
Mercedes-Benz awards the third Sustainability Prize at the 38th Festival d’Hyères. | #shorts

Mercedes-Benz awards the third Sustainability Prize at the 38th Festival d’Hyères. | #shorts

Created to inspire sustainable fashion design, Mercedes-Benz awards the brand’s third Sustainability Prize at the 38th Festival d’Hyères. This year’s fashion finalists
were encouraged to upcycle materials from Mercedes-Benz passenger cars within their looks in competition for the prize. The campaign spotlighted the finalists’ looks
in competition alongside the C 111 artwork by Michael Sailstorfer.
#mercedesbenz #MercedesBenzFashion #Hyeres38
Michael Sailstorfer, „C111“, 2011, Mercedes 190E (W201), Mercedes-Benz Art Collection, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023, Photo: Kristin-Lee Moolman & Zach Apo-Tsang

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