Electric Motorcycles

Electric Dirt Bikes! Any fun?

Electric Dirt Bikes! Any fun?

So first impressions of these things is they’re pretty darn easy to ride if you have any kind of dirt biking experience on a regular motorcycle swapping over to one of these is going to be pretty Simple well hi guys Lance here from the Rocky Mountain Life channel and uh kind of a special treat today I’m out here with ferret face and I’m riding his uh rental Taria sting ebike this is electronic bike all three of our bikes here today are electric bikes so no internal combustion engines

Today first time I’ve ever ridden one of these and this guy you see right in front of me here is my nephew technically my wife’s nephew Daniel he’s from the Philippines So Daniel has a uhhuh you all right so Daniel has never ridden a dirt

Bike before he has done a little bit of mountain biking before but this is all kind of a new experience turn it off turn back on that look like a Minnesota license played on that bike you know I love my Beta but I have a real soft spot for Hondas like that

Huskies don’t talk to me too much but I sure love The Hondas all right that looks like their group so I’m kind of letting Aaron teach him because faace is more experienced than I am he’s taught more Riders to ride um so I feel like his advice is going to be a little

Bit better for Daniel nice he went right up that good job so um I’m not sure what kind of content this is going to be today guys um this because we’re working with Daniel but uh I’m excited about the prospect of riding this ebike having

Never done it and I am not a uh not a tree hugger or you know environmental type of person by any stretch however um this is the future as much as a lot of us may not like that this is going to be the future and it’s kind of cool to be

Able to get out and try one of these things out they are a little bit cheaper to buy buy one of these than it is to buy an actual dirt bike an internal combustion engine so just you know I mean it’s not that horrible a thing to get

Into um the range is always a concern these days I’m waiting for the technology of the batteries to catch up better so they’re actually on um two matching raw mantis ebikes and I’m on a tarious steam and ferret phas and his buddy Meer extreme sell both of these they also

Rent them uh the reason why I’m able to ride these today is because they’re not being rented today uh it’s a weekday of course it’s Thursday so that’s how we are able to do this and really appreciate faace being willing to let Daniel and I come out and do

This I just hope we Daniel’s already gone down once as you saw I just hope that we doesn’t do it very often oh that got me all wet and I’m wearing jeans going to be filthy so this is the future though and you know and I I don’t really

Have an issue with the whole concept of an ebike my only concern I’ve ever had is range and durability you know to be able to handle proper dirt biking now this uh Taria sting that I’m on has got upgraded rims upgraded battery pack so extra range it’s got you know beefier tires on

It and I think they’ve even probably upgraded the suspension if I’m not mistaken so this is not a stock one you can get one set up like this but it’s it’s pretty pricey not as much as my Beta but they’re still you know they’re they’re certainly not cheap cheap

Things it’s small that the frame is small keep going Daniel keep going I should have stayed closer to him so I could film it but I’m trying not to crowd him and make him feel pressured oh he got right up through there no problem so a lot of the purpose of this

Ride today guys is to show Daniel a part of the country he’s never been to the US before he’s been to Australia he lived in Australia for a couple years um but he’s never been to the US of course first time in Colorado so what do you do

When you come to Colorado you go to the mountains got to show him our Mountain terrain and Beauty and the forest and all that fun stuff one thing I will say is for my height a little over 6 fet um these bikes are small and short so standing for me is

Fairly uncomfortable um I would need massive bar risers on these but it’s really light it’s you know I mean it weighs what 15 lbs or something 140 lb so we’re hitting some M green easy level ATV Trails 50-in ATV trails today um just going to take it easy trying to

Let Daniel do his thing get his sort of sea legs underneath him and get used to just the whole thing of feeling a bike move underneath you on uneven terrain that’s really what I think is a lot of the challenge for people when they’re getting into dirt biking if

They’ve never done it even if they’ve ridden road motorcycles before or even if they’ve done it a lot um it’s just different when you’ve got all this changing terrain and sand and gravel and things like that that are just different than what you’re accustomed

To and a lot of it is just sort of getting used to how the bike behaves as you let it roll through all these funny little bumps and whoops and tree roots and things like that again really appreciative of fairet face for letting us ride these today he even drove out basically we

Just showed up most of the gear that Daniel’s wearing came from fet face as well so really appreciate all that his willingness to help out so I don’t know a whole lot about these ebikes guys and for those of you who watch very many of my videos you

Know that I don’t really do research and things in advance I’m I’m not I’m not Ian from Big Rock Moto um I do this as a hobby and I do it for entertainment Ian it’s his job it’s how he supports his family and I love Ian’s videos don’t get me wrong I’m not

Bashing him at all I love his videos I watch them um a lot and uh when I want information about a bike I usually go to him uh because he’s so detailed and I love that me personally I’m unwilling to do that much work um that much research

To get into the nitty-gritty specs and things like that I take these bikes out and I push record on my camera and I go for a ride so that’s pretty much all I do so I don’t know a whole lot about this um I would say you know the power

On this thing it’s got different modes so you can go sport mode which will drain your battery faster and it’s got like nine levels so like right now I’m in Eco 9 so Eco 9 is sort of the max power of the Eco Mode eco mode will is

Is less power it’s not full power if you go into sport 9 on this particular bike the Taria sting and that’s max power and that’s going to feel like you know probably like a a 300 roughly this is a little bit muted Maybe more like a

250 um of course being an ebike if anybody’s ever driven an e vehicle like a Tesla or any of these electric cars instant torque Instant Power um so you got to get used to that but it’s got different levels I’ve got it in Eco

9 and for this sort of thing and at the speed that we’re going here it’s fine but you can lift the front tire pretty easily on these things if you really wanted to just with the throttle power wheelies and things like that not going to be a problem

And if anybody is actually interested in either renting one or buying one if you you know maybe have already ridden one and you know you like them um they’re a little bit harder to find right now especially in Colorado but A&M Moto toys my buddies that’s the fairet Face’s shop

With Meer extreme they are dealers they are licensed dealers of both the tarus sting and the raw mantis which is what Daniel and ferace up front are writing so if anybody’s wanting to know more wanting to ride one of these and test ride it and rent

It um I can get you hooked up I can get you in contact with them that’s no biggie I will say that the brakes on this are a little awkward um they don’t have great feel they’re also noisy they work but it is a little bit noisy but

Faace told me I wouldn’t like the brakes on this one uh they’re they’re okay but yeah you can hear that squeak That’s The Brak boy they’re just so light and maneuverable that if you get into anything that you want to paddle your feet on or anything like that super easy

To do they’re not topheavy at all cuz the battery pack is down where the engine would be on a traditional motorcycle so that’s where your weight is so the weight your Center gravity is pretty low so in that sense it’s you know it’s not Tippy topheavy at all even my Beta

Which is pretty darn light once it gets tipped over to a certain angle it gets kind of hard to hold it up this is not going to be any big deal I can already tell so first impressions of these things is they’re pretty darn easy to

Ride if you have any kind of dirt biking experience on a regular motorcycle swapping over to one of these is going to be pretty simple

My first time on an Ebike, and my nephew’s first trail ride ever.

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