Electric Cars

The 5 WEIRDEST electric cars in the world

The 5 WEIRDEST electric cars in the world

Hello Electro heads have you noticed that all electric cars are starting to look a little bit syy and even when there is an exciting new electric car unveiled it never really seems to see the light of day remember the T the the tub remember the Tesla cybertruck the

Futuristic door wedge of our dreams well that was originally slated for production in 2021 and it’s it’s 2023 now and there’s no sign of it I don’t know why I’m checking my watch it doesn’t tell me what year is why is there no sign of it possibly because

Elon Musk is preparing for a fight with Mark Zuckerberg as we speak which is what is happening with the world anyway the problem of design conversions is particularly pronounced in the electric car industry possibly because of the very design of an electric car which requires it to be built on a skateboard

Of batteries meaning it needs to be very wide and very tall there’s no joke there that’s this favors an SUV design or at least a crossover design and as we all know an SUV is a middle-aged person’s way of saying that they’ve given up on

Their youth and will soon be going to a couple’s counselor in the fruitless hope of rebooting their non-existent sex life so this video is not about SUVs as you probably guessed well actually I mean there is one SUV at the end but it’s it’s a very special SUV no this video is

About the most exciting electric cars in the world right now this is what the this is I can’t even talk I’m so excited this is about the cars with the best features the most exciting designs it’s about the wild it’s about the weird and it’s about the wonderful if this video

Was a click at school it would be like the weird goth kids that you thought were actually kind of cool but you were always slightly too scared to speak to so without further Ado let’s get Started at number one we have the potential Motors Adventure one quite a while ago I did a video about the X buus an exciting camper van a bit like the VW Camper van of old but redesigned for the electric era now the problem with this car is that it still doesn’t fing exist

It was slated for production in 2021 it’s now 2023 and there’s still no xbus where are you they’re saying it’s going to come out in 2024 but I don’t really believe them see the thing is now I’m over that because I found the potential Motors Adventure one look at this thing

Look at it let’s be honest it’s a North American version of the European xbus it’s meteor it’s more powerful and it’s well it’s less efficient it’s got 600 brake horsepower can we let’s just stop a minute when electric cars were invented we were like oh great this is a

More efficient way of getting from A to B we can save the planet yay and then the North American got involved and look USA you’re off the hook for once because this is actually Canadian these Tim hon loving maple syrup drinking beautiful idiots got involved in electric cars and

We’re like we need to put 600 brake horsepower of power in this car don’t we and they were like well yeah I don’t see why not uh maybe we want to drive up a mountain or something so that’s what they did and frankly I’m here for it

Good job Canada I’m not your buddy friend it has a range of 100 miles which is incredibly low for an electric car on account of it being so though massively inefficient but it does make up for it with some incredibly cool features like an active suspension which detects the

Terrain around you and adjust the ride accordingly so if there’s a rock over there don’t worry about it just drive straight over it it’s very American yeah it has a system called oros or oros our Ross anyway it does four main things so let’s go through those thing one AI based terrain

Analysis cuz exactly what we need right now is AI in machine that have capability of killing us thing number two proactive control vehicle adjustments happen proactively maximizing performance and safety thing number three energy optimization intelligent Control Systems optimize consumption so you can get that massive 100 miles of range number four broad

Compatibility it integrates seamlessly with a large array of vehicles now and emerging so Skynet it’s Skynet all of this comes at a hefty price tag though 120 ,000 which is that’s quite a lot of money and the thing is during my research I I think I discovered that the

Car isn’t actually licensed for onroad use which means that it’s basically off-road only and it cost $120,000 so this is a car for incredibly wealthy people who have private land I’m going to have Heidi lick some caviar off my balls in the meantime so in conclusion to car number one the x buus

Is really cool but doesn’t exist yet and the potential Motors Adventure one is also really cool but is for incredibly rich people with private land which is not Me at number two we have the squad solar yes the squad solar I absolutely love this car you can shove your electric Ford Raptors up your ass North America because this this is what we should all be driving the squad solar gang I’m not going to lie this is the best car that’s

Ever been designed in in my opinion and here’s why reason number one no parallel parking you can just drive directly into the parking space at like a 90° angle to the pavement pedestrians will go running for cover but as long as you slam on those brakes just nudge the wheels up to

The pavement you can fit into the tightest of parking spaces reason number two solar panels now solar panels on electric cars are a bit of a divisive topic many people have tried it Elon Musk says that it’s it’s not even really worth doing and that it’s basically

Impossible and he knows a thing or two about solar panels and actually one electric car company has gone out of business whilst trying to uh get the solar panel onto the electric car so yes maybe maybe it’s not the best thing in the world but I really do believe that

Squad solar are the people that have gotten it right I don’t know why I believe that have no evidence for it whatsoever but you can get 30 km of electric range out of the solar panels on the squad solar so if you really wanted to sorry by the way that’s on a

On a hot summers’s day um which yeah that’s so it’s not a car for England but never mind the 30 km you you could go and visit like a neighbor if you wanted to on that so yeah solar panels nice reason number three it only cost

$6,800 so you could have uh my math is pretty bad but what that like 15 to 20 of these for one potential Motors Adventure one $6,800 is cheaper than a Citron Ami I really believe that this type of car is the solution to City Driving get your massive cars off my

Road are Squad solar Squad my squad solo Squad we’re coming for you um we’re coming it’s really slowly um because the car doesn’t go that fast and we are having to stop quite often to charge up because we’ve only got 30 km of solar range it is worth noting that the

Battery gives you 100 km of range so if you really wanted to in this car you could go and visit a neighbor that lives quite far Away oh wait a second actually sorry speaking of squads as in you know clubs that we’re all in you do not talk about I want you to be part of my squad not my solar Squad my YouTube Squad I would like you to subscribe to the electric the electric heads the electri heads

YouTube channel this is going disastrously and I imagine a lot of people will be unsubscribing right now so please make up for those people and subscribe everyone who does in fact you will be in the squad solo Squad because everyone who subscribes right now will get a free Squad solo disclaimer Squad

Solo would like it to be known that they have no affiliation with Electro head limited and that not only will subscribers be disappointed not to receive free Squad solar car they will be disappointed with the videos released by Electro heads a company they seem to employ presenters that have an IQ lower

Than their age Squad solar advises that you stop watching this video reported to spam and never watch his channel again have a great day we’re staying small here guys we’re talking about the micr Lino you’ve probably seen this car it went viral on the lad Bible the actual Bible of lads

Which basically makes this The noers Arc of cars carrying Us 2 by two into the electric future speaking of Lads melino really know Their audience on their website they claim that the car can hold two people and three crates of beer in my house that’s known as a party my

Birthday party the other person is the Uber e delivery driver I trapped him and he won’t sing Happy Birthday to me and he won’t drink any of the beer that I ordered from him car number four no no no no we’re still on the microlino I really do love this little electric car

Because it sticks to the principle of Designing cars for specific use cases this is a city and Suburban car and I forgot the rest of the sentence this is for suburban and City driving which is why it only weighs 500 kg making it way more efficient than most cars that we

Currently Drive in our cities this is a good car it does actually have a range of over 200 km and a top speed of 60 MPH so if you were one incredibly Brave bastard you could actually do some inter city driving and go on the motorway but

It’s worth noting that if you did that if a bee hit your wind screen you’d be dead that’s it that’s the end of you there would be a total write off and there would be scraping your remains off the road for several weeks but at least you died doing something you loved

Looking like an absolute gangster in a microlino the microlino even has Heritage it’s basically a carbon copy of the insanely cool bubble cars from the 1960s a time when SUVs were still a twinkle in the eye of some German car designer and the best part 17 horsepower

That means you need 35 micros to match the power of one potential Motors Adventure one if you so much as at too much for lunch the microlino would really struggle to move you but who cares it looks cool car number four the Nissan Secura we move Now we

Move on to Nissan the company that basically invented the modern electric car with the Nissan Leaf now you might say that all of Nissan’s electric cars are incredibly boring and you’d be right but but before you come after me they are very very good cars so look I’m

Saying they’re boring I’m also saying they’re good I’m not offending you it’s your choice totally up to you but if you own one let’s face it you’re an accountant that’s your job anyway the Nissan Secura is Nissan is Nissan’s thirdd everever electric car and it’s here to brighten up your day you grumpy

Let’s have a look at this thing let’s have a look at it it’s available in 15 different colors four of which are inspired by the natural beauty of the seasons in Japan I don’t know why I’m saying this bit so slowly this is Nissan’s first ever electric K car

Giving you 65 horsepower and 110 mil or 180 kmers of range but these things aren’t important here we don’t care about the spec or the features what matters is it has a motor it has wheels it’s a car but curable it’s more than a car you can plug your house into the

Nissan Secura and power your house for up to 24 hours that’s right you can plug your actual home into the car and you can make your toast in the morning now this might seem seem like a fun novel thing but in Japan where there are lots of earthquakes it’s actually a really

Useful thing to have because the power grid can go down fairly often so good job Nissan and I think dog might have just got a new rival as Man’s Best Friend the Nissan Secura it’s a really good cup of tea but you know what makes it so good is the

Mug available now at LR heads.com on the merchandise tab check out our merch electr heads sip away oh that’s sucks the interior of the Nissan Secura doesn’t disappoint either we’ve heard so many electric car companies over the years saying that their new interior is inspired by a living room and it’s like

Driving around in the comfort of your own home most of the time these claims do end up disappointing but the Nissan Secura doesn’t really look like it was inspired so much as a living room as bean bags and clouds it looks amazing and even Elliot I don’t know why I say

Even Elliot it’s not as though he’s a hard Taskmaster Elliot the Japan correspondent from fully charged called it the most comfortable seat I’ve ever sat in High Praise honestly we desperately need to come up with a K car classification and prioritize them in Europe and the UK and encourage people

To drive them because this is exactly the type of car we should be driving in our urban areas Bravo Nissan for this absolute Beauty car number five are you one of the people that’s been watching this video and thinking what are all these tiny little electric cars that aren’t very high powerered I’m

A man I need things to be fast and I need them to be powerful well man do I have the car for you I can’t tell you how many times I’ve emailed Elon mus without reply and asked him to make an estate version of the Tesla Model 3 the

Tesla Model 3 in my eyes is pretty much the perfect car it really appeals to the speed freaking me but I also love the minimalist interior and all of the cool new futuristic design features in the car but there’s one problem with it and the problem is how are you going to get

All that junk up in that trunk you can’t because it’s not an estate car and that’s why estate cars a perfect why I asked have we turned our back on the beautiful boxy Volvos of the ‘ 80s and the ’90s these cars were effectively perfect we need to look in the mirror

And ask ourselves have we gone wrong and we need to admit that yes yes Humanity we have we need to go back to a simpler time to the ’90s and start all wearing Shack bands and listening to the Spice Girls again and driving around in aate

Cars now I am acutely aware I’ve called several different types of car in this video the perfect car from a camper van to a very small car but this time I really mean it this is Mr bullsh doctor I’m full the estate car is the perfect classification of car and you can’t

Really do much better than the Neo et5 it’s like a perfect cross between the Tesla Model 3 and the Posh tyan the Posh the Posh Porsche tyan cross to rismo this is Neo’s first electric car designed in Europe for a European audience and I think they’ve done a

Really great job with the design of this car now I’m going to talk about the features and I’ve tried to record this next section several times without looking at my notes and I can’t do it so forgive me when I just look at my notes

A couple of times in this section so in terms of range this car has up to 550 km or 340 M of range in normal weather and in cold weather testing it has 380 km of range or 240 Mi of range so these are not game-changing numbers but in a city

In a country tree with good charging infrastructure they are more than adequate this is helped by the fact that it has a not to 80% fast charge in around 30 minutes for me this is the electric answer to a car like the Audi RS4 on account of its breathtakingly

Quick not to 60 time of 4 seconds so we’re in Tesla Model 3 Type territory here I think this is a car for dads who are cool I’m neither cool or a dad so sadly this car is not for me bonus car you didn’t think that I would leave you

With just five car cars in this video did you we haven’t taken a trip to India yet and at Electro heads we always take a trip to India you see the thing about Indian electric cars right is that they’re actually kind of the best they take Japanese things European things

American things and they SM smush them together into something that’s just always brilliant and Bonkers never seen any of these cars that I’ve talked about in real life but I’ve got a really good feeling about the Prague Interceptor now it’s different to the Jensen Interceptor from the’ 60s or 70s or whenever that

Was but I think it’s actually a lot cooler and here it is it’s a rugged off-road SUV which means no doors cold you do some press-ups get warmer this is for rugged people if this car was a person it would basically be B grills with wheels that’s he wouldn’t be a

Person then it’d be like a person car hybrid anyway Electro heads refreshing what the hell are you talking about so here’s the thing about this car it’s actually based on the praag defi which looks like a cross between a Pulstar and a Range Rover and is available for public

Purchase in India but they decided just to rip the doors off and make an off-road rugged SUV version that’s just available for the Indian military and there’s no word yet on whether the Indian military even wants this car they’ve just made them a car I don’t

Think there’s a contract there I I did some research couldn’t find it out um so yeah just a random off-road SUV that only the Indian military are allowed to buy but I’ll tell you who does want this car me sell it to mad I know that the

Editor is going to use a runny Pickering meme there so just calling that one now yeah me look at that boxy back end this was designed by somebody who just absolutely hates curves they only move from A to B in straight lines if there’s a building in their way they just drive

Straight through it that’s why they made the praag Interceptor to just crash through buildings because they hate curves they hate round things they hate going around things they’re all about the boxers I actually found loads of insane Indian electric cars during my research this is just one of them and I

Was thinking about making an entire video about all of the weird and wonderful stuff I found but I don’t know if anyone actually wants that so if you do drop a comment down below telling me either way um I’ll tot up the scores and decide what I’m going to do next and if

You haven’t and you’ve gotten this far into the video just subscribe like the video subscribe to the to the channel That would be a really nice thing to do we actually have a competition at Electro heads to see who can get the most subscribers on a monthly basis and

The winner gets to drive the citen Amy for an entire month so please I want to drive the Amy around will Wilbur could could you could you pipe down please so this is the the kind of thing we have to deal with here at electr heads while I’m trying to ask you to

Subscribe to the channel our editors just deciding to to go and gas about his weekend in the corner I’ve had to ask him to be quiet and he’s probably editing this now so he’s going to make me look like a right idiot anyway please subscribe to the channel so I can drive

The Citron Ami with the electr heads branding which will be on your screen now it’s really cool we’re quite proud of it and thank you so much for putting up with my dumb face for an entire 10 minutes which is probably going to be the length of this video thanks for

Watching I’ll see you again Soon

Are you tired of the electric car stereotype that they’re all about compromise and lack excitement? Well, fear not, because here are 5 totally weird electric cars that will take your breath away! 😳

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0:00 These cars suck…
1:08 The most exciting cars in the WORLD
1:33 Car 1
4:36 Car 2
6:53 Car 3
9:27 Car 4
12:01 Car 5

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