressure now let’s talk numbers because they paint a clearer picture GM sold nearly 700,000 Vehicles up 19%

Year-over-year but when you zero in on those EVS they sold 15,650 52 which is actually down from their first quarter numbers Ford sold 53166 to Vehicles a 10% increase from last year they did well with their trucks but their EVS not so much they’re all electric vehicles including the F-150 Lightning sold

14,843 units only but here’s where it gets interesting their internal combustion cars are selling just fine and not just fine Ford is actually making a profit on high hybrids but they’re using it to pay for their EV losses and when we talk about GM they’re in the same boat their EVS like the

Chevy bolt are gathering dust in showrooms they’ve got tons of EVS with no takers it’s not just about high prices it’s about practicality and demand economics 101 if you live in colder climates the range of your EV automatically drops by 30% not to mention the fact that not everyone has a

Charging station at their home and if you’re in the market with 30 to 40,000 looking to buy a good EV well guess what you can’t both Ford and GM are feeling the heat from the switch to EVS Ford just sto production of the F-150 Lightning their bestselling EV pickup

While GM’s Chevy Silverado EV is also delayed the initial hype around EVS is dying now even with all the political push and environmental talk consumers just aren’t biting they’re sticking to more affordable practical options now here’s the deal with the middle class and EVS Ford and GM thought they hit the

Jackpot with with their EVS but they missed the mark on what consumers actually need and can afford instead of sticking to more affordable practical options they are selling $60,000 trucks with high-tech features half the people won’t even use but what about the people who already purchased an EV well they’re

Either exchanging their vehicle for hybrids or facing consequences like sudden fires poor range and whatnot and that brings us to you someone looking to buy a good EV thinking they can help the environment and will save money but in reality you should know that you will

Need to drive at least 60,000 M just to offset the premium you pay for EVS over a hybrid so if you’re going to buy a car your best bet would be to wait at least 3 months because those prices will come down crashing and you might get your

Dream EV for even cheaper and then there’s the political angle the government especially under the Biden Administration is pushing hard for EVS they’ve rolled out strict emissions rules aiming to increase the proportion of EVS sold but this aggressive push is not resonating with the consumers it’s

Like being forced to hop on a bandwagon that’s heading towards a cliff recently Biden even announced that all government employees must use only public transport and EVS he’s basically forcing everyone into buying EVS so what are Ford and GM going to do now they’ve started to eye hybrids more think Toyota Prius style

But more modern the idea is to use these hybrids as a sort of stepping stone to full electrification it’s like dipping your toe in the water before diving in and guess what it seems to be working sales of traditional hybrids are actually outpacing EVS this year it’s like hybrids are making a comeback

Hybrids are cheaper than EVs and they don’t freak people out with range anxiety you know that fear of running out of battery juice in the middle of nowhere plus the charging station situation isn’t all that great yet so hybrids make a lot of sense now let’s talk the numbers hybrids are going for

Around 42,000 on average while EVS are up there at nearly $60,000 that’s a big difference especially if your wallet’s on a diet Tesla the big name in EVS isn’t immune to troubles either their sales in China fell by 10.9% year over-year for September that’s a bit of a shocker

Considering they’re usually on top of their game they even had a dip in deliveries and production from the previous quarter and then there’s the whole issue with worker layoffs both Ford and General Motors are feeling the heat from a strike by the UAW or United Auto Workers Ford expects the new

Contract with the UAW to hike through labor costs per vehicle by $850 to $900 this is huge because it’s going to affect their competitiveness especially compared to non-union automakers like Tesla Ford’s been laying off workers left and right they laid off about 400 workers from two plants in Michigan this

Was after they already laid off 330 workers at two other plants and GM they’re also laying off workers like 16 for at plants in Ohio and Indiana these layoffs are a direct result of the strike and it’s creating a ripple effect across the industry so all in all GM and

Ford are ditching their EV dreams and heading back to good old internal combustion engines or IC it’s like they’ve just woken up and realized hey maybe we’re not ready for this all electric future after all Icees are still King GM and Ford are making desperate moves back to what they know

Best so here we are in the midst of a huge EV market crash automakers like Ford and GM are scrambling to adjust their strategies but the path ahead is quite bumpy EVS despite their environmental appeal are proving to be a tougher sell than expected the dream of

An all electric future is facing a stark cold reality check and the impact on the automotive industry consumers and the environment is significant what’s clear is that the transition to EVS is going to be a much longer and bumpier road than we all thought for now hybrids and

Gas cars are still holding down the fort offering practicality and affordability that consumers are looking for the EV Revolution is far from over but it’s certainly going through some serious turbulence will automakers like Ford and GM be able to navigate this storm and come out stronger on the other side only

Time will tell let me know your thoughts down in the comments below I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

Ford & GM are DONE! We’re about to be HIT by the BIGGEST EV market crash in history, destroying both these companies forever! But hey, if you watch carefully, you might save yourself thousands of dollars! Just when we thought EVs were the future, the market started crashing hard! Ford and GM, once the biggest automakers are now begging the political leaders to stop the EV push!

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